US Constitution

US Constitution
US Constitution

Sunday, April 29, 2018

AP US Government and Politics Released Exam

Go to the following link to the AP Government released exam. Select a question that no one has done yet, in your post copy the question, correct answer, and rationale for why it is the right answer. There is an answer key at the end of the MC section. You will have to come up with the reasoning for why it is correct. Once all 60 MC questions have been taken, the remaining students must select a section from one of the free response questions and do the same for it.


  1. 11. The most important source of the Supreme Court’s caseload is
    The correct answer is B) its appellate jurisdiction. Since the Supreme Court is the highest federal court of the United States, appellate jurisdiction allows a higher court to review and change outcomes of the decisions released by lower courts, which is the main source of the work the Supreme Court does regarding cases. The appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is also written in Article III, Section 2 which states “In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make”.

    -Anne Dang, 4th period

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  3. 1. Which of the following is an example of checks and balances: D) The requirement that president appointments to the supreme court be approved by senate. This is an example of checks and balances because it prevents the president from appointing people he wants leading to a dictatorship and checks his power. The senates approval gives a balance of power between two legal bodies.

    Period 4
    Epstein Jacob

  4. Question 2

    The graph above supports which of the following statements?
    A: People with higher incomes are more likely to think of themselves as conservatives than those with smaller incomes. The available graph clearly shows that with increasing income the percentage of population whose political values are conservative increases. Choices B, D, and E are definitely wrong. Choice C might confuse you if you over analyze the question.

    Tanmay Shah
    Period 4

  5. 32). Political socialization is a process by which

    (A) the use of private property is regulated by the government
    (B) governments communicate with each other
    (C) public attitude towards government are measured and recorded
    (D) political values are passed to the next generation
    (E) children are trained for successful occupations
    The answer is D (political values are passed to the next generation) because socialization is obtaining political values and opinions through exposure to the people's opinions around you and this explains why most people have political values similar to that of their parents.
    Mitchell Arwine, period 4

  6. Elizabeth Stech
    Period 4

    Question 3: A primary election in which voters are required to identify a party preference before the election and are not allowed to split their ticket is called-
    C) Closed primary

    Explanation- The definition of a closed party is the following: A type of direct primary limited to registered party members, who must declare their party affiliation in order to vote. The closed primary serves to encourage party unity and prevent members of other parties from infiltrating and voting to nominate weak candidates.

  7. 5.the primary function of Political action committees(PAC's) is to:
    The coreect answer is E) raise campaign funds to support favored candidates

    Answers B,C,D don't have anything to do with giving money and therefore cannot be the answers.
    We know the function of PACS are to give money to candidates of their liking.
    Therefore answer choice A is also wrong because PACS don't give money to every challenger running in the election.

    -Rithvik Bommareddy, 4th Period

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  9. Yash Parmar
    8. The purpose of a conference committee is (to reconsile differences in bills passed by the house and senate)

    In order for a bill to become a law, both houses have to approve the same bill.

  10. 18. Which of the following generalizations about group voting tendencies is true?
    A. Jewish voters tend to vote Republican
    B. Protestant voters tend to be more liberal than Roman Catholics on economic issues
    C. More women than men identify themselves as republicans
    D. Rural voters are more likely to support Democratic candidates than are urban voters
    E. African american democrats tend to support the more liberal candidates within their party.
    E is true because all the others are basically opposites of what is true, and E is accurate because liberal democrats tend to be more concerned with social equality and with getting rid of discrimination between races and such, therefore benefitting African Americans. Hence they would prefer more liberal Democrats who support things such as Affirmative action.
    Anna Mayzenberg 5Th period

  11. 60. Griswold v Connecticut and Roe v Wade are both similar Supreme Court Cases in that both cases are based on

    B. The right of privacy

    Griswold v Connecticut established that making contraceptives illegal was a violation of marital privacy.

    Roe v Wade established that the making abortions illegal opposed a woman’s right to privacy

    Raoof Ali
    Period 5

  12. 21. Congressional standing committees are best described as
    D) Permanent subject-matter committees
    Permanant panels to which all similar bills are sent, is to consider each bill as it's introduced. Most of them deal with particular policy matters, for example: veterans' affairs.

    Pamela Gheriafi
    Period 4

  13. 31) in McCulloch vs Maryland, the Supreme Court established which of the following principles?
    Answer: A; states cannot interfere with or tax the legitimate activities of the federal government.
    Reason: the only 2 answer choices that have to do with state vs federal rights were A and C. We know that McCulloch vs Maryland had to do with a loss for the states power, answer choice A was the best.

  14. 17. In a federal system of government, political power is primarily
    D. divided between the central government and regional governments
    A federal system is where political authority is divided between two autonomous sets of governments, one national and other subnational. Our national is our central and our subnational is our regional.

    Cassie De Leon
    4th period

  15. Question #7
    Registered voters directly elect which of the following:

    D) Members of the senate and members of the House of Representatives

    Explanation: The first option says that voters elect the President and Vice President directly, but that is done by the electoral college and the Vice President is chosen along with the presidential candidate they chose to run with. The Supreme Court justices are nominated by the President and approved by members of the Senate. Voters only elect their congressional representatives directly.

    Julianna Hastreiter
    Period 5

  16. 45) The "Miranda Warning" represents an attempt to protect criminal suspects against:

    A. Unfair police interrogation

    Explanation: The Miranda warnings were mandated by the 1966 United States Supreme Court decision in the case of Miranda v. Arizona as to protect a criminal suspect's Fifth Amendment right to help avoid self-incrimination during police interrogation.

    Kriti Bansal
    Period 5

  17. 59. The Establishment Clause in the First Amendment does which of the following?

    C. Prohibits the setting up of a state church

    The establishment clause prevents the government from establishing a nationwide religion. The clause also prevents the creation of laws that favor one religion over another. The clause prohibits the forcing of an individual to believe in religion so a state church would violate this clause.

    Bryan Ta
    4th Period

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  20. 16. The importance of Shay's Rebellion to the development of the United States Constitution was that it?

    C. Indicated that a strong, constitutionally, designed national government was needed to protect property and maintain order.

    Shays’s Rebellion was a rebellion among farmers in Massachusetts that began in 1786. Grievances and protests, rising from economic chaos, were voiced by the poor farmers in Massachusetts. Their protests were largely ignored. Shays's rebellion showed clearly the weakness of the Articles of Confederation, leading to Convention to rewrite the Articles.

    Michelle Phan
    Period 5

  21. 14. Which of the following did the most to expand civil rights in the 1950's?

    E. The Supreme Court decision declaring state-mandated school segregation to be unconstitutional

    Since Plessy V Ferguson, blacks were considered "separate but equal" because it was believed they were getting equal treatment and privileges with the separation. However, with the court case Brown V Board of Education, segregated schools was ruled to be unconstitutional with the 14th Amendment, thus it was large step toward equality for the African Americans. The court case reversed "separate but equal" and initiated desegregation in public accomodations.

    Jun Hin Loi
    Period 4

  22. Tha Real 30. Most of the individual protections of the Bill of Rights now apply to the states because of the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Constitution's

    E. Fourteenth Ammendment

    The judicial interpretation of the 14th amendment of the Constitution was "equal protection under the law". Because of this ruling, the Constitutional Amendments apply to the states. The other answers were wrong because they contained parts or amendments of the Constitution that are not relevant to this.

    Alan Cummins

  23. 36. Which of the following procedures results in the removal of the president from office?
    (B) The House votes for impeachment, and the Senate conducts a trial and reaches a guilty verdict
    The definition of Impeachment in the textbook is the political equivalent of an indictment in criminal law, prescribed by the Constitution. The House of Representatives may impeach the president by a majority vote for “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Knowing the definition allows the reader to omit other answers that do not fit and conclude B.

    Josie Henry
    4th period

  24. Question #15
    Which of the following is true about the right of free speech, as currently interpreted by the Supreme Court?
    A. It protects the right to express opinions even without the actual use of words
    The Supreme court uses these examples for freedom of speech both direct (words) and symbolic (actions). In the ruling of Texas v. Johnson it gives the right of burning a flag in protest this is protected with freedom of speech as it is a symbol of exercising your rights without words.

    Michael Chan
    4th period

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  26. 55. Which of the following form an "iron triangle"?

    E. Executive department, Congressional committee, interest group

    Iron triangles are composed of interest group leaders interested in a particular policy, the government agency in charge of administering that policy, and the members of congressional committees and subcommittees handling that policy.

    Alexis Chan
    Period 5

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  28. Question #24
    The data displayed in the table above best support which of the following statements?
    C. House seats are safer from election turnover than are Senate seats.
    The House from 1958 - 1986 averaged over 93% reelection while the Senate from 1958 - 1986 averaged just over 77%. That is a 16% difference which is statistically huge.

    Cameron Walker
    Period 4

  29. 28. In the 1992 election, the membership of Congress was altered significantly by an increase in the number of?
    E. Minorities and women
    The increase in minorities in Congress coincided with the presidential elections where the Democratic party of Clinton reigned over the Republican party. Also, many members of Congress were resigning that year due to scandals and other factors, allowing space to be open in Congress for new members.

    Ambareen Virani
    Period 4

  30. 54. The request of recent Presidents for the line-item veto is a challenge to which of the following principals?

    A. Separation of Powers

    Because a line-item veto is the presidential power to strike specific items from a spending bill, it interferes with the Supreme Courts decision that declared this unconstitutional. This goes against seperation of powers because it gives too much power to the president

    Jenina Bianty
    Period 5th

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  32. 56. An election involving more than two candidates in which the person who receives the most votes is the winner is called
    (C) A plurality election
    In a plurality system, the candidate who polls more votes than any other candidate is elected, regardless if they win the majority.

    Shweta Mathews
    Period 4

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  34. Cabinet members often do not have dominant influence on presidential decision making because
    A) cabinet members generally maintain close independent ties to congress.
    B) cabinet members generally view their postion only as a stepping stone to further their own political ambitions
    C) cabinet members are not permitted to disagree publicly with the president.
    D) presidential goals often conflict with the institutional goals of individual cabinet level agencies

    E) only half of all cabinet members can be memebees of the presidential party

    The correct answer is D
    Because cabinet members are not like the independent regulatory agencies. Their decisions rarely matter and they mostly are in conflict with the presidents view due to the fact that the senate basically elects the secretary that directs the institution . If the senate does not like the person the president will not nominate him knowing he will not be accepted.

    Bill-bradley period 4

  35. 29. Discrimination in public accommodation was made illegal in the United States as a direct result of the
    C) Civil Rights of 1964
    The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin, is considered one of the crowning legislative achievements of the civil rights movement.

    Feba Abraham
    Period 4

  36. 27) Which of the following is articulated in the War Powers Resolution?

    C) The presidential must bring troops home from hostilities within 60-90 days, unless Congress extends the time.

    The war powers act was designed to limit the presidents control over military actions abroad. The law required the president to notify the congress when armed forces are deployed and how long they will remain engaged.

  37. Jubin Joseph
    Period 5

    51.)Which of the following is the most accurate statement about political parties in the United States?

    B.) The percentage of voters identifying themselves as either Democrats or Republicans has been declining since the 1970’s

    This is the most accurate answer because it has gotten harder and harder to stay with one party because people don't side with every single issue the party does.

  38. Zoheb Khawaja 5th
    Question 19.) A corporate lobbyist would be least likely to have an informal discussion about a pending policy matter with which of the following?
    Answer: D a federal judge in whose court a case important to the corporation is being heard.
    Reason: The reason to why this is the correct answer is because it often doesn't have the internal expertise or connections needed to find the right government official and fully examine all the issues and concerns that need to be addressed.

  39. #48
    When 18 to 21 year olds received the right to vote in 1971, in the 1972 national elections they did which of the following?
    D) Turned out at a lower rate than the rest of the electorate
    Younger people always vote less than everyone else

    Sophie Wedgeworth
    Period 5

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  41. 9. Supreme Court Justices were given tenure subject to good behavior by the Framers of the constitution in order to ensure that

    A.) Justices are free from direct political pressures.
    The Framers of the Constitution certainly wanted Supreme Court Justices to be independent and make decisions not based on political influence but based on what would be best for the country, therefore granting them a lifetime position during good behavior and salaries that could not be diminished for the duration of their incumbency to eliminate political influence.

    Ashel Jaimon
    Period 4

  42. 43. One of the formal tools used by Congress for oversight of the bureaucracy is

    B.) Authorization of spending
    Congress also monitors the federal bureaucracy to make sure that it acts properly, if they are'nt following through on certain rules its up to Congress to step in.

  43. 4. When selecting a vice-presidential candidate, a presidential nominee is usually concerned primarily with choosing a running mate who

    B)adds balance and appeal to the national ticket
    Presidential nominees assess their needs differently and elect to send different signals through their choice. They usually want someone who have the same political ideology and are from the same party. Most tickets have some geographic balance. They want to cover as many states as geographically possible to bring in more votes. Presidents want someone who will balance themselves out.

    Janice Wilson
    Period 5

  44. 10. The committee system is more important in the House than in the Senate because

    D. The House is so large that work can be accomplished in committees than on the floor

    The house does have 435 members compared to the senate which only has 100 members so it makes sense to hold it in the House. They have multiple committees for problem with legislatures and to get bills passed.

    Sarah Sultan
    Period 4

  45. Lauren Chamberlin
    Period 5

    13. Presidents have had the most success in changing the direction of decisions of the federal judiciary by...
    D. Using the appointment process to select judges with judicial philosophies similar to those of the President.
    The reason D is the answer is because in the Constitution it states that the President nominates those for the Supreme Court or judicial positions (though they don't usually pay much attention to any besides SC), and then Congress confirms those nominations. Since political parties were implemented, the President in office has always tended to nominate someone pertaining to their party or ideology because they want their support. The President wants someone who will agree with their opinions and not vote against them in a session.

  46. Natalie Dye Period 5
    53. Which of the following is an accurate statement about committees in Congress?
    D. Standing committees oversee the bureaucracy's implementation of legislation.
    The reason D is the answer is because standing committees are committees that are always in Congress, so they are able to oversee their departments because they are constantly supervised. Also, A, B, and E are obviously wrong, because committees do more than just submit bills to their House, Congress members can be on more than one committee, and Committee recommendations can throw a bill out before it takes the floor.

  47. 58. A fundamental power of the federal bureaucracy lies in

    E. The ability to set specific guidelines after receiving a mandate from congress

    This is clearly the correct anwser choice as without this power, congress would have complete controll over the federal bureacracy. This allows for bureaucratic discretion and limits the ability of cogress to controll the bureaucracy, and in turn the processes it controlls. This also follows along the democratic idea of checks and balances, wheren the power of one part of the government is limited by the powers of another.

  48. 37) Interest groups and political parties both promote United States democracy by
    C.linking citizens to the political process
    The reason the answer is C is because Parties can promote democratic government and facilitate citizenship by aggregating and articulating the interests of citizens and politicians; by organizing coalitions of smaller interest groups; by assisting in coordinating elections; by coordinating the legislative process; and finally, by facilitating collective political action.

  49. 47) Critical elections in the United States typically have occurred?

    E. When groups of voters have changed their traditional patterns of party loyalties

    The answer is E because all the other answer choice made no sense. I used process of elimination to find the right answer. Also this always what happened when the U.S. has a critical election.

    Abin Manuel
    5th Period

  50. 3) A primary election in which voters are required to identify a party preference before the election and are not allowed to split their ticket is called

    C. A closed primary

    The answer is clearly C because a open primary “A” is when voters are not required to declare party affiliation. A blanket primary “B” is a means of hazing conducted peer group. A runoff party “C” is a provided nomination by majority rather than by plurality. Lastly a presidential preference primary “E” is when voters indicate preferences for nominees for president.

    Erin Randle
    Period 5

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  52. 25. Which of the following actions can Congress take if the Supreme Court finds a federal law unconstitutional?

    D.Try to amend the Constitution

    D is the correct answer because their only choice is to try to have the Constitution amended and ratified since the US Supreme Court has the last say in Constitutional Law.

    Jyotis Joy
    Period 5

  53. 52. The congressional power that has been contested most frequently in the federal courts is the power to

    E. Regulate interstate commerce

    E is correct because The Commerce Clause describes a power listed in the Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3). The clause states that Congress shall have power "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes

    Tom Joseph
    Period 4

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  55. 12. A president attempting to influence Congress to pass a legislative program might employ all of the strategies EXCEPT

    C. denying campaign reelection funds to legislators who oppose the President's policy stand

    C is the right answer because the President wouldn't deny a campaign money, especially one that doesn't like the policy, because he needs to get on their good side in hopes of them being in favor of the policy.

    Raina Abraham
    5th period

  56. Stephen Kelly
    period 4

    44)Decisions reached by the Supreme Court under the leadership of Chief Justice Earl Warren (1953-1969) did all of following EXCEPT

    (C) invalidate state abortion statutes

    Warren worked to nationalize the Bill of Rights by applying it to the states. Moreover, in one of the landmark cases decided by the Court, Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), the Warren Court affirmed a constitutionally protected right of privacy, emanating from the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, also known as substantive due process.[29] This decision was fundamental, after Warren's retirement, for the outcome of Roe v. Wade and consequent legalization of abortion.

  57. 42. All of the following have contributed to an increase in presidential power in the post-1945 era EXCEPT

    E. legislation granting the President the power to impound funds appropriated by Congress

    Impounding funds from Congress leaves us in increasingly more debt.

    Kale Wicks
    Period 4

  58. Radhika Daru
    period 5

    FRQ #3 Is Congress effective in exercising legislative oversight of the federal bureaucracy? Support using two methods

    yes/no (opinion based) The two methods could be the president and the judiciary. These would be examples because the President has veto power over other institutions as he/she has the power of the executive branch of the government. Additionally, the judiciary would work as an answer because the supreme court (which holds judiciary power) can deem bills and laws suggested by the legislative as against the constitution, thereby exercising oversight on the legislature as a whole.

  59. Luke Matthews
    Period 5

    Question 56:
    An election involving more than two candidates where the person who receives the most votes is the winner is called-

    Answer: C. Plurality Election

    C is the correct answer because the definition of a plurality election is the following: an electoral process in which the candidate who polls more votes than any other candidate is elected.

  60. Question 34:

    The advantages of incumbency in congressional elections include which of the following?

    A) I and II only

    I. Incumbents reeive more campaign contributions than do
    II. Incumbents are able to provide important services for
    individual voters.

    I and II are the only incumbency advantages included, as I is clearly confirmed by the increase of funding toward incumbents when compared with new congressional candidates. In addition, the last three options (III, IV, V) are incorrect as neither the government nor president endorses incumbents for reelection, and public opinion on Congress is mixed. Leaving II, which is correct due to the presence of credit claiming.

    Jackson Stanley
    Period 5

  61. Question 22

    Q. All of the following powers are granted to the president by the Constitution EXCEPT

    A. E) Forming new cabinet-level departments

    Explanation: Only Congress has the authority to create or establish departments. There are things like the WH Chief of Staff but they are not completely official and can be created by the president. Cabinets such as the Department of Education required Congress to approve and create the official position.

    Robert Slaybaugh
    4th Period

  62. Sydney Sandford
    pd. 4

    FRQ#1 In the 1990's the presidential election campaign have become more candidate centered and less focused on issues and party labels.This change has een attributed both to how the media covers presidential campaigns and to how candidates use the media. Indentify and explain two ways in which the media have contributed to candidate-centered presidential campaigns. Identify and explain two ways in which presidential candidates use of the media has contributed to candidate centered campaign.

    answer:The two ways the media has contributed to candidate centered campaigns is (a)minimizing the plolitical party (b) focusing more on the candidates background by taking the attention off of the policies the candidate will try to implement and only focusing on their personality or personal history can either make them seem extremely relatable or very hated by the public. The two ways the presidential candidate can use the media for a more candidate centered campaign is (a) engaging in positive activities for news coverage. Which can happen by the candidate doing a homeless food drive and just by "luck" the news comes to arrive and gives off a pleasent appearence to the public.(b) Also by releasing negative information about their opponents especially through commercials and ads. The media has had a very impactful hand in presidential elections but also the candidates seem to use it to their advantage as well.

  63. 50. A state has 11 electoral votes. In a presidential election, the Democratic candidate receives 48 percent of that state's popular vote, the Republican candidate receives 40 percent of the vote, and an independent candidate receives 12 percent of the vote. If the state is similar to most other states, how will the electoral votes most likely be allocated?

    C. The Democratic candidate will receive all 11 electoral votes
    48 states in the United States follow the winner-takes-all system of electoral votes. Only Maine and Nebraska split their electoral votes.

    Rendon Reinarz
    Period 5

  64. Dominic Kochen
    5th Period
    FRQ#3 National interest groups often target national level policy-making institutions to achieve their policy objectives. Select one of the following interest groups.

    Answer: The NAACP targets the the legislative branch of the united states as well as the board of education. They reach these levels of influence through thorough use of online social medias by which they convey their ideas, host online webpages, and organize rallies and marches around the country. They also reach this audience through offering scholarship to people of color as well as minority group members and providing some basic levels of funding at the state and private regions of education. Through this they are able to reach the highest points of policy makers agendas.

  65. 46) The reserved powers of the state governments can best be described as those powers ____

    A. not specifically granted to the national government or denied to the states.

    This is the correct answer because the 10th Amendment does not enumerate the powers bequeathed to the State Governments but rather states that all powers not listed in the constitution belongs to the states. Choice C is a red herring.

    Matthew Whaley
    Period 4

  66. If anyone still hasn't done it, here's a list of what was left when I found mine.
    6, 20, 23, 26, 33, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 49
    FRQ#1&3 are taken

  67. 26) Which of the following statements about Congress is true?
    B. The legislative process is frequently lengthy, decentralized, and characterized by compromise and bargaining.

    This is the correct answer because it describes the process of passing a bill in one sentence. To pass the bill, one side must reach out to their fellow congresspeople on the other party and make them switch sides on the issue, often giving them something in return, sometimes bills can take up to 3-4 years to pass, and it has to go through both Senate and House of Reps to pass, and has to be the same version of the bill, and is decentralized. The rest of the answer choices are also easy rule-outs.
    Mohammad Ejaz
    4th period

  68. 6) Which of the following conclusions about income distribution during the Reagan administration is supported by the table above?
    C. The share of income received by the highest fifth increased, whereas the share relieved by the lowest fifth decreased.

    This is the correct answer because the table above the question clearly shows that in the years 1980, 1984. and 1988 the shares of the highest fifth increased from 41.6, to 42.9, to 44.0 respectively. Inversely, the lowest fifths shares decreased from 5.1, to 4.7 to 4.6 respectively. This is an easy question as the graph is clearly labeled and 99% of students who received a 5 answered this question correctly.
    Bryce Del'Homme
    5th period

  69. 51.)Which of the following is the most accurate statement about political parties in the United States?
    B.) The percentage of voters identifying themselves as either Democrats or Republicans has been declining since the 1970’s
    -This is true because young adults are beginning to identify more with independents or with some aspects of both democratic and republican parties.


  70. Naomi Samuel
    Period 5
    33) Which of the following is the most influence on the choice made by voters in the presidential election?
    A) Partisan Identification

    Answer choice A is correct because the voters vote for those that are running from the party they support. They do not branch out and vote for others in different parties because those individuals don’t share the same beliefs as they do. That is why partisan identification allows the voter to vote for those they believe in.

  71. 23) In which of the following did Congress move to regain powers previously lost to the executive branch?
    A. Budget and Impoundment Control Act

    This is the correct answer as the Budget and Impoundment Control Act modified the role of Congress in the federal budgetary process. It created standing budget committees in both the House and the Senate, established the Congressional Budget Office.

    Isabel Zhou
    4th period

  72. 35) Which of the following statements about rules of procedure in the House and Senate is correct?

    E. The House operates more by formal rules, while the Senate operates more on informal understandings

    House and Senate rules of procedure are largely a function of the number of members comprising each chamber. In the House, a structured legislative process and strict adherence to the body's rules and precedents have resulted from the need to manage how 435 Representatives make decisions.

    Sainath Krishnamurthy
    Period 4


  73. 20)Which of the following is a significant trend in the presidential nominating process over the past few decades?

    B)increasing importance of presidential primaries rather than state conventions.

    This is the correct answer since all the others are wrong. A is incorrect since national party conventions are growing, not shrinking. C is wrong because PACs are also, only growing in influence. D is wrong because campaigns are getting more, not less expensive. And E is wrong because the political party leaders are not controlling the outcomes. Therefor, B is correct.

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