US Constitution

US Constitution
US Constitution

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Federalism in the News

On the internet find an article about federalism and the sharing of power between the federal government and the state governments that occurred in either 2016 or 2017. Write a 50-100 word summary of the article and the issues that were involved. Provide a working link to the article. The summary must be in your own words and not a copy and paste job. You may not use an article that was previously used by one of your classmates.

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  1. This article is about how Jeff Sessions is ushering in a new type of federalism where we now limit the scope of federal authority, especially in the fields of civil and voting rights. In order to get his point across he threatens to enforce President Trump’s Executive Order to cut federal funding.

    Hunter Boyd


    In this article it talks about the Obamacare repeal effort and it is counting on states to shoulder the burden, but states don't want it. The republicans are trying to take down Obamacare and replace it with something else “better.” The states say they don’t want to replace it because they prefer Obamacare instead of nothing. Bill Casidy says the plan was to end the Obamacare and spend $215 billion by 2026 and distribute the reduce amount among the states through healthcare block grants. They say even with less federal cash they will be able to improve in efficiently and appreciation from the residents. The only problem is that not enough people believe that Because there’s no evidence to back it up. So still till this day Obamacare is on the line I’m dying or reliving.

    Elizabeth Melchor


    This article is about the federal role in education. This has been an ongoing debate in today's news; whether the federal government has stepped its boundaries over the state government. It clearly states in the tenth amendment that the state are in charge of educational facilities. Although it still appears to be that way ever since the Department of Education became a Cabinet-level agency in 1979 people have started questioning federal government's authority. In 1965, President Johnson signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) into law, and President Barack Obama also assigned the Race to The Top. All of these laws have been taken under consideration and on April 26, President Trump signed the “Education Federalism Executive Order,” which requires the United States Department of Education to spend 300 days evaluating the role of the federal government in education. If this is found effective than a 13.5 % cut to the national education budget will be in placed.


    This article is about President Trump wanting to deport illegal immigrants, so he will have to depend on the state and local governments. The problem is that many state and local governments have policies that do not allow such cooperation when concerning deportation. They are allowed to refuse to help because of the Constitution. Trump has responded by saying that he would cut off any opposition by not giving them their federal funding. Though Trump may say this, he cannot stop the giving of federal grants as they are not mandatory for states to comply with the federal government's demands.

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  7. The growing industry of medical and recreational marijuana is facing federal crackdown under Attorney General Jeff Sessions despite 2016 having eight states legalize marijuana usage. Jeff Sessions asked Senate leaders to allow the Justice Department bypass certain state laws to enforce a federal ban on medical marijuana. Medical and recreational marijuana has become a multibillion dollar industry, and states that legalize it intend on resisting federal actions to bypass current state laws. Currently marijuana merchants and users that are protected by a provision in the federal budget face risks from Jeff Session's push to ban medicinal cannabis.

    Henry Feng
    Period 7


    This article is criticizing President Trump's belief that the federal government has become too intrusive in environmental matters, and that states should be given the power to decide the best solution for the deteriorating environment. Trump claims that the states know best about how to take care of their people and how to spend their money, so thus they should be given the power to regulate environmental decisions. However, the article argues that the federal government needs to have a more dominant role in problems with end results that will have a global impact, such as climate change. This is because once greenhouse gases are emitted, they mix into the atmosphere and affect climate change worldwide; not just in the USA. Without federal regulation, we won't have insight into politically viable methods of reducing carbon emissions.

    Ashwini Prabhu
    Period 6


    This article is about a few of the different challenges our government has faced in regards to the differing opinions over policies between both the Democratic party/ Republican party, and the national government/ state governments occurring during and after the 2016 election of Donald Trump. Some of the topics include education, medicare/Obamacare, immigration, marijuana, the environment, and other highly debatable topics we as a country face today. The federal government currently mostly consists of republicans supporting Trumps policies, while a few of the states are democratic controlled, making it difficult for any republican favored changes to occur.

    Bonita Hall
    Period 6


    The attached article is slamming Congress for trying to make online gambling illegal. Although multiple states permit online gambling, such as fantasy sports companies and online poker, Congress is trying to outlaw the practice. States claim that online gambling is under their jurisdiction and not that of the federal government, while Congress claims that they have the authority to regulate gambling both online and offline within the United States. If the federal government is successful at outlawing online gambling, then the practice is predicted to move to the deep web.

    Jerin Jose
    Period 07


    The article discusses a relatively new bill passed in North Carolina that requires transgender people in government buildings to use bathrooms that correspond to the gender on their birth certificates. A guidance administered by the Obama administration has been withdrawn by Trump administration that required transgender students to also use restrooms that correspond to their birth certificate gender. The issue is seen as a state issue. The article concludes mentioning how the Obama administration fought states on bathroom laws yet allows states to experiment with marijuana legalization despite federal law superseding the state law.

    Nia Eugene
    Period 6


    This article criticizes what President Trump's promise was during his campaign involving the improvement of transportation infrastructure, vowing to provide $1 trillion from the federal government. This stimulus is designed to create an increase in employment rates. However, many people believe this should be a decision for individual states to make, and that they should get funds from user fees and taxes. This is still an ongoing debate because of a lack of trust towards the Trump administration.

    Angie Mancino period 6


    This article is about the rediscovery of federalism in the Trump Era. It expresses how Republicans, who now control both legislative and executive branches, appear willing to abandon federalist principles in favor of strong central government freshly enabled to advance conservative preferences. There are a matter of issues such a system malpractice, and interstate commerce on things such as marijuana that have become state issues and there is a transferring of power from congress to the states to create a greater balance. This article implies the proper balance between federal and state power must be rooted in the Constitution’s embrace of limited government and individual liberty — not liberal or conservative politics.

    Christopher Tilford

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    The article is about President Trump signing a executive order to roll back a number of climate related regulations that have taken place over the course of the Obama Administration. The problem is that many states don't agree with Trump, and are using their power to openly defy the plans that Trump has for the coal industry. Many states are convening around implementing the Clean Power Act, a plan codified during the Obama Administration to increase the amount of clean energy produced in the U.S. The article says that no matter how hard Trump tries, the coal industry wont come back due to a shift in the rapidly changing energy market. The article concludes by saying that rather than going back to the past using coal and nonrenewable resources, we as a country need to look to the future for new technological ideas and breakthroughs in terms of clean energy

    Benjamin Sunny
    6th Period


    This article is about how the state of California will sue the Federal Government over abortion coverage if Graham Cassidy ( a ban on abortion coverage in Obamacare) passes into law. The issue is that this provision contradicts state laws like those in California, which mandate that all individual plans must provide abortion coverage, and would cause millions to be caught between these contradictory laws. If the law does pass, all of the abortion coverages like those in California will become illegal. Although it is possible for congress to tweak the bill depending on a state's regulations, there is no guarantee of this.


    This article is talking about how Trump's Adminstration is covering the way the Obama Administration handled issues of transgender people. They wrote a letter discussing how transgender people have rights in schools and public places. They also dicuss the importance of using the correct pronouns when adressing people. They also discuss matters of how transgender people should be able to participate with sports teams and others activities with the gender they identify as. As well as using the bathroom that fits their identity. It also talks about how schools ranging from kindergarten through college should be a safe and supportive environment. Transgender people should have an equal opportunity to learn and participate in schools no matter what others have to say about it.

    Camryn Pugh 6th period


    This article is about how a Texas law that required abortion clinics to have doctors that have admitting privileges at a hospital nearby. This law would have closed many clinics as it would require abortion clinic doctors to gain nearby hospital permission to admit patients into the hospital, which most hospitals are not allowing due to abortion politics. The supreme court found this law unconstitutional as the Texas law made it an undue burden or an unfair obstacle for women seeking abortions.
    Andrew Yang, 7th period


    This article is discussing how the federal government has too much power and that our founding fathers' would be so disappointed. The author of the article begins to explain the benefits of the stronger state governments in our country. The article begins to discuss how the federal government gave itself an excessive amount of power using the ‘The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act’.

    Maheen Meraj
    6th Period


    This article explains how Trump has gained the support from Progressives with the use of federalism. The central government is becoming weaker, resulting in stronger state governments. Issues mentioned in the article include problems with national security and the enforcement of federal civil-rights laws. Many Democrats are opposed to this idea, only seeking "to protect the rights of the Constitution." Trump still has power, as seen in court cases, an example being where he could decide that ozone pollution standards don’t matter, or stop making millions in cost-sharing payments to those who take advantage of Obamacare.

    Jacob Roy, 7th Period


    This article focuses on Scott Pruitt and his recent appointment as the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, the very agency that he lobbied to remove in the past. Now through the use of cooperative federalism he wants to make the EPA more “industry friendly and effective.” He wants to shift more responsibilities onto the states, but with less financial funding from the federal government. This is all with the hopes of changing the role of the EPA from the Obama-era EPA which took a “heavy-handed approach towards auditing state policies,” and into a more oversight committee role.

    Dhilan Patel
    7th Period


    This article is about an analysis on the electoral college and its relevance to today's society as defenders of the original system believe that The Electoral College was part of the founders' grand federal design that respects the unique and sovereign role of the states. And that it is a system worth defending for future generations but others believe that the president should be voted primarily through the popular vote in support of the National Popular Vote bill which if enacted would force all 270 electoral college votes go to the winner of the national popular vote.

    Peter Martin
    7th Period


    Even though most of Europe is in turmoil because of the refugees from the middle east, Germany still stands as one of the strongest nation in the world economically. This article summarizes the process of asylum for refugees and how it affects the federal government as well. Under the Asylbewerbergesetz (Asylum Seeker's Benefits Act), the refugees are ensured with benefits given by the federal government - and after a certain amount of time, they will be eligible to receive the same benefits as a unemployed German citizen. With Merkel's strong generous stance on refugees, the national government requires the states to have a minimum amount of refugees to accept in their area.


    This article goes over the potential advantages and disadvantages of federalism. For the advantages, the author says that it protects us from tyranny, shares power so that not one section controls everything, increases citizen participation, its efficient, it helps manage conflicts, and the state governments can help with citizen needs. The author says that the disadvantages are that it has a history of protecting negative institutions such as slavery, allows for inequalities between states, and certain policies can be blocked because of the states.

    Kenneth Easo
    7th Period

  25. This article is discussing the problems of government spending on hospital funds. Australia spent an estimated amount of of 140 billion on health care in the year 2011-2012.Medications costed up to almost 19 billion.The reason hospital funding is so outstanding to the states is because , unlike general practice and medications the states pay for the funding on their own.The issues with hospital spending increasing is that the government can pay for only so much.If there is no money to spend then the states will end up having to devote less time on health care.

    Mykaela Llacar


    This article centers around federal regulations on marijuana and state ones. The argument calls into question whether the regulation of marijuana should be a job for individual states or the federal government, The federal government does however acknowledge its boundaries and does its best not to interfere on the issue as much as possible. Banks, attorneys, and other state officials are nervous to provide service to those in the marijuana industry because they do not want to interfere with federal regulations.


    This article is about how president trump and there environmental protection agency have made it a primary theme out of federalism on their efforts to take back environmental regulations. however, the states do not like how intrusive the government has become and say that the environmental regulations are supposed to be ran by the states.


    This article is about how California is using federalism to its advantage to shield itself from the federal government and President Trump and also use its powers as a sword to impose its own policies into other states. The state uses the 10th Amendment and the set enumerated powers of the federal government to protect itself from federal power. Also, the state uses the "full faith and credit" clause to submit other states under its own policies.

    Brandon Wong 7th


    This article is about Marriage Equality and its issue between the federal and state government. It states that the DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) provides ‘Full Faith and Credit’ to recognize out of state marriages. It then becomes an issue when individual states start to establish marriage rights to same-sex couples while the Federal Government was against it and did not let the DOMA apply to them treating those couples as unmarried for the purposes of federal law and federal benefits.

    Janah Dela Cueva

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    Within the last year, the federal government has ruled two of Illinois state laws unconstitutional. The federal government has forced Illinois to lift its ban on concealed carry, due to its violation of the second amendment. The national government has also ruled that Illinois' mandatory life without parole sentence for juveniles is unconstitutional, but there has been little done to lift it.
    Keegan Jones 7th pd


    The author writes about how the federal government has too much power. since the days before the new deal the power was better divided but since the new deal the power has shifted toward the federal government. He also brings up that more states have been sueing the federal governement for oversteping its boundaries, pointing out the affordable care act. In 2013 recent supreme court may indicate a change to state power. THe N.F.I.B v. sebelius the court ruled that the individual mandate under heath care act exceeded congress's commerce clause power. That through this federal government power can be limited.

    Reece Lasris


    The article is about how the federal government wanting all 50 states voters information along private and security information from President Trump's election. This info giving a chance for the federal government to check the U.S. election system's integrity. Out of the all the states 20 have agreed to provide public information, 16 reviewing their options, and 14 have refused to comply. The major issue is that should the federal government power be limited. Do They have the right to ask all 50 states to provide voters information in this 2016 election. DoThe states have a right to protect theirs voters personal information.

    Amaani Nazarali 6th Period


    The article is about how the federal government wanting all 50 states voters information along private and security information from President Trump's election. This info giving a chance for the federal government to check the U.S. election system's integrity. Out of the all the states 20 have agreed to provide public information, 16 reviewing their options, and 14 have refused to comply. The major issue is that should the federal government power be limited. Do They have the right to ask all 50 states to provide voters information in this 2016 election. DoThe states have a right to protect theirs voters personal information.

    Amaani Nazarali 6th Period

    Cassidy-Graham, senators who created the draft for the health-care reform, are becoming very successful for the number of votes that they have are 47-49 votes for the passing of the bill. With the bill, the states are given block grants so that they can have power to design their own healthcare, allow states to waive regulations on insurance, etc. It would be considered a "triumph for federalism" if it became a law.
    Camille Trusclair 7th period

    President Donald Trump orders to reduce federal power over schools, and to return the power to states and local government. In recent years, the federal government had more legal authority in education. The result of education is spending more and achieving far and far less. President Trump’s policy will create more local control education. It will give powers back to families, cities, and states. However, some people worry that the policy will lower the education quality in poorer district.
    Angela Fang 6th Period

  37. This article is about same sex marriage benefits. The question of the court is whether spouses of gay or lesbian public employees should receive government subsidized same-sex marriage benefits. There is currently conflict between state and federal courts. The highest Texas state court said that they should receive benefits. However, the Supreme Court threw that ruling out, saying that legalizing same-sex marriage does not legalize the benefits. The highest Texas State civil court unanimously requested a trial court to reconsider the decision.

    Matthew Benton 6th period


    This Vox article is about Graham-Cassidy health care bill and how states had the power to decide the funding of the healthcare in their state. The states would get a sum lump of money and they are free to do whatever with the money that they have received. The Republican Senator that were interviewed by Vox stated that the states are extremely flexible and innovative in how they want use the money for health care. The article is disagreeing with Graham Cassidy bill as they believe that the Republican believes are wrong and their definition of federalism is not right.

    Paul Manavalan 7th Period


    This article is about Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore who violated judicial ethics when he did not follow the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on legalizing same-sex marriage, he also ordered other judges not to issue marriage licenses for same-sex couples. As a result for not supporting the Supreme Court's rule, Alabama's Court of the Judiciary ordered that Justice Moore will be suspended for the rest of his term in office, that the head of Alabama’s highest court will pay the legal fees, and the Moore will not be paid for the rest of his term. Issues involved was the Supreme Court’s and Alabama’s Supreme Court ruling, Chief Justice Roy Moore and the issue of same-sex couples and marriage licenses.


    This article is talking about multiple examples of how when federal and local (or state) governments work together, there is plenty of progress and change that can be made. When it is local, citizens can be affected if problems like crime and school dropout continue to not be addressed. Federally speaking, big problems take a lot more time and resources to develop. When both are intertwined, they help to accommodate the best of both worlds. In San Antonio, for example, federal leaders are engaging and working with local officials to understand supported data and goals and then make smart investments.


    This article discusses the differences between Hamilton (federal rights) and Jefferson (states’ rights) supporters and how their ideas have influenced our nation’s past and now our current President’s policies. Since the democratic party has lost all three branches of federal government, they have been utilizing local governments state by state in order to advocate for states’ rights to sustain progressive laws. These actions are countered to the Democratic parties past behaviors but, it is the only way to preserve immigration, abortion, L.G.B.T. rights, social services spending, and gun control laws, putting the blue and red states against each other.

    Danielle Davis 6th period


    This article talks about A federal court ruled against two of the three conditions Attorney General Jeff Sessions sought to impose on sanctuary cities receiving federal funds from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant program. The case has important implications for both federalism and separation of powers.

    Milton Moore
    6th Period


    This article is about the Graham-Cassidy bill and its socialist and federalist aspects as compared to the ACA. Senator Lindsey Graham made statements stating that his bill was a piece of federalism to fight Obama's socialist ACA. The article argues, however, that both the ACA and Graham-Cassidy bill both contain both federalism and socialism. It also makes the point that federalism and socialism are not always complete opposites and can be used together.

    Alisha Zute 6th Period



    this article is about marriage equality and whether or not it should be regulated by federal or state law.Marriage law has historically been a province of state law in the United States, but federal government differed to state law for federal benefits. the author of the article strongly supports that It’s up to the states to decide who can and can’t get married and that they should take action .


    This article shows that president Trump thinks that the federal government should be returned to as a regulatory primacy on matters of the environment. To achieve shared subjects, the state and federal governments have to work together according to the environmental laws of the u.s.


    This article discusses the need for the cooperation of both state and federal governments in order to convert many major highways in order to allow the usage of autonomous cars. Ever since the replacement from horse drawn carriage to automotive, the federal and state governments have worked side by side to shape the roads for safe travel and the States are seeing this again with the evident rise of self driving cars.


    This article covers the issue of equality of unions between members of the same sex. Critics of the recent 2013 Supreme Court decision for marriage equality call the judgement intrusion of the federal government into a state issue. This argument fails to hold when considering the precedent of the Supreme Court allowing interracial marriages in Loving v. Virginia, demonstrating the Supreme Court as a force that has propelled forward the civil rights movements of whatever time it exists in.

    Henry Zhang 7th Period


    This article compares how California and Texas exercise federalism. It specifically talks about California response to the conservative Trump administration. California has opposed the federal government's policies in favor of its own more progressive policies with the possible penalty of having to take care of its own debt without federal aid. This is compared to Texas's resistance against the Obama administration when it was denied federal funding for women's health on the basis that Texas doesn't allow funding for abortions.
    Jahrid Clyne 6th Period


    In recent news, the Supreme Court accepted the hearing of Christie v. NCAA. This case came into fruition because New Jersey has chosen to challenge the constitutionality of the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act. The Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act is a federal law implemented in order to keep states from conducting the legalization and regulation of betting on sports within their borders. The reason New Jersey has allowed this gambling of sports is because the voters argue PAPSA commands the State to put prohibition laws into effect when New Jersey itself has chosen to repeal the act.

    Garrett Foresman 6th Period

  50. This article is talking about how the EPA is trying to use cooperative federalism to improve the agency. The president and his administration are trying to make budget cuts to redefine the role of the EPA in the United States. It also explains how significant of a role the states have by developing a document that basically gives the states 96% of implementation control. The states in the end agree but are still working to develop a more modern EPA.
