Click on the link above and go to Vote Smart's listing of national political interest groups. Select a group and go to its home page. Create and post an overview of the group's mission, budget, history and who they endorsed in the last presidential election. Included any other pertinent information about your interest group in the summary. Do not select a group that has already been used by one of your classmates.
The interest group I chose was the National Organization for Women (NOW). Their mission is to create equality for women and to eliminate discrimination and harassment for all women. They also promote women's rights to abortion and reproductive rights. The National Organization for Women Foundation was established in 1986 as a 501 education and litigation organization allied with the National Organization for Women and are now considered the largest feminist activist group in America. In 2016, their budget was approx. $711,200, but is expected to increase each year. In the last election this organization supported Hillary Clinton and her democratic views.
ReplyDeleteThe interest group that I have chose is the Food Policy Action. Their mission is to highlight the importance of food policy and to promote policies that support healthy diets, reduce hunger at home and abroad, improve food access and affordability, uphold the rights and dignity of food and farm workers, increase transparency, improve public health, reduce the risk of food-borne illness, support local and regional food systems, treat farm animals humanely and reduce the environmental impact of farming and food production. The website did not state what the budget is for the Food Policy Action. Food Policy Action was established in 2012 through a collaboration of national food policy leaders in order to hold legislators accountable on votes that have an effect on food and farming. The Food Policy Action endorsed Hillary Clinton in the last presidential election.
ReplyDeleteMaheen Meraj
6th Period
I chose NARAL Pro-Choice America as my interest group. NARAL is founded in 1969 by Betty Friedan, an American author and Bernard Nathanson, American medical doctor. NARAL was established at the First National Conference on Abortion. Their mission is to protect a woman’s right to choose, make sure that lawmakers hear from the pro-choice people they represent, and they educate the public on various issues such as birth control and paid family leave. NARAL is the only national lobbying & membership organization devoted solely to maintaining the availability of safe, legal abortion. Their budget was 9.085 million USD in 2013 and they endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2016 Presidential Election.
ReplyDeleteLinda Zhu
7th pd.
I chose the National Rifle assosiation. Founded in 1871, "The NRA relies on a very simple premise: when provided with the facts, the nation's elected officials will recognize that "gun control" schemes are an infringement on the Second Amendment and a proven failure in fighting crime." Te nras bugget is 3 million dollars. The nra endorsed donald trump. The NRA was involved in 271 house and senate races and out of those they won 230 85%
ReplyDeleteReece Lasris
Human Rights Campaign
ReplyDeleteThe Human Rights Campaign mission is to work to achieve LGBTQ equality and create a world where LGBTQ people are ensured of their basic equal rights, and can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community. Their budget is about 42 million USD, and they endorsed Hillary R. Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. The Human Rights Campaign Fund was founded by Steve Endean in 1980 as one of the first gay and lesbian political action committee in the United States. The Fund’s mission was to provide financial support on behalf of the gay and lesbian community to political candidates who supported gay civil rights legislation. After its first election cycle in 1982, the Fund was the 17th largest independent political action committee in the United States. In 1995, under Executive Director Elizabeth Birch, the organization dropped “Fund” from its name and expanded its reach far beyond political lobbying work. Programs such as the Workplace Project and the Family Project became part of the newly created educational arm, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation.
Henry Zhang
7th Period
ReplyDeleteI chose the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) as my interest group. The SEIU's mission is to improve the lives of workers along with their families through a more just and humane society. The organization is united by nearly 2 million members who are dedicated to improving worker's lives by understanding their worth. This large union has an annual budget of 300 million. The Service Employees International Union endorsed Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.
Nia Eugene
6th period
The interest group I chose was the aspca (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).On April 10, 1866 By philanthropist and diplomat Henry Bergh.Thier mission is too "to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States."they have a budget of $129 million dollars but donated a mere 4% ($4 million dollars)As the pioneer and innovator of the humane movement, the ASPCA quickly became the model for more than 25 other humane organizations in the United States and Canada. And by the time Bergh died in 1888, 37 of the 38 states in the Union had passed anti-cruelty laws..The aspca didn’t support either candidate in the last presidential election ,Hillary And bill Clinton both got shamed by the aspca for remarks they made about dogs and the aspca called trump a “threat to animals everywhere “.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth Melchor
The interest group I chose was The American Federation of Teachers. It was founded in 1916 and today represents 1.7 million members in more than 3,000 local affiliates nationwide. They are a union of professionals that champions fairness; democracy; economic opportunity; and high-quality public education, healthcare and public services for their students, their families and their communities. The AFT supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election because they believed she was capable of making the country a better place for the children they support in their organization.
ReplyDeleteSumeyye Islamoglu
The interest group I chose was the Planned Parenthood Action Fund (PPFA), founded in 1978 by Margaret Sanger. There are more than 600 health centers nationwide and provides health care to 2.4 million people per year. This group emphasizes affordable health care for everyone (women, men, young people), and the importance of sex education. In the last election, PPFA endorsed candidate Hillary Clinton.
ReplyDeleteAngie Mancino 6th period
I chose the Susan B. Anthony List, as my interest group. The SBA List Candidate Fund, are dedicated to electing candidates and pursuing policies that will reduce and ultimately end abortion. To that end, the SBA List will emphasize the election, education, promotion, and mobilization of pro-life women."Trump’s proposed budget also includes $610 billion in cuts to Medicaid. It supported Trump in the last campaign.The proposal to redirect taxpayer funding from Planned Parenthood would result in a $422 million increase in federal funding for community health care centers.
ReplyDeleteCamryn Pugh 6th period
The interest group I chose was the School Nutrition Association. The mission of the School Nutrition Association is to advance good nutrition for all children. They advance the quality of school meal programs through education and advocacy. They represent more than 57,000 members and was established in 1946. in 1964, they established a sister organization called the School Nutrition Foundation. Each year, the President submits his budget request which starts off the year’s fiscal planning process, including funds for the Child Nutrition Programs.
ReplyDeleteBonita Hall 6th period
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ReplyDeleteThe interest group I chose was the National Organization for Marriage. The group's mission is to protect marriage and faith communities that sustain it, or in other words to oppose same-sex marriage. The group's budget is $9.3 million. It was founded in 2007 in order to pass California Proposition 8 which prohibited same-sex marriage in the state. During the 2016 presidential election, the group endorsed Ted Cruz. The organization has ties to the Mormon faith, and its headquarters are in New Jersey. Brian S. Brown has been the president since 2010.
ReplyDeleteJerin Jose
Period 07
Sierra Club
ReplyDeleteSierra Club's mission is to explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth and to promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources through lawful means. The group has a budget of $97.89 million USD. The group was founded by conservationist John Muir in 1892. The club has helped pass the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Endangered Species Act. They have recently made a leading charge to move away from fossil fuels and toward a clean energy economy. For endorsements, each of their congressional endorsements are voted on by two committee made up mostly of volunteers and a couple of staff. In 2017, they have endorsed Jimmy Gomez and Jon Ossoff who are both Democrats in the U.S House.
Henry Feng
Period 7
The interest i chose is the Republican National Coalition for Life PAC. this group to protect and defend the Republican Party's principled commitment to legal protection for all innocent human bings, form conception until natural death. there budget is $5,000. throughout the last election this organization supported the Republican candidates.
ReplyDeleteKatarina Shanar 6th period
I chose the American Veterinary Medical Association interest group. The mission of the Association is to lead the profession by advocating for its members and advancing the science and practice of veterinary medicine to improve animal and human health. There budget last year was 32 million. Their main purpose is to help animal s where it comes to natural disasters or where the owner just cant take care of their pet anymore. They also lead the area in animal research and diagnoses. In the previous election they supported the Democratic Party.
ReplyDeleteHunter Boyd
Period 6
(National Gay and Lesbian Task Force)
ReplyDeleteThe mission of this group is to advances full freedom, justice and equality for LGBTQ people. their building a future where everyone is free to be themselves in every aspect of their lives. Despite all the progress they've made to end discrimination, millions of LGBTQ people face barriers in every aspect of their lives. The Task Force is training and mobilizing millions of activists across our nation to deliver a world where people can be who they are. The history is 1973 about 40 years ago most states had anti-sodomy laws on the books and enforce them quite brutally. Having laws against it, being Lesbian or Gay had a profound stigma and homosexuality was still considered a mental illness. It was common for parents to send their children to a mental institution after finding out their child was gay. They endorsed for Hillary Clinton she supported LGBTQ people. they do not have a budget that i could find but their website is taking donations:).
period 6th
The interest group I chose is the humane USA PAC.The Humane society fund was formed in 2004 , it's mission was to pass animal protection laws at the federal and state levels , to educate the public about animal protection issues and to support humane candidates for office.They endorsed for Rob Andrew and many others.Their budget was 129 million.They also worked to issue major campaigns like factory farming , fur trade and puppy mills.
ReplyDeleteMykaela Llacar
The interest group Population Connection's mission is to raise awareness of population challenges and advocates for improved family planning and reproductive health care. The organization is nonprofit, so there is no budget stated. It is founded in 1968 by Paul Ehrlich, Richard Bowers, and Charles Remington due to Ehrlich's best-selling book "The Population Bomb," which advocated action to limit population growth. They endorsed Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.
ReplyDeleteAngela Fang 6th period
I chose the American Forest and Paper Association, who dedicate their mission to promote a sustainable U.S. forest products industry in the global marketplace, which includes pulp, paper, packaging, and wood products. Founded in 1993, they paved a path for environmental needs in the economy. Their budget in 2016 was $83 million and in the last election, they endorsed Hillary Clinton.
ReplyDeleteAyush Singh, 6th Period
The interest I chose was the "Conservative Strike Force PAC". This interest is dedicated to destabilizing and combating the liberal agenda of Hillary Clinton. The interest made over $1,039,000 of independent expenditures in support of our endorsed candidates.
ReplyDeleteJanah Dela Cueva
6th period
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteClub for Growth
ReplyDeleteThe interest group I chose was the Club for Growth. The group is a right wing group with wealthy conservatives that push for economic prosperity through tax cuts for both individuals and corporations. Club for Growth focuses on putting Republicans on new open seats instead of challenging other republicans and they sometimes help incumbent Republicans in their races. The group was started in 1999 by Stephen Moore, Thomas L. Rhodes, and Richard Gilder in Washington DC. The group was able to get contributions worth 3.8 million dollars from their members and spend around 23.5 million dollars in outside spending in the 2016 election season. Club for Growth disowned Donald Trump and supported Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul for 2016 Presidential election.
Paul Manavalan
7th Period
The interest group that I choose was the United States Public Interest Research Group. The U.S. PIRG, the federation of state Public Interest Research Groups (PIRGs), stands up to powerful special interests on behalf of the American public, working to win concrete results for our health and our well-being. With a strong network of researchers, advocates, organizers and students in state capitals across the country, They take on the special interests on issues such as product safety, public health, campaign finance reform, tax and budget reform and consumer protection, where these interests stand in the way of reform and progress. This interest group was founded in 1970 and doesn't state the amount of money they raised they endorsed Hillary Clinton in the last election.
ReplyDeletePeter Martin
Period 7
The interest group I chose was the Asian American Action Fund. The AAAF supports the Asian Americans or any other potential candidates that is willing to represent the minorities (especially Asian Americans) in the government. Since its founding in 1999, the organization has been supporting the campaigns of many progressive Asian American leaders to represent every major ethnic group in the country. During 2008, they were able to accumulate the budget of about $136,000; and during the 2016 presidential election, they endorsed Hillary Clinton. The organization believes that Asian Americans not only should participate and excel in careers such as business, medicine, etc; but also to participate in politics.
ReplyDeleteMichael Ibay
Period 7
Gun Owners of America
ReplyDeleteI chose the Gun Owners of America (GOA) interest group. The GOA’s mission is to preserve and defend the second amendment rights of gun owners. In 2016, they spent a total of 644,750 dollars in support of protecting the second amendment. It was formed in 1975 by sen. H.L Richardson. They endored Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio in the 2016 Presidential election.
Andrew Yang
The interest group that I chose was the American Humane Association, or the AHA. The group began in 1877 as "The International Humane Association" with the amalgamation of 27 similar groups across the U.S at a meeting in Ohio. Their mission is to advocate for policy's and legislations that will benefit children and animals and will keep them safe from abuse and neglect. Its budget for 2013 was just over $13 million. They didn't specifically endorse a presidential candidate in the latest presidential election, but they do support many democrats and republicans alike that are running for the House of Representatives and the Senate.
ReplyDeleteBenjamin Sunny, 6th Period
Democrats For Life Of America
ReplyDeleteThe Democrats for life of America's mission is to support and advocate policies that promote life naturally. It was created in 1999 and some older candidates that were supported by them were Hubert Humphrey and Sargent Shriver. They contribute to Planned Parenthood, and have a shared budget of 1.2 billion dollars. They endorsed Joe Machin III, Caroline Fayard, and Jerry Cannon.
Camille Trusclair 7th
The interest group I picked is AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP)Advocacy Association.Their mission is to promote and enhance the AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs) and improve access to care for persons living with HIV/AIDS. In Texas the government spends $93,925,800 on ADAP. They provide medications for those who have aids.They supported democrat Dennis Kucinich.
ReplyDeleteJustin Brewer 6th
The Latino Victory Project is the interest group that represents the Latino voice in all levels of the government. The program aids Latino candidates in local to federal campaigns. The project was created by Eva Longoria and Henry R. Muñoz III, in their efforts to represent the latino community as much as possible. In the recent 2016 election, the Latino Victory Project supported Hillary Clinton's campaign for the presidency. In independent expenditures they spent $326,654 this past year.
ReplyDeleteThe interest group i picked was The Immigration Reform Coalition of Texas. Texas non-profit corporation which was formed to provide a means for Texans to speak with one voice regarding vital immigration reform issues affecting both Texas and our nation. this group mostly supported state house republicans.
ReplyDeleteAmilcar Rivas
The interest group I chose was America's Opportunity Fund. Their mission is to support federal and state candidates and elected officials who represent the communities of color and who encourage participation in government for the benefit of all Americans. They were founded in 2007 by Gary Locke and Norman Y. Mineta with the mission to increase political participation from the Asian American Pacific Islander Community. As of now, they have $8700 in collected funds. In the 2016 presidential election, the AOF endorsed Hillary Clinton.
ReplyDeleteBrandon Wong 7th
The intrest group I chose was the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE)
ReplyDeleteThe International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees represent workers from our entertainment industry. Members that work in livetheatre,motion picture, trade shows, exhibitions and more. The goal of this interest group is to support the necessary functioning of the entertainment industry. In the past years specifically 2014-2016, this interest group has spent $9.35 million to no more than $13.2 million dollars. In the recent Presidential election the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees supported candidate Hilary Clinton campaign for presidency.
Amaani Nazarali-6th Period
The interest group I chose was Republican National Coalition for Life PAC. The Republican National Coalition for Life (RNC/Life) was founded by Phyllis Schlafly in the fall of 1990 after two groups, Republicans for Choice and National Republican Coalition for Choice, at the 1992 Republican National Convention in Houston. Their mission was to protect and defend the Republican Party's principled commitment to legal protection for all innocent human beings, from conception until natural death. It was a pro-life based platform that endorsed Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. The RNC spent over $150 million dollars this past year.
ReplyDeleteChristopher Tilford
Delete6th period
The group that I chose was the National Animal Interest Alliance Trust. This organization was created to " to promote responsible animal care and ownership and reasonable laws, policies and regulations to protect animals and the people who care for them." Their budget is around 4.6 million dollars. There is no information on who they supported for the past election, however, during President Bush's term, they supported him and worked closely with him to promote rights for animals across the country.
ReplyDeleteKenneth Easo
7th Period
I chose Defenders of Wildlife, a group "dedicated to the protection of all native animals and plants in their natural communities." The Defenders operated on a budget of approximately $32.8 million for wildlife and wildlife habitat in 2016. The PAC sundry report indicates that this organization has sided with Democrats for the last 3 elections, most likely because Democrats generally care more about environmental issues.
ReplyDeleteKeegan Jones 7th
The interest group I chose was Democrats for Life of America. The goal of this site is to be a resource for pro-life Democrats across the United States. In representing pro-life Democrats within the true "big tent" party, DFLA works across a broad spectrum of life ethics. We recognize that people of good faith have different approaches to these issues; therefore, we refuse to use a single issue as a "litmus test" to exclude those who would otherwise seek common ground with us on the expansion of human rights.
ReplyDeleteMilton Moore
6th Period
The interest group that I chose was the Citizens United Political Victory Fund. This organization was created " support conservative candidates running for federal office who share Citizens United's vision of reducing the size and scope of government, lowering taxes, cutting spending, promoting traditional family values, and winning the war on terror." Citizens United Political Victory Fund (CUPVF) is registered with the Federal Election Commission as a separate, segregated fund of Citizens United. Their budget is around $69,969. In the last presidential election, they endorsed Donald Trump, due to his stance on many conservative matters, as well as him being a Republican.
ReplyDeleteThe group I chose was EMILY's List. Their purpose is to elect pro-choice Democratic women to political office. As of 2014, their budget was nearly $45 million. In the last presidential election, they endorsed Hilary Clinton. The group was founded in 1985 by Ellen Malcolm. The acronym stands for "Early Money Is Like Yeast." Critics of this group are typically progressives. In the 2016 election, they were on track to raise $60 million. A noteworthy fact is that in 2012, 80% of the candidates endorsed by Emily's List in the general election won a seat.
ReplyDeleteJacob Roy
7th Period
The interest group that I chose was the Friends of the Earth Action PAC which focuses on the issues surrounding our environment. "Friends of the Earth Action works on a dynamic set of issues, including energy policy, corporate pollution, environmental legislation, consumer-product toxins, tax and budget policies and international trade and financing. Their budget for the 2016 fiscal year was 1.6 million dollars. Friends of the Earth Action provides extra political muscle on legislative battles here in the U.S. to our sister organization, Friends of the Earth, which is part of a network of affiliates in 76 nations around the world. In the 2016 Presidential election they endorsed Bernie Sanders. Friends of the Earth Action and its associated PAC make thoughtful political endorsements, provide direct support to candidates, and place environmentalists in the field on critical campaigns.
ReplyDeleteDhilan Patel
7th Period
The interest group I chose was the Poker Players Alliance. The mission of the Poker Players Alliance has a mission of establishing places for poker play that are both safe and secure. The Pokers Players Alliance was formed in 2005 and has managed to grow their membership to around one million poker players across the nation. The members of the PPA work with key lawmakers in order to bring up issues that are impacting the U.S. poker playing community while also endorsing intelligent and fair public polices that protect all American poker players whether it be on or offline. For the year of 2017, the PPA's lobbying expenditures are a total of $70,000. In the 2016 election, the members of the PPA decided to avoid endorsing either candidate who was running for the presidential election.
ReplyDeleteGarrett Foresman
6th Period
The Republican Liberty Caucus is a 527 voluntary grassroots membership organization dedicated to working within the Republican Party to advance the principles of individual rights, limited government and free markets. Founded in 1991, it is the oldest continuously-operating organization within the Liberty Republican movement. They halved Donald Trump in the 2016 election. I could not find info on their budget.
ReplyDeleteJahrid Clyne 6th Period
The endorsement that I have chosen is the Population Institute. The PI's mission has been to provide leadership to help people into voluntary parenthood and reproductive health services as well as to increase awareness on the consequences of population growth socially, economically and environmentally. The PI was first founded by Rodney Shaw in 1969 and the 1970s, has worked with state legislatures to revise laws denying reproductive health care, help combat teen pregnancies through commercials, celebrity endorsements, and sex education training. They have educated hundreds of legislators and parliamentarians, trained over 300 young professionals, and recognized more than 200 journalists with them having a leading voice in population growth. In 2008, the PI formed a partnership with PMC in order to further address these concerns naming William Ryerson, the founder of PMC, as their president. As of 2016, the budget was $1,083,512.
ReplyDeleteDivya Aaloori-7th period
My group of choice was the Campaign for Working Families. Their purpose is to be a non-partisan political action committee who are dedicated to electing pro-family, pro-life, and pro-free enterprise. In the last election, they endorsed Ted Cruz. The group was founded in 1998 and although they claim to be bipartisan, their contributions point them as Republicans. Not much was said or found on their budget for any previous years.
ReplyDeleteErek Castro 7th Period
The National LGBTQ Taskforce was created to protect LGBTQ individuals rights. They supported Democrats in the last election. They were founded in 1973.
ReplyDeleteAlisha Zute period 6
DeleteI chose the Food Policy Action.This organization was established in 2012 which has a goal to change the national dialogue on food policy by educating public on how political officials are voting on food and farming issues. These issues would include dietary needs, hunger, food accessibility, and production.
ReplyDeleteThey do not support Trumps new budget which would cut spending over 39 billion dollars over 10 years. This website didn't post overall budget.
DeleteDanielle Davis 6th
(Outdoor Industry Association Political Action Committee)
ReplyDeleteThe main missions of OIAPAC is to endorse policymakers who support the outdoor industry’s policy agenda and build the next generation of outdoor industry leaders in the Congress. They endorsed democrats Derek Kilmer, Ron Kind, and Steve Bullock. They were formed and incorporated in 1989 and originally called the Outdoor Recreation Coalition of America and it received official non-profit, 501(c)(6) status.
jacob rice
Council for Citizens Against Government Wastes mission is to advocate the elimination of waste and inefficiency in government through lobbying and grassroots activities. Their budget is from individual american donations, and they supported Clinton is the presidential campaigne.
ReplyDeleteMatthew Benton