US Constitution

US Constitution
US Constitution

Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Redistricting Game

Now that we are studying Congress, time to learn about re-districting and gerrymandering. You will complete the basic level of simulations 1,2, and 3 of the redistricting game. Take a screen shot of the three checkmarks when your plan passes. Submit the 3 approvals in your post. Shrink them down before posting. Include in your post 3 difficulties you had when re-drawing the districts.


  1. Difficulties: (1) Trying to balance the population equality. (2) Trying to maintain party approval ratings. (2) Making sure to include the politician's home within his or her own district.

    Henry Feng
    7th Period

  2. Mission 1: Maintain population equality in all districts. Mission 2: maintaining population equality while giving majority to republicans. Mission 3: maintaining population equality while giving each member a majority in their own party.

    Hunter Boyd
    6th period

  3. Difficulties:
    1. Keeping population equality at 640,000 - 650,000 in all the districts
    2. Giving Republicans 55% majority in two districts during Mission 3
    3. Keeping each party's respective houses within the district boundaries.

    Ashwini Prabhu
    Period 6

  4. Mission 1: Establishing population equality, my plan shuts the republicans out of congress. Mission 2: To gain a third democratic district. Mission 3: Making sure each member keeps their seat in congress.

    Sumeyye Islamoglu
    6th Period

  5. 1. maintaining population equality
    2. adhering to contiguity law
    3. keeping at least 55% majority in respective parties (not just above 50%).

    Bonita Hall
    Period 6

  6. Mission 1: Establishing population equality
    Mission 2: Gerrymandering a new democratic district
    Mission 3: Making sure each member retain their seats

    Some difficulties I had when re-drawing the districts were making sure a certain party got a certain percentage of majority, keeping the population equality, and making all the districts continuous.

    Ayush Singh
    6th Period

  7. 1.) only difficulty was going around the small houses.
    2.) Getting the 3 parties to meet population requirements and have at least 55% at the same time.
    3.) managing the boundaries between one party and having an effect on the other.
    Elizabeth Melchor
    6th Period

  8. Diffiulties:
    1. redrawing all the districts to create population equality
    2. To make sure every district includes above 50% of my party
    3. Getting the state court to approve of my plan

    *since screenshots can't be posted here, the results are:
    - 64 yeas; 36 nays
    - signed/approved by governor
    - court ruling: plan accepted
    ~ plantiff: Vicki Populi
    ~ grounds: Partisan influence
    ~ ruling: dismissed

    Michael Ibay
    7th Period

  9. Mission Difficulties:
    1. Meeting population equality
    2. creating a third democratic district
    3. ensuring each rep. has atleast 55% majority
    Nia Eugene
    6th period

  10. 1. Maintain population equality
    2. gain a third democratic district
    3. Each member must be able to keep their seat in congress

    Peter Martin

  11. 1. Making sure each district had the same population
    2. Gaining a third republican district
    3. making sure each member in congress was able to maintain their seat in congress

    I had some difficulties when creating a 3rd majority party while making sure each district still had an equal population. Making sure each member had their house in their designated district was also hard to maintain when redrawing the districts.

  12. 1. Redraw map to create an equal population.
    2. Redwar mad to create a third Democratic district.
    3.Redraw map to keep all incumbents in thier seat in Congress.

    The difficulties I had was to make sure every district had the same amount of population while keeping the incumbents happy.

    Camryn Pugh 65th period

  13. Mission Difficulties:
    1. Redrawing the map and having to meet population equality
    2.making sure the republican rep. had at least 53% republicans in their district
    3. creating a third democratic district

    Mykaela Llacar

  14. 1. Redraw each district to get incumbents a 55% majority vote
    2. Redraw map so there is population
    3. Redraw the map so that all incumbents keep their position

    Luke Leblanc
    7th period

  15. 1. mainting population equality
    2. keeping the third democratic party
    3. giving democrats 55% majority

    Katarina Shanar 6th period

  16. 1. Redraw partisan gerrymander districts
    2.Redraw incumbents 55% districts
    3. Redraw equal population districts

    Danielle Davis 6th

  17. 1. Finding the right balance of population equality
    2. Understanding what the mission was asking
    3. What to do when. each little graph square mattered and messed things up

    Keegan Jones

  18. 1. The first problem was getting the right percentage of party in each district as the clusters of party leaning were usually mixed and only some spaces were predominantly one party.
    2. The second difficulty was achieving population equality, and there was much finagling of districts to get the same population roughly while maintaining party lean.
    3. The hardest thing was getting the compactness right, so that every district had roughly equal space, in addition to the party leaning and population equality.

    Henry Zhang
    7th Period

  19. Difficulties:
    1. Redrawing the map to have an equal population
    2. Redrawing the districts so there would be a 3rd majority party while also maintaining equal populations
    3. Giving the incumbents a 55% majority in their district while maintaining equal populations

    Angie Mancino
    period 6

  20. 1. Making sure that the populations were between 640,000-650,000
    2. Managing to have at least 55% majority in a district
    3. Maintaining republican majority in republican districts

    Andrew Yang

  21. Difficulties:
    1. Redrawing the map to make sure the population equality was between 640,000-650,000 for all four districts.

    2.Redrawing the districts to make sure there was 3rd majority party while having equal population.

    3.Redrawing the incumbents a 55% majority in each district while maintaining equal population

    Amaani Nazarali 6th Period

  22. 1. Making sure that every district was within the population of 640,000-650,000.
    2. Keeping each politicians home within district lines.
    3. Giving the incumbents at least 55% majority.

    Dhilan Patel
    Period 7

  23. 1. Trying to a establish population equality between all three of the congressmen and their districts
    2. Trying to get a third majority between the four chairmen
    3.Trying to get the WOW representative to agree with my redistricting plans

    Camille Trusclair 7th period

  24. 1. Keep population equal around 640,000 to 650,000
    2. Making sure to have a 55% majority for incumbents
    3. Having to keep districts compact enough to dismiss the court case

    Paul Manavalan
    7th Period

  25. 1. Balancing the population equality
    2. Gaining a third republican district
    3. Managing the boundaries for one party and having an impact on the other party.

    Jacob Roy
    Period 7

  26. Missions Difficulties:

    1) Making sure to maintain the population from 640,000 to 650,000 people.
    2) Making sure to keep the third democratic party since the republicans are trying to gain a third republican district.
    3) Making sure to recreate the map so the incumbents get to keep their seat in Congress.

    Maheen Meraj
    6th Period

  27. 1. Trying to keep the districts contiguous (I didn't notice my mistake at first)
    2. Trying to keep the population sizes equal so there would be a 3rd majority party.
    3. Trying to make the districts have a 55% majority while keeping them equal.
    Angela Fang 6th period

  28. 1. Making sure that the population of each city is between 640,000-650,000.
    2. Making sure the incumbents gets 55% majority so they get reelected all while making sure that the pop is between 640,000-650,000.
    3. Getting the state Legislature to approve of the plans.

    Linda Zhu 7th pd

  29. 1. maintaining population between 640,000 and 65,000 in each district
    2. accommodating to contiguity laws
    3. adjusting at least a 55% majority in each respective party's district, not just a slim majority

    Brandon Wong 7th

  30. 1.Make all population between 640,000-650,000.
    2.keeping the population sizes equal so there would be a 3rd majority party.
    3.. Having to keep districts compact enough to dismiss the court case.

    Milton Moore
    6th period

  31. 1. Making sure that all of the populations were in the right range
    2. Keeping the politicians house within their district
    3. Making sure that the politicians had the majority following within their district

    Juliana Quintana

  32. 1.Making the populations equal
    2.Creating a third district majority
    3.Trying to please the head of the party

  33. 1) when trying to distribute the population, i found it difficult to satisfy each party, specially for 2&3.
    2) I found it hard to maintain the seats for the 3rd simulation because of the population
    3) trying to find the perfect distribution between population and democratic and Republican population percent for simulations 3.

    Amilcar Rivas

  34. 1. I found it hard to maintain the population distribution,
    2. I found it difficult to avoid breaking contiguity laws.
    3. It was hard to work around cities belonging to one party.

  35. 1. Keeping each official's house within their sector was difficult
    2. Maintaining about 645,000 people per sector was a challenge
    3. Having the court approve the boundaries was difficult because many laws had to be followed

    Jerin Jose, Period 07

  36. 1 I found it difficult to equally distribute population
    2 keeping majority
    3 taking away a seat from the opposite party

    Lasris Reece period 6

  37. 1. It was hard getting the left side of the map to be equal because no one lived there
    2. It was difficult to create the district majority without upsetting the population balance
    3. It was hard for me to have the head of the party be pleased

    Kenneth Easo
    Period 7

  38. Mission 1: Redrawing the map to make sure the population equality was between 640,000-650,000

    Mission 2: To have at least 55% majority in a district

    Mission 3: Each member must be able to keep their seat in congress

    Blesson Chacko
    Period 7

  39. Difficulties:
    1. Matching the population equality for the 4 different districts
    2. Trying the keep each candidates home within his/her district
    3. Making sure that you distribute the districts while making sure that the democratic party remains in power.

    Benjamin Sunny, Period 6

  40. 1. Trying to maintain the population equality.
    2. Making each district contiguous.
    3. Keeping each official's home in their district.

    Jahrid Clyne
    7th Period

  41. Mission 1 - The challenger was redrawing the map ensure population equality
    Mission 2 - The challenge was maintaining district majority and population balance
    Mission 3 - The challenge was ensuring all members kept their seat within Congress.

    Garrett Foresman
    Period 6
