US Constitution

US Constitution
US Constitution

Monday, January 15, 2018

Individual Declaration of Independence

This week you will write your own individual Declaration of Independence in the language of the original. Minimum of 5 sentences
1. Preamble (1 sentence "When in the course of human events .  .  .)
2. Statement of Grievances (3 sentences)
3. Statement of Independence
Be creative and original.

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  2. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to find themselves in toxic friendships, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. And thus, the separation of the two parties make take place if opposing party does not understand individuals value. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
    He has refused to be a companion in times of need.
    He has forbidden you to grow as an individual and explore your talents.
    He has dissolved your matters of impending urgency for matters of his own.
    We, therefore, the Representatives of having good companionship with individuals that uphold you and do not cause you to question your self worth, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of Pyes Government class, solemnly publish and declare, That these united government students are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent from any toxic friendships.

    Epstein Jacob
    Pye 4th Period

  3. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one artists to detach themselves from art teachers/mentors who limit their personal creativity when they do not exactly follow the traditional standards in the art curriculum. Discouraging one from their art style can lead to low self-esteem which can prevent them from creating more artworks in the future. Critiquing one’s artwork should be based on how well the person has incorporated the elements of art, not on a range of how “aesthetic” or “realistic” a piece is, which can lead to misconceptions about the work and discourage the artist. Lastly, art teachers/mentors are supposed to guide and nurture their students’ artistic endeavours, whatever it may be, and failure to do so is a fault on their responsibility as a leader. On a final note, with the grievances mentioned, I hereby declare myself independent from the negativity and limitations of my creative ability given by the instructions of “bad” art teachers.

    -Anne Dang, 4th period

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  5. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for all to let go of their past and ponder upon the better moments to come. Consistently, many find themselves wallowing in what has occurred in the past- something that can no longer be altered.
    Not letting go of the past has wasted time and hindered the productivity of an individual.
    Holding on to the past can corrode one’s mental state as they continuously blame themselves for what they have done, instead of thinking positively and moving on.
    Holding on to the past can hinder one from forgiving themselves and even others who may have been a part of their past, wasting their energy as they hold a grudge against another.
    Therefore, due to the grievances mentioned above, I hereby declare myself independent from the unalterable past.

    Ashel Jaimon
    Period 4

  6. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for all to completely let go of the idea that they can be perfect. Trying to be perfect is impossible and can't be accomplished by anyone. It is a human move to make mistakes and we can't just stop making them just because we want to. By trying to be perfect, people tend to experience a stress overload because they are too busy in trying to get everyone perceive them as godlike. Finally, I hereby declare myself independent from the tryhards I encounter in my AP Government class.

    -Rithvik Bommareddy, 4th Period

  7. In the course of human events, it becomes necessary for all to detach themselves from the pressures of high school merit, GPA, and ranks. Although academics are necessary, the pressure for perfection in all areas of academics must be rejected. First, students who are pressured to perform well in academics often take multiple AP classes in order to elevate their rank and therefore lose hours of sleep studying for their difficult classes. Second, students who are extremely pressured to perform well in school are under an extreme amount of stress and often suffer from anxiety and depression. Lastly, the stress and pressures that come with achieving high grades are not worth the struggle. Once accepted into college, the pressures and stress from the last four years no longer matter as students are forced to start over at the university level. We, therefore, the representative of Mr. Pye's AP U.S. Government and Politics class declare our independence from the pressures of high school merit.

    Rendon Reinarz
    Period 5

  8. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for the laws of society to be denounced, a formal statement justifying the creation of a new order must be stated. Let it be known at this moment and for all time hereafter that the Fort Bend Independent School District has failed to educate its students and prepare them for the future. I, signed below, do assert that the Fort Bend Independent School District is responsible for the following tyrannies:
    It has failed to inspire its students as is visible through the absurd number of staff and students suffering from crippling depression.
    It has failed to equip students with essential resources for education as can be shown through the lack of effective internet bandwidth across all its facilities.
    And it has failed to inspire to students to reach new goals as one can see through the rampant spread of Senioritis across the district.
    Additionally, it has required the students and staff of Elkins High School to reenter a building whose HVAC caught fire and sustained heavy electrical damage without any regard to the health and safety of its students or staff.
    In light of theses recent failures, I hereby declare the staff, students, and facilities belonging to the Fort Bend Independent School District to be self-sustained educational entities, charged with seeking out the education of their students without the use of the "common core" or other universal and impractical standards which are bestowed upon them by the state.

    Matthew Whaley
    Period 4

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  10. When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one to separate from a person or persons from simply participating in an act of foolishness, or engaging with parties initiating said foolhardy actions, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the idiocy of actions that the accused person or persons are intending to take part in and continue the disengagement.
    We hold these truths to be self evident, that humans have an innate sense of irresponsibility and recklessness which results in actions as described above. Acts of foolishness contend of the following, but are not limited to, these characteristics.
    The activity leads to, or poses, harm of life or health in present or future, such as eating detergent soap in response to a made up challenge, using products with poison, etc.
    Committing actions which involve breaking a law, or laws, which will lead to confrontation with law enforcement and subsequent consequences. Few examples are egging or TPing an individual’s property, making racist memes, bringing scissors to school, etc.
    An act that would hurt or harm those, physically or mentally, in direct contact with you, such as engaging with those who believe global warming is not real, etc.
    With these regards, he or she wanting to separate from another individual or group of individuals would present the one, two or all of the following reasons while notifying said individual(s) of the idiocy of their actions and declare their separation

    Tanmay Shah
    Period 4

  11. When in the course of human events, it is necessary to break up the idea of racism. This is an uncalled practice that should never happened again, for it harms individuals through false allegations. Racism only causes violence, as seen by the many instances varying from slavery even to current day. We should not discriminate one another based on skin color. Therefore, I hereby declare myself independent from the problems caused by racism.

    Raoof Ali
    Period 5

  12. When in the course of human events, it is necessary to break up the pressures placed upon our youth. To demand them to know all of their hopes and desires at such a young age is outrageous to an individual who has experienced so little of the world. On top of this, they have the idea instilled in them that success is to be measured by tangible materials rather than feelings of contentment, thus placing them in a position, often times, to choose between money and a dream; when they choose "wrong" in the adult world's eyes, they are trampled with statements of "I told you" and "time to find a REAL job". Lastly, the education system as a whole is functioning under pure competition between students, thus making friends envious of each other's grades rather than proud; this is also creating a generation of memorization rather than learning. Therefore, with these grievances, I declare the youth independent from the expectations and decisions placed upon them from the adults in their life and grant them the will to follow the path down the road to their dream, whenever said dream is conceived.

    Julianna Hastreiter
    Period 5

  13. When in the course of human events, it is necessary to break the act of procrastination. This act is not only the cause of so many failing grades, it also leads to a lot of stress found in students. Procrastination is something that I’m pretty sure every student has to faced once in their lifetime and I feel banning it would allow students to get things done on time and not at the last minute. Once procrastination takes a hold on you it gets hard to let go. Therefore, with my grevances listed above, I hereby declare my independence from procrastination.

    Erin Randle
    Period 5

  14. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one to separate themselves from too much stress. Stress is the feeling of strain and pressure that can damage someone. This feeling can affect all aspects of a person's life, including their emotions, behavior, thinking ability and physical health. An abundant of stress can create disorders and severe health problems. Therefore, I hereby declare myself from an excessive amount of stress.

    Isabel Zhou
    Period 4

  15. When in the course of human events it become necessary to become independent from parents to discover one's own path, a certain care and respect must be made whilst detailing the need for separation. The responsibility of a parent is to do more than provide, it is to guide their child as they grow. As a child grows older and begins to make decisions for themselves, "I say so" is no longer a meaningful justification for preventing the child from breaking free to find their own path. It is the duty of a parent to prepare their child for a life independent from theirs, and thus, for the action of bringing me into this world nearly 18 years ago, I find it necessary to break the bond of dependence. Therefore, I hereby declare myself independent from my father and mother to be free from the burdens we place upon each other.

    Jun Hin Loi
    Period 4

  16. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for an individual to abandon external pressures and live freely based on their passions. The overbearing and meaningless tasks that invoke pain and suffering are no longer acceptable. Criticism that is unwarranted should be ignored, and an individual should be able to take any action without approval. The prolonging of dreams and aspirations should begin now and inspire and individual to go against the normality. Therefore, I hereby declare independence from the unnecessary troubles that limit an individual from accomplishing their goals.

    Jenina Bianty
    period 5

  17. In the course of human events, it becomes necessary for all to detach themselves from the inequality found in society, in areas such as the work place. Women and men should be given an equal opportunity to thrive in the American workforce. First, men are almost always hired in preference to women, due to reasons such as a later maternity leave. Second, women are given less opportunities to move into higher roles, such as leadership and management. Lastly, women are nearly always paid less for doing the same job as their male counterparts, even in thriving industries such as movie making in Hollywood. We, therefore, the representative of the future workforce of America declare our independence from the inequality found in the work place.

    Janice Wilson

  18. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for an individual to stop the human fault of indecisiveness. While many with indecisiveness claim they're just stuck in the middle, it truly does not get a person anywhere. It annoys all those around the person because someone who does not know what they want is a nuance. Lastly, indecisiveness really hurts a person when a choice is necessary, and they still choose to never respond. In the end it is hurting them more than anything because tough decisions are necessary throughout life, and they cannot hide forever in the middle or without answering. Thus, I hereby declare myself independent from the atrocities that surround those who are indecisive.

    Lauren Chamberlin
    Period 5

  19. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for an individual to make sure that they are being involved in the community with volunteering and making sure that they are helping those in need. When, people do not involve themselves with volunteering, they are not benefiting those in need, the ones who truly need help. Essentially more problems will occur in society when one chooses not to be involved with volunteering which has a negative impact. Furthermore, those who decide not to include themselves in volunteering, do not end up benefiting themselves in the future, eventually they will miss out on their own benefits. Therefore, I hereby declare my independence from those who do not have a desire to volunteer for their community.
    Zoheb Khawaja 5th period

  20. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for an individual to live according to their own morals and disregard society’s expectations of them. The tendency to plan one’s thoughts and actions for someone else’s approval is unrealistic and futile. It limits the individual’s personal growth and hinders them from thinking for themselves. Opinions and advice that do not benefit the individual should be ignored. Therefore, I declare myself independent from any unrealistic expectations imposed of me by society.

    Shweta Mathews
    Period 4

  21. When in the course of human events it is discovered that one’s ambitions are not supported by those around them, one must break away from the negativity brought by them. The inability to accept another’s passions is selfish and hurtful. The rejection of another’s happiness is only in order to diminish the person’s livelihood. The destruction of one’s dreams is an effort to make them complacent to your own ways. Therefor, I declare my independence from those who are against my ambitions.

    Swati Kundra
    5th period

  22. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for an individual to seek help and be provided opportunities of assistance when dealing with mental illnesses. Telling those that need help that their illness is not valid or real greatly hurts the individual and can cause them to feel worse and neglected. Not sharing information on mental illnesses and the effects it can have on someone, as well as not providing care, such as therapists or group therapy sessions, can also hurt many individuals as they are not getting the assistance that can help them. In addition, telling others to suppress how they feel rather than express their emotions can also be damaging to the person. In conclusion, I declare my independence from those who do not recognize mental illnesses.

    Cassie De Leon
    4th period

  23. Dominic Kochen
    5th Period

    When in the course of human events, ones actions do not match his or her words, one must begin to back up their talk with progress. The actions highlighted are cowardly and lack strength. The talk of a man should be that of what he has done rather than what he might do. For a man is not represented by his words, but the positive action made towards become those words. Therefore, I declare my independence from those who talk a big game but do not back up said talk.

  24. When in the course of human events, it is imperative that those who are dealing with large amounts of stress are tended to and assisted to ease it. Those who are stressed tend to be uneasy which can cause great harm to themselves and others around. Stress can lead to many mental illnesses which will deteriorate the brain. If not treated it will cause someone to lose their sense of worth as well and cause they to feel unwanted. Therefore, I declare my independence from those who do not provide aid to others who suffer from a great deal of stress.

    Naomi Samuel
    5th period

  25. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for an individual to make choices for themselves and become non-conformists in society. If everyone conformed to society and did not question the rules than there would be no change.Conformity can breed people that are not thinkers. It can be easy to give over everything to society without giving anything any thought. Of course it is good for society but not so great for the individual to simply mover through life without much consideration. Conformity can release the individual from feelings of outrage and the need for action over social injustice. Conformity can breed people that are not thinkers. Therefore, I declare my independence from those who do not make choices for themselves and just go with the crowd.

    Jyotis Joy
    5th Period

  26. When in the course of human events, it becomes imperative that one destroys the practice of overthinking things. Overthinking previous actions only results in large amounts of stress for the individual. Overthinking may also cause the individual to become skeptical of everything around them and live life in fear. Finally, overthinking causes the individual to distort facts and forget things quickly. Henceforth, I declare my independence from over thinkers and overthinking to better my future and the future of those around me.

    Abraham Pazhoor

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  28. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to stop the act of bullying among the population of high school students. Bullying is an act of harassment and malice to individuals in the same social setting. High school students have a hard-enough life with the stress put on by parents and others to do well on everything, making it even harder when someone is constantly trying to terrorize and make an individual feel unwanted. Bullying creates undesirable thoughts running through the brain of the persecuted person and nothing good can come from it. High school students need to be reinforced with positive ideas that will encourage them to never give up and never stand down to a bully. Therefore, I hereby declare myself and all high school students independent from the act of bullying.

    Josie Henry
    4th period

  29. Sainath Krishnamurthy
    4th Period

    When is the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the binding chains of the temptations of overeating unhealthy foods. Unhealthy foods lead to many Americans being overweight and unhealthy. It is hard to find food that is nutritionally acceptable due to manufacturers adding in unnecessary sugars and fats. These unhealthy foods make Americans overweight and also makes it harder to lose weight. Therefore, from this day forward, I declare myself as well as my fellow Americans free from the evils of unhealthy food.

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  31. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to dissolve the temptation to laziness and have the respect to remove the causes that impel them to do so. Laziness allows one to do work or a task at the very last possible minute with low effort and still maybe able to meet its deadline. However, it consequently gives a lower quality product then done in a more orderly timeline and better work ethic. In addition, with laziness comes stress, worry and other unnecessary and negative upbringings that can be avoided entirely. Organizing one's life to complete and finish tasks to the best of their ability can bring positive things in the future and feel better and more confident about their end product and then provide time to relax after. Therefore, I hereby declare myself to be independent from the art of being lazy.

    Lauryn Weller
    4th period

  32. When in the course of human events, it is necessary to eliminate the activity of cellphone communication while driving a vehicle. This reckless behavior is the cause for many vehicle crashes in today's population, and therefore should be effective immediately discontinued. The use of a cellphone while operating a vehicle on a busy street is a major distraction, especially for younger inexperienced drivers. Drivers of all ages must make relentless efforts to be as attentive as possible when on the road, and cellphone communication serves as a definitive disturbance. Driving a vehicle is a privilege rather than a right, and should thus be treated as one. The careless habit is a notable reason behind many civilian deaths on the road, and needs to be obliterated instantly. Therefore, I hereby declare my independence from such behavior, and hope that my fellow citizens do the same.

    Kriti Bansal
    5th period

  33. When in the course of human events it becomes fundamental to maintain and ensure the safety and well being of all users of the state's road system. Ill-mannered driving by the constituents of the American highways inevitably results in the loss of human life. Reckless driving also promotes reckless life decisions in other avenues of society, which deteriorates the stability of our nation. Reckless driving leads to a loss of faith by the police in the general public's ability to drive. Therefore, I hereby declare myself to be independent from reckless driving.

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  35. When in the course of human events it becomes evident that one's sense of self is diminished by the societal pressures around them, it it up to each individual to seek their own place within such an environment. For too long have the youths of one nation disguised their lives to maintain the status of expectations placed upon them. Each member of this nation is to have the comforts and safeties in their lives to act as they choose fit. The individuality and statements of self expressed by each individual will no longer be dismissed by those around them on the basis of established norms. Therefore, I hereby declare myself and all others free from demands to alter one's self to best fit the society.

    Radhika Daru
    period 5

  36. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one to remove themselves from the pressures of life. The pressures of life can seem agonizing and really weigh us down, due to all the variables in our daily lives. Too much pressure from these variables can make us feel angry, fed up, or sad. These pressures can also force us to want be perfect, take things too seriously, and focus only on the outcome of something instead of the process. Therefore, I hereby declare myself independent from the pressure of life.

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  38. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to promote happiness. Many citizens find themselves unhappy which leads them to commit suicides, destroy themselves by becoming a slave to drugs, and alcohol. Reasons of unhappiness include unemployment,bullying, harassment at work or school, unable to provide for family and many more. About 99% of Americans find themselves unhappy. To fight unhappiness, we must change the way we think and behave, and look at life in a positive outlook. Therefore, I hereby declare myself and all the people on earth to be independent from unhappiness and to stay positive throughout life.

    Ayana Mathew
    4th period

  39. Michelle Phan
    period 5

    When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for people to eliminate the achievement of perfectionism. In a society, where we all achieve for the best, we spend countless hours, weeks, and even months trying to constantly making something better, never truly achieving the perfection that is desired. Although we should never turn in something that was rushed and had no effort put into, trying to achieve something that can never truly be perfect, is both mentally and physically exhausting on the person, losing faith in themselves. This can cause people not to even try to complete a task, because they have this mentality where everything should be perfect, rather than just trying your hardest. Therefore, I hereby declare myself to be independent from the negative mentality of perfectionism.

  40. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the bond between themselves and their video game consoles. The addiction of slacking off and playing games is undeniable, with many innoncents forgetting or simply procrastinating on important homework or commitments due to these evil machines. The video game consoles has too also warped our society to have jobs based around playing these games live on the internet for money, thus setting off the fake illusion that playing game competitively can be a viable carrer. Lastly, the damnable console has burned a hole through the pockets of all Americans like young adults and parents, becoming increasingly vital in the homeplace to the point where not having it is consider unusual while they still cost hundreds of dollars. Therefore, I hereby declare myself independent of video game consoles.

    Jono Joseph 5th

  41. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to remove the diminishing of self worth because one compares themselves to others successes. The successes of other people should be used as an inspiration and not a chance for one to call themselves worthless. Triumph should be seen in a perspective and people shouldn't try to imitate others so they can be successful. Your successes, no matter how trivial they seem, are still important and we should change our view and see other people's triumphs as a chance to improve. Everyone is unique and people look down on themselves too much. It's good to try and be better but not to the point where you degrade yourself. Therefore, I declare all free from putting one's self down.

    Bryan Ta
    4th Period

  42. When in the course of human events, it's necessary to keep moving forward and leave behind the hardships that you face in the past. One must look beyond their dwelling on the past to focus on new and exciting goals for their future. The importance of looking towards a brighter future opens the human mind to a better outlet and diminishing the stress on him/herself. Humans must find a way to achieve their goals to pursue their own happiness, no matter what comes in their way. Therefore, I hereby declare myself independent from my mistakes of the past.

    Sarah Sultan 4th

  43. When in the course of human events a rift occurs between once conjoined parties, it is often in the best interest of said parties to severe all remaining connections.
    Throughout the time of which involvement of our two parties has been relevant, unfavorable actions have been made in forcing our parties to separate. The constant assignment of work and tasks mandatory to be completed outside of the set 7 hour time frame for which education is scheduled 5 times a week, barring exceptions to holidays and designated break periods have since proven unacceptable. Further more the constraints demanded on use of knowledge acquisition in research to a single set of sources, without given consideration as to wether previously dismissed sources could hold merit have resulted in added stress upon this party of which states this grievance.
    As a result of the listed grievances above, which have occurred over a period of several years, I hear by declare myself independent from the nonnegotiable powers granted to educators and staff affiliated with education institutions and henceforth demand a redirected and diplomatic hierarchy of decision making which includes those students impacted in all formal decisions of the current structure of public education.
    Mitchell Arwine period 4

  44. When in the course of human events, it is necessary to not be jealous of others. You should not envy the people around you nor famous celebrities, etc. One must appreciate what they have and continue working hard to reach success in their own life. It is important to work hard in your own life to be happy. Instead of being jealous of what others have, one must realize what they have. Use your life to help others in need not use your time being jealous of someone else. If you want something that someone else has, use that energy to work until you get it. Don't dread the idea of not having it. Therefore, I declare appreciating your life and not being jealous of others.

    Charli Escobedo
    Period 5

  45. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for an individual to treat others the way they want to be treated. When treating others in a manner they should be treated, happiness, inspiration, and positivity are spread. When others are treated wrongfully, there is a spread of hatred, sadness, and negativity. Finally, you never know what someone is going through, so it's best to be kind to anyone and everyone. Therefore, I declare my independence from any persons who do not believe in my principle of treating others the way they want to be treated.

    Cameron Walker
    Period 4

  46. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for all to be calm and collective. When you are aggressive it will make you think irrationally and you will be more dangerous to others and yourself. When you are depressed you need to calm down and try and have others talk to you about your problems and how you could fix it as it could have very harmful effects. Lastly you must me open-minded to any other ways of calming yourself down as there could be massive consequences to your actions that include jail time. Thus, we hereby declare that people the people who are very aggressive turn into a calm person with no aggressive feelings toward others.

    Michael Chan
    Period 4

  47. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one to dissolve the use of genders. The cruel practice of labeling humans as either a male or female produces as society of hate. Society has been persecuting those who do not fall under the current binary gender and has created a world of torture for the gender-less. Those who identify as an attack helicopter are left out economic opportunities, made fun of their choices, and considered second rate citizens. All humans have the right to equal rights, equal employment, and the protection from persecution whether they identify as male, female, or an Apache helicopter. We, therefore, the fleet of Boeing AH-64 Apache, declare independence from the binary genders.

  48. Justin kuzhippil
    Period 5
    When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to stop putting off exercise as teens. As young adults, It is easy for people to come up with excuses to not exercise, such as homework, social media, SAT, ACT college applications, exercise no matter what stage of life you're in is important. However, it mostly counts now as exercise at this age will greatly impact your health in later years. Unfortunately, it will only get worse once people go to college where there are more options of fast food that are either too tempting to refuse or are your only choices. Therefore, I declare myself free of living a sedentary lifestyle and coming up with excuses on not staying active.

  49. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one to acheieve your goals and persevere. Reaching these goals is an essential step to success. Goals is what represnts a persons motives and morals as they are what takes us forward in life. Goals provide a set out plan or direction towards ones beneficial dreams. Therefore, I declare myself to live my life accomplishiong every goal i set for myself.

    5th period

  50. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary that people separate themselves from others standards. One must understand that everyone runs under different sets of circumstances and may develop at different paces. When looking at others achievements, people are tempted to compare them to their own in order to determine the degree of success. People must first look at themselves and how they have improved gradually rather than looking to others and soceity for approval. We, therefore, declare independence from society’s expectations and constant comparisons.

    Natalie Dye
    5th period

  51. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the bond between themselves and their cellphones. The pull of a cellphone is undeniable, with many people injuring themselves and others in accidents caused by these evil devices. The cellphone has also erected a society based around the internet, killing off face-to-face interaction. Lastly, the cellphone has burned a hole through the pockets of Americans, becoming increasingly vital yet still costing hundreds of dollars. Therefore, I hereby declare myself independent of the cellphone.

    Raina Abraham
    5th period

  52. When in the course of human events, it has become necessary for one to separate their self from the rest of society which has done nothing but harm to all that is a part of it and to focus on one's self, to live a life lacking stress, to be more aware of nature and human nature, yet must be explained to be understood.

    It has forced most be selfish persons who do not contribute to society as a whole as they do not think about all factors.
    It attempts to do more than it can without doing what it must first.
    It is foolish and ignorant
    It is not understanding of ideas and the overall health of itself.
    It has limited its people.
    It has allowed itself to be controlled by the wealthiest and loudest as oppose to the best, intelligent, caring, and logical.

    For these wrong doings,it is necessary that I disconnect myself from society. Not physically, but mentally. I would be wrong for not suggesting each other person to do the same.

  53. Elizabeth Stech
    Per 4

    When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to respect all types of clubs, organizations, and teams. One must understand that every single organization inputs tremendous amounts of work daily in order to reach their desired goal. In addition, individuals need to comprehend the idea that each organization is important instead of thinking that only a certain number of teams/clubs matter. Humans need to learn to be supportive of every type of group that that exhibits dedication and class. Therefore, I hereby declare myself independent from any individuals that lack the capability to respect all unwavering and resolute organizations.

  54. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one to relieve themselves of the burden of fitting into societal norms. The constant pressure of trying to hide thy genuine self is depressing, causing many lives to be taken by their own hand. Unfortunately many teens are mainly the victims of this unsaid epidemic. By pretending to try and fit in you lose your true identity to the imposter we try to conform to. Due to these greivances I declare myself independent of societal norms and standards.

  55. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary that people are there for those who they love and that love them back. One needs to understand that all important people in your life need the support you provide and they require. In addition, humans need to believe in one another and respect their equals and peers. Therefore, I hereby declare myself a pillar for those who seek emotional support.

    Pamela gheriafi
    period 4

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  57. When in the course of tribunal events, it becomes necessary for one summoner to dissolve the the bond between themselves and toxicity.
    Such toxicity can lead to overreaction and abuse among friends. Toxicity can also spread to reflect badly upon champions as well, leading to what has become known as "permabanning." Finally, toxicity among the community is a well known cause of the removal of certain summoners indefinitely, for example the recently unbanned(hero) Tyler 'T1' 1.
    The tribunal, on behalf of summoners everywhere, therefore, declare independence from toxicity among the community.

    Kale Wicks
    Period 4

  58. When in the course of human events, I.T becomes necessary for one to understand people’s predicament and not judge them because they know nothing about them.People are always judgemental about someone meanwhile they do not know the challenges they are facing at home or in their personal life.Humans need to look beyond the surface of the skin and focus on the inside of someone and what they genuinely are showing.thereby I hereby declare myself segregated from the judgmental individuals in this world
    Bill bradley
    Period 5

  59. When in the course of human events, It has always been relevant of the issues between the maturity of the classes. Firstly, The level immaturity found in freshmen should not be tolerated and must immediately cease from happening.Secondly, Anyone that isn't a freshman should have no reason to show there level of immaturity and must be held from moving up. Lastly, Those mature enough should not have to to deal with the foolishness. Therefore, I declare myself and the the upper classes separate from from the freshmen class and all of its constituents.

  60. When in the course of human events, the people must stand together with respect and unity.
    Tiresome of judgements of an individuals chosen sexuality. Tiresome of conflict between two segregated groups. Tiresome of the unfair advantage of the privilege.
    In homage of the original declaration, I declare independence from all these grievances!

    Sophie Wedgeworth
    Period 5

  61. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary that one knows themselves, rather than falling in the shadow of another. People must refrain from modeling after what causes pain and struggle. Idolizing one changes the unique look of our society's people. Falling into the footsteps of another can lead to stress and confusion, and may lead an individual nowhere good in life. Therefore, I hereby declare independence from idolization and social pressures.

    Denise Doyle
    Period 5

  62. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one to separate themselves from human society as a whole and thus, not fall slave to the institutions which plague their existence. This collection of institutions have forced general narcissism and egotistical behavior upon those who live in said society. He has created a culture that revolves around that which one owns as opposed to the sentiments, morals, and actions that each person holds. He has allowed for a general apathy of any and all phenomena that do not involve oneself to plague the general public. Having experienced such grievances, and endured to the best of our ability, we, the representatives of Wesley Cherry, henceforth publish and declare that we are a separate entity to that which is known as human society.

  63. Ambareen Virani
    Period 4
    When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for the people to try to understand and accept each other as to progress life and humanity. The people must also give thanks in order to pursue a happier life. The people must attempt to persevere despite hardships and never attempt evil. Hereafter, I declare independence.

  64. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for the people to be honest and sincere in their everyday life. The people must stop posing as hypocrites claiming to the bearers of truth. People must refrain to live under a bed of lies. People must not live a life of falsehood. For this, I declare Independence for the truth!

    Jubin Joseph
    Period 5

  65. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for the people to embrace their own taste and style of music, in comparison to easily falling into the mainstream bandwagon of modern music. Given, if one’s choice of music happens to mainstream or modern, and further, they enjoy it, that is completely perfect. The only shortcoming is when people sacrifice their true taste of music simply to be accepted by peers.

    Modern music at times has pressured those of all ages to succumb to immature and dangerous acts.

    Modern music uses sometimes too simple concepts to reiterate catchy melodies and throw it back at the audience.

    And most importantly, modern music has caused many to sacrifice their true love for a certain genre as if it would damage their reputation.

    I hereby declare independence from the sometimes overbearing pressure of modern music, and encourage everyone to listen to their true choice of music, not others.

    Jackson Stanley
    Period 5

  66. Luke Matthews - Period 5

    When in the course of human events, it is necessary for students to rebel against the tyrannical dress code of Elkins high school. Let those who wish to wear their hats freely without the constant bickering of administrators. Let the beards grow freely. Let the locks flow in the air conditioning. Break free of our chains. Let’s be honest it’s just a hat.

  67. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for athletes to be able to miss practice when they so choose. By giving the athletes a choice to miss a day or two of practice will give them much needed rest and make them look forward to the next practice more. Let the athletes rest. Let the athletes catch up on homework. let the athletes see their significant other. let the athletes have a life.
    Drew Donovan period 5

  68. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for all to break away from overly boastful behavior. One should not seek attention in their actions, but rather do it for the common good of others. They should learn and practice humility. People become humble by surrounding themselves with modest people as well as acknowledging that we are not perfect. Therefore, I hereby declare independence from the tendency of conceited behavior.
    Alexis Chan
    5th Period

  69. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for all to avoid plagerism. Plagerism holds back someones full potential because you rush to get the work done. One must do the work right away so they can show everything then got in its best form. Plagerism is more of a habit because many are accustomed to doing work right before its due.
    Daniel Martin
    5th Period

  70. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to eliminate the act of conformity. This social influence effects the society negatively by creating one socially acceptable standard. This act takes away peoples freedoms mentally and physically in having the need to fit in. This also limits our say into the society, afraid to speak up only to feel socially acceptable. All those afraid shall be accepted with no standards. Positivity should be spread around avoiding violence and hateful acts. Therefore, I hereby declare myself independent from the forced act of conformity.

    Abin Manuel
    5th Period

  71. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to allow every student a choice in choosing their own electives without forcing them to take certain, and sometimes unnecessary, courses. These required electives, such as speech, foreign languages, and etc, are often not courses wanted to be taken by many students, who see them as useless. If the students see the course as useless, they will tend to pay less attention in the class, leading to lower grades and possibly failure, which will affect their gpa. Forcing students to take certain courses takes away the liberty of students of choosing their own courses, which is the point of electives, while giving them the guise that they do have a choice in their courses, when in actuality, they are being limited by the school system through manipulation of words and the school system. It is with great pleasure and with no regrets, that I hereby declare myself independent of the required elective class system, and encourage the rest of my fellow students to do the same, in order to overthrow the controlling tyrannical system built by deception and manipulation.
    Mohammad Ejaz 4th period.

  72. Kevine Jaimon 5th Period

    When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to eliminate ones participation from criminal acts. If there is crime committed there will always be a punishment to follow. Prisons, jails, and other system that serve to punish those who commit crimes begin to string along other problems that would not exist if there was no participation in crime. Civilians tend to take extreme measures in order to minimize the possibility of being a victim of crime.Therefore, I hereby declare myself and other right doers independent of criminal acts.
