You will have to do a bit of research for this one. Go to https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/mems.php where campaign contributions to different members of Congress are listed by Industry. Pick a category of Interest group and spotlight the donations made to a specific member of Congress. List the Congressman's 1) name, party and state. 2) how much was donated to their campaign, 3) list the Committee the Congressman is on that might affect the industry 4) **Extra Credit** list a bill that committee was hearing that might affect the industry
You may not copy another students answer.
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ReplyDeleteThe category of the interest group I chose was the entertainment industry. Doug Jones a Democrat from Alabama donated a total amount of $366,230 which makes him the top candidate who donated the most money. Doug Jones is on four committees which include health care, homeland security, banking, and programs that affect senior citizens. I believe that homeland security might affect the Entertainment Industry.
ReplyDeleteExtra Credit: Homeland Security act recently listed a bill that wants to secure the border and reform the legal immigration laws many democrats would not agree with this because according to Edwards and Wattenberg “Government in America” textbook it states that democrats wants to help “bring undocumented immigrants out of the shadows” which contradicts democratic values.
Erin Randle
Period 5
The top 3 contributors for the Defense Aerospace industry are Northrop Grumman ($1,798,564), Lockheed Martin ($1,745,047), and Boeing Co.($1,574,561).
ReplyDelete1) Republican Kay Granger- Texas District 12, was the top recipient for Defense Aerospace.
2) She received a total of $749,149.
3) Kay Granger is Chairwoman of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. The Defense Subcommittee oversees more than 50 percent of discretionary funding in the federal budget. This funds National Defense and ensures that our military has the resources needed to keep America safe.
4) Extra Credit-
Bill to Fund the Department of Defense Re-Introduced
The bill contains $659.2 billion in full-year, Fiscal Year 2018 funding for the Department of Defense (DOD). Kay Granger wants to strengthen our military defense as she states, “Congress’s number one responsibility is to provide for the defense of this nation. It is this bill that fulfills that most fundamental constitutional duty. This important legislation reflects what our military leaders have recommended in countless meetings and briefings and demonstrates our commitment to restoring military readiness, force modernization efforts, and maintaining technological superiority on the battlefield. After years of cuts, it’s time to rebuild our military.” This bill affects defense aerospace top contributors because companies such as Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing Co. are the top manufacturers of military weapons and transportation.
Denise Doyle
Period 5
The member of Congress I chose was Senator Claire McCaskill, a democratic Congresswoman from Missouri. The “Women’s Issues” interest group has donated $4,086,463 to Senator Claire McCaskill during the 2017-2018 election cycle. She is on the Committee of Armed Services, Committee of Finances, and Committee of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. A bill (from the Committee Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs) that might affect the industry is the “Improve Data on Sexual Violence Act”. The bill was created to direct the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to establish a working group to collect data on sexual violence, which would benefit the women’s issues interest group who are concerned for the rights of women.
ReplyDelete-Anne Dang, 4th period
The top recipient for the Education interest group is an Alabamian Democrat Doug Jones, receiving a total of $1,286,792. The total amount of money the interest group has acquired is $8,807,990. The trend of this interest group is to support democratic members of Congress. The top contributor to this interest group is the University of California, donating $1,079,879, followed by Stanford University. The top industries of Doug Jones include the Democratic/Liberal industry and the Lawyers/Law Firms industry. His top contributors are University of Alabama and Alphabet Inc. He is involved in the committees on health care, homeland security, banking, and programs that affect senior citizens. He is part of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions committee which is in charge of funding the Children’s Health Insurance Program.
ReplyDeleteJulianna Hastreiter
Period 5
The top recipient for the Retired Category is Republican Speaker of the House and U.S. Representative from Wisconsin, Paul Ryan. Ryan has received a total of $1,653,000 out of the $32,204,550 for all total recipients. The Democratic party represents 53% of total funds while the Republican party represents 46%. The top contributor of the 2017-2018 year has been the George W Gibbs III Living Trust which has donated $150,000. Ryan was previously the Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee which has jurisdiction relating to Medicare, a social insurance provided to retired people. The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 likely contributed to Ryan being a top recipient as the bill helped to reduce Medicare costs.
ReplyDeleteRendon Reinarz
Period 5
The category of the interest group i chose was oil&gas industry. Paul Ryan, republican from Wisconsin received $464,430 and was the top recipient.The total amount of money the interest group has acquired is $9,213,352. contributions from the oil industry spiked in 2012, increasing from $34 million in 2010 to $79 million in 2012; 87 percent of its donations to candidates and parties went to Republicans. He was on the Budget committee and i think that will most likely affect the industry.
ReplyDeleteFeba Abraham
Period 4
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ReplyDeleteThe member of Congress I chose was Paul Ryan, a conservative republican from Wisconsin. The “Retail Sales” interest group from 2016-2017 cycle. He received $103,455 in donations from this interest group. He is part of the US chamber of commerce and he sponsors bills corresponding to economy. This influences his desicions as a majority of his bills dealing with the economic sector tend to promote the creation of new jobs and ensure consumers have enough money saved up to contribute to the economic cycle. His focus of shrinking the debt also explains why he is sponsored by this group because alleviating the pressure of debt for the middle class will tremendously help the consumerism in America and lead to more sales in turn. Roadmap for America’s Future 2010 would affect the consumer industry as support for job and debt relief would help this interest group
ReplyDeleteJenina Bianty
The category I chose is pharmaceuticals/ health products. The top recipient is Orrin G. Hatch, a Senator who is Republican from Utah. The amount he has received $343,899 so far from this interest-group in the 2017 - 2018 cycle. As the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and former chairman of the Health, Education, Labor Pensions Committee, he is committed to fix the nation's broken entitlement programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. He is trying to lower the health care costs while ensuring quality care for the American people. A recent bill that was heard by the Health, Education, Labor Pensions Committee was the Firefighter Cancer Registry Act of 2017, which was introduced 02/07/2017, requires the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to develop and maintain a voluntary registry of firefighters to collect history and occupational information that can be linked to existing data in state cancer registries.
ReplyDeleteJanice Wilson
Per. 5
The category I chose to spotlight was Air transport.
ReplyDelete1. The top recipient is Barbara Comstock (Virginia) a republican who holds office in the House.
2. Comstock received a total of 80,700 from this interest group.
3. Comstock is on the committee of transportation & infrastructure.
4. The committee was hearing a bill pertaining to air traffic that would affect the industry.
Ambareen Virani
Period 4
The category that I chose was education. Raja Krishnamoorthi is a senator from Illinois. He has had almost $69,000 donated from education interest groups. He is on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce which focuses on ensuring that Americans' have the proper education to succeed and thrive in today's competitive world. A bill that would oppose the education sector would be the H.Con.Res. 29: This bill states the sense of the Congress regarding the need for diversity in the technology sector and a focus on Science,Technology and etc.
ReplyDeleteRaoof Ali
Period 5
The top recipient for the Food & Beverage Category is Paul Ryan, a conservative American politician. Individuals and political action committees associated with this industry contributed nearly $16.9 million during the 2014 campaign cycle, with 68 percent going to Republicans. Paul Ryan sides with the Republican Party, which explains why the industry has been a steady supporter of the GOP for the last two decades, regularly giving 70 percent or more of its contributions to Republicans. A bill that the Food & Beverage impacted was one that included Vigo County in an Indiana Senate committee in late January of 2018. The bill stated that it would impose a food and beverage tax of up to 1 percent to provide financing for a proposed convention center in Terre Haute.
ReplyDeleteAlexis Chan
5th Period
The interest group category that I chose was the Securities and Investment interest group. This industry is important in terms of the campaign dollars it sends to candidates and since 2012 it has become the single largest source of political contributions. The top recipient candidate I chose was Paul Ryan who is a Republican Congressman from the state of Wisconsin. The Securities and Investment interest group paid Paul Ryan $1,091,149 for the 2017-2018 years. Paul Ryan is the speaker of the house, so it is important the securities and investment who make the largest campaign contributions stay connected with him.
ReplyDeleteJosie Henry
4th period
The category of interest group I chose was Beer, Wine, and Liquor. Paul Ryan, republican from Wisconsin, was the top recipient and received $132,950. The total amount this interest group has received is $4,671,682. Paul Ryan is the Speaker of the House. The House just passed a bill making it legal to sell alcohol on Sunday. The bill will increase sales.
ReplyDeleteSophie Wedgeworth
Period 5
My category is TV/Movies/Music. The Congressman that I chose was Ossoff, Jon who is a part of the Democratic party from Georgia. He received $251,485 from TV/Movies/Music and he used to be on the Democratic National Committee. The Democratic National Committee affects the TV/Music/Movies industry because a majority of Hollywood is democratic and it has a large influence on the industry.
ReplyDeleteExtra Credit: A bill that the committee was hearing that might have affected the industry is the "Right to Work" bill, which prohibits labor unions from requiring workers to pay dues as a condition of employment.
- Rithvik Bommareddy, 4th Period
I chose the human rights interest group. Doug Jones is the top recipient, and he is senator of Alabama and part of the democratic party. $933,354 was donated for his campaign, and he is involved in the committees on health care, homeland security, Democratic National Committee, banking, and programs that affect senior citizens.
ReplyDeleteOn March 1st, the democratic committee tried to force a hearing on two bills aimed at gun violence, but ended in defeat Thursday, with Republicans who control a House committee tabling the bills despite a heavy turnout from supporters. This could affect the human rights bill because the 2nd amendment states the right to bear arms, so many will try to fight against bills targeting stricter gun control.
Jun Hin Loi
Period 4
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ReplyDeletemy category is Pro-Israel.The Congressman that I chose was Engel, Eliot.Who is a part of the Democratic party from New York. He received $276,634.Engel has been a vocal and uncritical supporter of Israel. In 2008, he was the leading Democrat on a resolution condemning Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli civilians by Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist organizations. Shortly after entering Congress, he sponsored a resolution declaring Jerusalem the undivided capital of Israel.
ReplyDeleteextra credit:
He also wrote the Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act, which was signed into law by President George W. Bush on December 12, 2003. This law authorized restrictions on American relations with Syria, and penalties for its occupation of Lebanon, and for its relationship with terrorist groups.
jyotis joy
per 5
The category I chose was Finance/Credit, Blaine Luetkemeyer is the top recipient and he is a Republican from Missouri District 3. Blaine Luetkemeyer received $110,100 from this campaign. The total amount the Republican party received was $2,211,216 from this interest group. Blaine was with the Republican party and the credit card industry. This committee was dealing with credit cards and with how the credit card companies would regulated it this was the committee that might affect the industry of the financial world.
ReplyDeleteMichael Chan
4th Period
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ReplyDeleteThe category I chose was Railroads, and the Congress member who is the top recipient is Roger Wicker. He is a Republican Senator from Mississippi. He received donations of about $85,450. Wicker is a part of the Transportation Committee that enhances funding to transportation services like railroads, and this makes sense that Wicker would then gain so much support from them. A bill that could severely affect this industry was the Railroad Reform, Enhancement, and Efficiency Act in 2015. This act stated that it would enhance railroad safety measures for passengers, reauthorize Amtrack services to the public, and better the infastructure of railroads as a whole. Then in late 2015 this bill would be passed and signed by the President and is enacted still to this day.
ReplyDeleteLauren Chamberlin
Period 5
The industry that I did was the Agricultural Services & Products. The member of congress I chose was Mike Conaway, a Republican Congressman from Texas. He received $104,050 from the Agricultural Services & Products interest group. He is the chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture. The Agricultural Services & Products interest groups likely supports Mike Conaway because he can determine how much government subsidies farmers receive. The bill on the South Carolina peanut parity act of 2017 may affect the industry as it adds South Carolina to the Virginia/Carolina peanut producing region, allowing for South Carolina to receive more subsidization.
ReplyDeleteThe category i chose was the real estate interest group. The top recipient involved was congressman Paul Ryan from the Republican Party in Wisconsin. Currently has has donated $624,934 from his campaign. He is not part of any committee because he is speaker of the House of Representatives.
ReplyDeleteTom Joseph
Period 4
The category which I found and choose to do was the Telecom Services and Equipement, there the top recipient is a woman named Marsha Blackburn, a Republican from Tennessee . During her time he has received about $206,000 for her campaign and was a member of the Senate, but now serves in as chair of the Subcommittee on Communications and the Internet. This committee has the control and watch on the system of Telecommunication, which due to its nature would fall under both communcation in online methods to connect business or people. EXTRA CREDIT: The most recent bill on the agenda has been that of "net neutrality" which has gathered quite an amount of lobbying attetnion, since it will most likely stifle innovation and competition that the industry has thus a major opposition for it has taken place.
ReplyDeleteJono Joseph
The category I choose was chemical and related manufacturing and the top recipient was Rob Portmon in the 2016 cycle. Rob Portmon who is a Republican Congressman from Ohio. During his campaign he received $178,620. Rob Portman is on the Committee of Energy and Natural Resources which has jurisdiction over matters related to energy and nuclear waste policy, territorial policy, native Hawaiian matters and public lands.
ReplyDeleteEXTRA CREDIT: Petitions & Memorials 162, which is a resolution adopted by the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission supporting the reporting of chemicals intentionally used for hydraulic fracturing; to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
Michelle Phan
5th Period
Kale Wicks
ReplyDeletePeriod 4
The category I choose was Beer, Wine & Liquor, the top recipient being Paul Ryan, a republican congressman from Wisconsin. During his campaign he received $979,150 from the National Beer Wholesalers Assn. The NBWA controls certain subjects of the alcohol industry such as prohibited days of sale and the sales tax on alcohol.
Extra Credit: The NBWA has gone over the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act of 2017, reducing the excise tax on alcoholic beverages promoting an increase in sales.
Swati Kundra
ReplyDelete5th period
I chose Pharm/ health products
1) Orrin G Hatch; republican; Utah
2) $343,899 was donated to the campaign
3) committee for health edu, labor and pensions
Extra cred) on 2/28/18, the committee passed action on a bill that will amend the federal food, drug, and cosmetic act to ensure that valid generic drugs may enter the market
The industry I selected was the Electric Utilities interest group. The leading recipient was Fred Upton who is a republican from Michigan. The money donated to his campaign was worth $131,500. Fred Upton is the Chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. Energy and commerce are directly correlated with electric utilities, which explains the choice of industry. A bill that the committee was hearing is "H.R. 8 - North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act". This bill is a broad energy bill that seeks to maximize America's energy potential. Based on the fact this bill revolved around energy, it most likely affected the industry.
ReplyDeleteRaina Abraham
5th period
My category is TV/Movies/Music. The Congressman I chose was Ossoff, Jon who is democratic and from Georgia. He received $251,485 from TV/Movies/Music and was on the Democratic National Committee. The Democratic National Committee effects the TV/Music/Movies industry because Hollywood is more democratic and Hollywood has a big influence on the industry. A bill that the committee was hearing that might affect the industry is the right to work bill.
ReplyDeleteI chose the Commercial Banks interest group. Senator Patrick McHenry is a Republican from North Carolina. The Commercial Banks interest group has donated $147,200 from 2017-2018. Senator McHenry is on the Financial Services committee, which is why the Commercial Banks interest group is interested in him. This highly affects the Commercial Banks interest group because both the interest group and committee deal with money. The Financial Choice Act of 2017 is one bill that the Commercial Banks interest group must have heard about. This bill will have a significant impact on the interest group because this bill is the biggest bank deregulation.
ReplyDeleteAbin Manuel
5th Period
I chose the printing & publishing interests groups. It is mainly composed of magazines, newspapers, and book publishers who experienced enormous change in the past decade with the Internet's growth in use and popularity.This industry leans more towards the democratic party due to the fact that 68 percent of their contributions were going to democrats. Doug Jones, a democratic senator who is the attorney for Alabama, received $374,884 from the interest group. He is on the committee of health care, homeland security, banking and programs affecting senior citizens. This could lobby the industry because it will increase publishing more books, newspapers, and magazines.
ReplyDelete**EXTRA CREDIT**
Doug Jones is in favor of cutting corporate taxes, which cannot affect the publishing and printing industry because The New Jersey Sales and Use Tax Act exempts from tax the sale of printing and publishing production machinery, apparatus, or equipment used directly and primarily in publishing newspapers.
Ayana Mathew
4th period
The category I chose was general contractors. The top recipient was Paul Ryan, a Republican Congressman from Wisconsin. Due to his family’s early construction business, Ryan Inc., construction groups were his primary financial backers in the beginning of his campaign. The largest donors were the National Association of Home Builders and the Carpenters and Joiners Union, each of whom have given more than $50,000 over his career. He is currently the Speaker of the House.
ReplyDeleteShweta Mathews
4th Period
The category I chose was Finance/Credit. The top recipient is Blaine Luetkemeyer who is a republican from Missouri. He received $275,874 during his campaign. He is a member of the Financial Services and Small Business committees.
ReplyDeleteLuke Matthews - Period 5
The category I chose was publishing. The top recipient for this category was Senator Doug Jones who is a democratic representative from Alabama. He is a member of the Health, Education, Labor and Pension committee and his top contributing company was Newsweb Corp totaling almost 5 million dollars.
ReplyDeleteDominic Kochen
5th Period
The category I chose was Crop Production. The top recipient is Mike Conaway who is a Republican representative for Texas. Conaway has donated $227,202 towards Crop Production. Congressman Conaway serves as Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture. The Agricultural Act of 2014 is the product of the House-Senate Farm Bill Conference. It is a five-year farm bill that reforms agricultural policy, reduces the deficit, and grows the economy.
ReplyDeleteJubin Joseph
Period 5
The category I selected was the entertainment interest group. The congressman I selected to describe is Sherrod Brown who is a member of the Democratic Party representative from Ohio. In this category he has received $333,285 dollars. The committee that Brown is on that will most affect the industry is the Air Transport Union.
ReplyDeleteZoheb Khawaja 5th Period
The interest group that I selected was the defense electronics category.
ReplyDelete1. Bill Nelson, Democrat, Florida
2. $110,235
3. Serves on the Committee on Armed Services on a Cybersecurity Subcommittee
4. S.Con.Res. 22: Whole of Society Cyber Personnel Cooperation Resolution of 2017
Alan Cummins
4th Period
The category I chose was the building materials interest group. The congressman for this group is Luther Strange, a Republican Senator from Alabama. He received $15,623 in total from building materials and equipment. He is on the committee of transportation, which could easily be intertwined with building materials. extra credit: The Surface Transportation Board Reauthorization Act of 2015 has dealt with the building processes of railroads and such, hence dealing with building materials.
ReplyDeleteAnna Mayzenberg 5th
I choose to look into donations for human rights.Thé candidate I selected was Jon Tester, a Democrat from Montana. $17,493 was donated to his campaign. Tester is on the senate’s
ReplyDeleteHousing, Transportation, and Community Development committee, as well as the senate’s Indian Affairs committee and the Veteran’s Affair’s committee, all of which can influence human rights. Additionally, Tester’s committees are currently working on the Native Youth and Tribal Officer Protection act, and the Urban Indian Health Parity act, both of which will impact human rights policies pertaining to Native Americans in America and on reservations.
Radhika Daru
Period 5
I chose the Education interest group. Donations from this industry come from individuals associated with multiple institutions. Representative Elizabeth Warren is a democratic senator from Massachusetts, and she received $389,593 from the Education industry for her campaign. She is on the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) committee, which affects the Education industry because it focuses on ensuring that all children have access to a quality education. A bill that the committee was hearing that might affect the industry would be the Free Speech on College Campuses Bill.
ReplyDeleteKriti Bansal
Period 5
I chose the Health Professionals interest group.
ReplyDelete1. Doug Jones,Democrat,Alabama
3.Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
4.A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize a sickle cell disease prevention and treatment demonstration program and to provide for sickle cell disease research, surveillance, prevention, and treatment.
The category I chose was the retired interest group. Congressmen Paul Ryan is a republican from Wisconsin. $60,300 was given to him by New York Life Insurance. Retired people won't go away but are bad for life insurance companies because they have a higher tendency to die so they are interested in Paul Ryan and the retired interest group so that they could change policies to help benefit their business/companies.
ReplyDeleteI chose the Misc Manufacturing and Distributing category interest group.
ReplyDelete1.) The Congressman contributed to is Paul Ryan (Republican,
2.) $177,846 was donated to his campaign.
3.) Serves on the United States Congressional International
Conservation Caucus, possibly posing an influence on the
**4.) A bill currently being heard is the Eastern Nevada Economic
Development and Land Management Improvement Act, sponsored by
Rep. Ruben Kihuen [D-NV4].
Jackson Stanley
Period 5
I chose the automotive interest group.
ReplyDelete1. Paul Ryan, Republican, Wisconsin
2. $169,785 in 2016
3. He was Chairman of the House Budget Committee from 2011 to 2015
4. Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)
The automotive industry is one of the highest contributors to Paul Ryan's administration, despite the low contribution value. The automotive industry supports Paul Ryan after his support for TARP during the late periods of the Great Recession of 2008. The rising economy brought up the automotive industry but they still support Paul Ryan because he supports their agenda and can get it accomplished with his political position and connections.
Tanmay Shah
4th Period
The industry that I did was the Securities and Investment interest group. The candidate I chose was Paul Ryan who is a Republican Congressman from the state of Wisconsin. The Securities and Investment interest group paid Paul Ryan $940,830 for 2018 election season. Paul Ryan does not sit on any committees since he is the Speaker of the house.
ReplyDeleteMohammad Ejaz
4th period
My category is Hospitals/Nursing Homes.
ReplyDelete1. Paul Ryan, Republican, Wisconsin
2. $194,165
3. Chairman of the House Budget Committee
4. American Health Care Act. Democrats wanted to attack parts in the bill that would end Medicaid expansion.
Bryan Ta
4th Period
I chose the rail road interest group
ReplyDelete1.Roger Frederick Wicker is an American politician and member of the Republican Part
2. $85,450
3. serves as the junior United States Senator from Mississippi
Drew Donovan 5th
1) Blaine Luetkemeyer, republican, Missouri
3) finance and credit committee
4)H. R. 4296 in order to place requirement on operational risk capital requirements for banking organizations established by an appropriate Federal banking agency
Mitchell Arwine period 4
I picked the Pro Israel interest group
ReplyDelete1. Robert Menendez
2. 242,001
3. Serves as the senator from NJ
Yash Parmar 5th
Alan John/ 5th Period
ReplyDeleteThe category that I chose was the Republican/Conservative Interest Group.
1. Roy Moore is a Republican politician from Alabama.
2.$311,446 was donated to his campaign
3.Former Republican Nominee, 28th and 32nd Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama
I chose the entertainment industry and democrat Jon Ossof repersenting Georgia received 268,575 dollars. Mainly going to his campaign when he ran for house of repersentatives for the 6th district of Georgia but sadly lost. Due to this he is not a congressman but is very active in politics and is a filmmaker.
ReplyDeleteSydney Sandford 4th
The category I chose was Industrial Unions
ReplyDelete1. Sherrod Brown is a Democratic Politician from Ohio.
2. He received $450,496 in total donations.
3. He is on the committee of Finance and Veteran affairs. Also an American politician who is the senior United States Senator from Ohio.
Cameron Walker
Period 4
The category I chose was Misc. Manufacturing and Distributing
ReplyDelete1. Peter Roskam is a Republican house member from Illinois
2. He recieved a total of 83,100
3. He is chairman of the Means Subcomittee on Tax Policy meaning he stands to altar the tax rates on any mufacturing or distributing goods.
Wesley Cherry
Period 4
The category i chose was health science
ReplyDelete1)Kevin Brady is a republican from Texas
2) He received 83,850 dollars for his campaign
3)He holds a chair in both the Joint economic committee and House committee of means and ways.He is also in Joint committee on Taxation. This could affect the industry as he could lower tax rates for the health care industry.
4) He sponsored the Healthcare Market Certainty and Mandate relief act of 2017, which provides temporary funding for health insurance cost sharing and tax relief, which would get more people to join the health care industry.
The category I chose was Electronics Manufacturing and equipment
ReplyDelete1. Doug Jones a democrat from Alabama (Senator)
2. Contributions have rocketed since to a total of $29.6 million in 2014
3. He is on the committee for Homeland Security and Governmental affairs in which he lobbied for homeland security bills through this interest group
4. Net neutrality because it can alter how much will be able to go into Electronics manufacturing in the future because of taxing on websites.
Sarah Sultan
Period 4
Oil and Gas category
ReplyDelete1.Dean Heller- Republican from Nevada
2. 120,000 Dollars was received for his campaign
3. Holds a chair in the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs committee, Commerce, Science, and transportation committee, Finance committee, and Veterans affairs committee, which means that he can lower gas/raise gas prices which directly have an impact in finance, commerce and transportation committees.
4. He sponsored the Truck technology parity act that limits truck weight limitations and this corresponds to oil and gas industry because limiting the weight of the trucks also means they carry less loads resulting in more trucks that use oil on the roads.
Epstein Jacob
Period 4
The category I chose was Insurance.
ReplyDelete1.) Paul Ryan is a Republican House member from Wisconsin.
2.) He received a total of $432,792 from 2017-2018.
3.) He sits on the Chair Committee and the Joint Committee on Taxation.
4.) A bill this committee was hearing was the Expanding the Availability of Medicare Data Act as it directly ties in with Insurance and 'expands the kinds of uses of Medicare data available to qualified entities for quality and patient care improvement activities'.
Ashel Jaimon
Period 4
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ReplyDeleteThe category that I chose was lawyers/lawfirms.
ReplyDelete1. Cory Booker Democrat from New Jersey
2. He received an amount of $58,017,814 in his campaign in 2014.
3. Booker serves on the committee for Science and Transportation which could lead to advancements in technology and more faster transportation.
4. The Spoofing prevention Act is a bill that was recently heard by this committee. The bill amends the Communications Act of 1934.
This might affect the lawyer industry because it changes laws.
Naomi Samuel
Period 5
The category that I chose was the Transport Union group
ReplyDelete1. Peter DeFazio is a Democratic house party member from Oregon.
2. DeFazio received $74,500 toward his campaign.
3. DeFazio is on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee whose policies would affect the Transportation Union interest group.
4. In 2011, the Federal Aviation Administration bill was heard by the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. It regulates the construction and operation of aviation.
Isabel Zhou
7th period
The category that I chose was education. Raja Krishnamoorthi is a democratic senator from Illinois. He has had $69,248 donated to him on behalf of the education interest groups. He is on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce which focuses on ensuring that Americans' needs are addressed so that students and workers may move forward in a changing school system and a competitive global economy. A bill that would affect the education sector would be the H.Con.Res. 29: Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the need for increased diversity and inclusion in the tech sector, and increased access to opportunity in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) education.
ReplyDeleteJoel Thomas
5th Period
ReplyDelete1.Murphy Stephanie ,Florida,Democratic house party
2.$17,097 donated to him toward his campaign.
3 U.S. Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy serves on the powerful House Committee on Armed Services and the House Committee on Small Business
4.they consider the annual defense authorization Bill
Bill-braldey. period 4
DeleteThe industry I choose was Women's Issues. The member of Congress I selected was Kirsten Gillibrand, a democratic Congresswoman from the state of New York. The Women's Issues interest group provided her with $449,263 dollars. Gillibrand is active in multiple committees, but the committee she is a part of that could possibly impact the industry is the Committee on Armed Services. One of the committee’s jurisdictions involves the pay of members of Armed Forces. Although men and women do get equal pay in this field, this committee makes sure that women are given the same benefits, along with influencing other fields to promote equal rights in genders.
ReplyDeleteLauryn Weller
period 4
Defense Aerospace
ReplyDelete1. Tim Kaine, Democrat from Virginia
2. $74,092 in 2017-2018
3. Tim Kaine is the highest supported Demcat with two republicans above him and two below him. He most likely gained such support because he was on the ballot for vice president in 2016 and is very powerful and well known.
4. Defense funding as was related to the budget.
Robert Slaybaugh
4th period
i put this blog post in the previous blog post instead of here on accident
ReplyDeleteThe interest group I chose is the National Beer Wholesalers Association. This group focuses on the issues relating to the sale and consumption of alcohol, such as their opposed efforts to lower national blood alcohol level standards. The congressman that they supported the most is John Boehner, who is a Republican from Ohio. They gave him $15,000. A committee that could affect this organization is Avamere Health Services. A bill that they have been looking at is the Graham-Cassidy bill.
Cassie De Leon
4th period
Kevine Jaimon 5th Period
ReplyDeleteBeer, Wine, and Liquor Category
1. Paul Ryan, republican congressmen from Wisconsin
2. $132,950 in 2018
3. Ryan is speaker of the house and he being part of this
committee allows him to act as a linkage between the interest group and government so that their needs can be heard.
4. Sunday Liquor sales bill
Stephen Kelly
ReplyDeletePeriod 4
Pro Israel
-Robert Menendez Democrat from NJ
-Sen. Menendez is apart of the foreign relations committee and there contribution could sway him in a certain way
-H.R. 3362: Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2018