Click on the link above and go to Vote Smart's listing of national political interest groups. Select a group and go to its home page. Create and post an overview of the group's mission, budget, history and who they endorsed in the last presidential election. Included any other pertinent information about your interest group in the summary. Do not select a group that has already been used by one of
your classmates.
The interest group I chose is the Asian American Action Fund (AAA-Fund), a national Democratic political organization. Their mission is to represent and promote the existence of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in every branch of the U.S. government (local, state, and federal levels) as well as endorse them in political campaigns. Based on the group’s 2018 summary data, they managed to raise $33.9k for their budget (the most the group has raised was $136k in 2008). The group was founded in 1999 to bring together progressive Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders leaders from major ethnic groups and from all over America to create representation in the community. The candidate the group endorsed in the last presidential election was Hillary Clinton. The group has also endorsed John Chiang for California governor and Gina Ortiz Jones for Texas’s 23rd Congressional District (San Antonio) in the past year.
ReplyDelete-Anne Dang, 4th period
The interest group I researched is the Voices of Conservative Women, a nonpartisan State Political Action Committee based in Minnesota. The group intends to promote their beliefs of fiscal responsibility, limited government, and free-market principles. The interest group formed in 2009, as six friends saw the necessity to recruit and provide support for conservative women in all levels of government. The group did not support a candidate in the presidential election but they have helped politicians such as Sarah Andersen, Regina Barr, and Peggy Bennett. The budget to endorse and campaign for candidates of the group is dependent upon contributions made by the people.
ReplyDeleteAmbareen Virani
Period 4
I picked the Air Transport interest group, a group displaying to traveler aircrafts and conveyance administrations. Agent Barbara Comstock is a Republican from Virginia. She got $3,645,324 from the air transport group. Comstock as of now serves on the transportation and infrastructure committee. The business aircraft industry likely backs her since she needs to bring down the measure of cash carriers that are fined by the transportation division for landing area delays.
ReplyDeleteRaoof Ali
Period 5
The Sierra Club's mission is to explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth and to promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources through lawful means. The group has a budget of $97.89 million, and was founded by conservationist John Muir in 1892. Important acts were passed with the help of the Sierra Club, including the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Endangered Species Act. One of the leading goals that the club has claimed is to move away from fossil fuels and toward a clean energy economy, humans will be more dependent on renewable resources in the future. For endorsements, each of their congressional endorsements are voted on by two committee made up mostly of volunteers and a couple of staff. In 2017, they have endorsed Jimmy Gomez and Jon Ossoff who are both Democrats in the U.S House of Representatives.
ReplyDeleteJun Hin Loi
Period 4
The interest group I chose was the School Nutrition Association. The mission of the School Nutrition Association is to advance good nutrition for all children. They advance the quality of school meal programs through education and advocacy. They represent more than 57,000 members and was established in 1946. in 1964, they established a sister organization called the School Nutrition Foundation. Each year, the President submits his budget request which starts off the year’s fiscal planning process, including funds for the Child Nutrition Programs.
ReplyDeleteRithvik Bommareddy. 4th Period
Lauren Chamberlin
ReplyDeleteperiod 5
The Defenders of Wildlife and Action Fund has the mission to protect all animals and plants within their natural habitats. It has a budget of over $30,500,000 though this number can increase depending on donations. The group was founded in 1947, and it was original called the Defenders of Fur Bearers. They used to be solely dedicated to helping wild animals, but over the years that has expanded to biodiversity and other impactful actions to protect the environment and creatures in it. One of their greatest influences is the pushing/ advocation of the Endangered Species Act, which serves to protect species around the world and in America that are endangered or close to endangerment. Most of the Senate and House support this organization, but their biggest adversaries in that department are conservative states in the south. Obama also supported this group during his presidency, but I could not find any information pertaining to Trump's support or disapproval.
The Planned Parenthood Action Fund is located in New York City and Washington DC and it is a non profit organization. It includes voter education and a planned parenthood mission. It also provides healthcare for men, women and young children with over 650 health centers across the country. Planned Parenthood organizations serve all patients.
ReplyDeletepamela gheriafi
Deleteperiod 4
The Texas Association of Business is an association of Texas businesses and business owners. It works in a bipartisan manner to protect and enhance the Texas business climate and make the state’s economy strong. Their vision is to unite people to drive public policy issues for Texas businesses. For more than 90 years, the Texas Association of Business (TAB) has been on the front lines of the legislative, regulatory, and judicial battlefields, fighting for every issue that impacts business. Through TAB, more than 4,300 employers have united to create new employment opportunities, a predictable regulatory environment, low taxation, statewide collaboration, and a prosperous Texas economy. TAB is headquartered in Austin, Texas, and led by Jeff Moseley, CEO. Today, TAB represents more than 2 million employees and $8 billion in favor of policies and legislation to better commerce and trade in Texas. TAB supports members of both parties in numerous election but they did not take a stance in the 2016 Presidential election.
ReplyDeleteTanmay Shah
Period 4
The interest group i researched is the American Veterinary Medical association. The mission of the Association is to lead the profession by advocating for its members and advancing the science and practice of veterinary medicine to improve animal and human health. It representing more than 91,000 veterinarians working in private and corporate practice, government, industry, academia, and uniformed services. The AVMA acts as a collective voice for its membership and for the profession.They provide educational accreditation and certification programs that protect and elevate the quality of veterinary care.The association's goal is focused squarely on their efforts to grow member value by increasing member satisfaction and market share across all segments of the profession. This group did not support a candidate in the presidential election.
ReplyDeleteFeba Abraham
Period 4
The interest group that I researched about was the Food Policy Action. Their mission is to highlight the importance of food policy and to promote policies that support healthy diets, reduce hunger at home and abroad, improve food access and affordability, uphold the rights and dignity of food and farm workers, increase transparency, improve public health, reduce the risk of food-borne illness, support local and regional food systems, treat farm animals humanely and reduce the environmental impact of farming and food production. Food Policy Action promotes positive policies through education and publication of the National Food Policy Scorecard. In the 2016 presidential election the Food Policy Action supported Hillary Clinton.
ReplyDeleteZoheb Khawaja
5th Period
I interest group I selected was "Run for Something." Their mission is to recruit and support talented, passionate young people who will advocate for progressive values now and for the next 30 years, with the ultimate goal of building a progressive bench. They'll take a chance on people the usual "institutions" might never encounter. They'll help people run for offices like state legislatures, mayorships, city council seats, and more. And whatever it takes to get more under-35 year-olds on the ballot. They supported Hillary clinton during the 2016 elections.
ReplyDeleteEpstein Jacob
Period 4
The group I chose was EMILY's List. Their purpose is to elect pro-choice Democratic women to political office. As of 2014, their budget was nearly $45 million. In the last presidential election, they endorsed Hilary Clinton. The group was founded in 1985 by Ellen Malcolm. The acronym stands for "Early Money Is Like Yeast." Critics of this group are typically progressives. In the 2016 election, they were on track to raise $60 million. A noteworthy fact is that in 2012, 80% of the candidates endorsed by Emily's List in the general election won a seat.
ReplyDeleteRaina Abraham
5th period
The interest group i selected was "Pride Fund to End Gun Violence." Pride Fund to End Gun Violence is America’s only LGBTQ organization solely focused on gun policy reform to ensure safety for all. They aim to mobilize the LGBTQ community and our allies, raise funds to elect pro-LGBTQ candidates who support gun policy reforms, and serve as the strong, concentrated voice of the LGBTQ community in the movement to stop senseless gun tragedies. David Richardson, Lindsey Davis Stover, Anna Eskamani are all the endorsements so far in the 2018 year. The supported Hill Clinton during the 2016 elections.
ReplyDeleteMichelle Phan
Period 5
The interest group that I selected was ""Moms Demand Action for gun sense" group. This group supports the 2nd Amendment, but believe common-sense solutions can help decrease the escalating epidemic of gun violence that kills too many of our children and loved ones every day. In 2016, the interest group endorsed Hillary Clinton during her campaign. They claim to have a $140 million dollar budget. Their goals are to Pressure lawmakers to improve our gun laws, raise awareness about gun violence, educate the public about common-sense gun laws and responsible gun ownership and connect and amplify the voices of survivors of gun violence.
The interest group I chose was the ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). On April 10, 1866 by philanthropist and diplomat Henry Bergh.Thier mission is too "to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States. "They have a budget of $129 million dollars but donated a mere 4% ($4 million dollars). As the pioneer and innovator of the humane movement, the ASPCA quickly became the model for more than 25 other humane organizations in the United States and Canada. And by the time Bergh died in 1888, 37 of the 38 states in the Union had passed anti-cruelty laws. The aspca didn’t support either candidate in the last presidential election, Hillary and Bill Clinton both got shamed by the ASPCA for remarks they made about dogs and the aspca called trump a “threat to animals everywhere“.
ReplyDeleteSainath Krishnamurthy
Period 4
The interest group I chose was the United Food & Commercial Workers Local 400. Their mission is to help workers obtain and hold onto better paychecks, job security, decent fringe benefits and justice on the job. The assets for the United Food & Commercial Workers Local 400 is $201,831,273. The history of UFCW is that during 1979 the meat packing industry was a huge factor for poor working conditions and this was what started the UFCW history. They began to protest the terrible working conditions and unsanitary practices going on inside America’s meatpacking plants. They haven't been endorsed by any president, but they do play a key role in factory safety.
ReplyDeleteMichael Chan
4th period
The interest group I chose was the School Nutrition Association. The mission of the School Nutrition Association is to advance good nutrition for all children. They advance the quality of school meal programs through education and advocacy. They represent more than 57,000 members and was established in 1946. in 1964, they established a sister organization called the School Nutrition Foundation. Each year, the President submits his budget request which starts off the year’s fiscal planning process, including funds for the Child Nutrition Programs.
ReplyDeleteThe interest group I chose was the Keep America Safe interest group. The mission of Keep America Safe is to provide information for concerned Americans about critical national security issues. Keep America Safe seeks to influence public policy by encouraging dialogue between American citizens and their elected representatives in order to produce legislation and executive action that enhances the national security of the United States. The group later dissolved in 2013. From 2001 to 2010, there was over 600 supporters of this interest group that held a position in the U.S. government. The website does not show the budget or who the last person was to endorse this interest group.
ReplyDeleteAbin Manuel
5th Period
The interest group I chose was the League of Women Voters, a citizen’s organization that seeks to improve the government by encouraging greater participation of citizens in voting and keeping them informed about the influential decisions taken by the government. The league was formed from the women’s movement but now they focus on giving a voice to all Americans. During the 2016 election, they managed to raise $4,599,910 but didn’t formally endorse a candidate. They instead chose to focus on providing voters with information on each candidate and on how to vote for them.
ReplyDeleteShweta Mathews
4th Period
I chose the group Environment America. Environment America is a federation that is citizen-funded and their main mission is to help encourage results for a safe environment and protecting the environment from destruction. By visiting their website,it is also clear that they hold the bee crisis to be important as well as global warming and renewable energy. The group has received $298,654 and officially endorsed Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential Election.
ReplyDeleteRendon Reinarz
Period 5
The interest group I chose was the Ocean Champions, which is connected to a PAC, and is the first organization with the sole purpose of protecting the ocean and the marine life living inside. There goal is to create a political environment that believes protecting the oceans is a necessity rather than a burden. The group in 2016 received over $136,000 and spent about $85,000 of their earnings to endorse democrats and Hillary Clinton in the presidential election. They made contributions to a total of 19 representatives and 12 senators, only one being republican and the rest democrats.
ReplyDeleteJulianna Hastreiter
Period 5
The interest group I chose was the Children's Defense Fund,it is an American nonprofit organization that focuses on child advocacy and research. It was founded in 1973 by Marian Wright Edelman.The CDF was founded in 1973, citing inspiration from the Civil Rights Movement, with the goal of improving federal policies concerning child welfare and public education systems.The CDF has run several public awareness campaigns, including the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Campaign in 1986, the gun violence prevention campaign, and ending child poverty.Numerous notable individuals have been actively involved with the charity. Reese Witherspoon served on the Board of Directors. The Children's Defense Fund (CDF) supports a federal budget that protects children and low-income families from budget cuts, invests in children to promote long-term economic growth for the nation, and ensures that the most advantaged Americans and corporations pay their fair share. As expected, the President proposes to use his 2019 Budget, released on February 12th, to pay for the $1.5 trillion deficit increase included in the 2017 Tax Cut bill. February 14, 2018.
ReplyDeleteJyotis Joy
Period 5
The nonprofit interest group I found is the Americans for the Arts Action Fund. The overall mission of the 501(c)(4) membership organization is to advance the engagement of citizens in fine arts education and pursuit of the arts, hoping to gain 100,000 members of like-minded activists. The budget it petitioned Congress to pursue is $155 million, in regards to preventing the NEA and NEH from being eliminated. It was launched October 4, 2004, and is still America's leading 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization for advancement of the arts.
ReplyDeleteJackson Stanley
Period 5
The interest group I researched was America’s Voice which focuses on immigration. The mission of America’s Voice is to harness the power of American voices and American values to enact policy change that guarantees full labor, civil and political rights for immigrants and their families. To help build lives and help stop deportation an individual can donate to the group at any time through their website. America’s voice is in partnership with progressive, faith-based, labor, civil rights, and grassroots groups, networks and leaders to enact federal legislation that puts 11 million Americans-in-waiting on the road to full citizenship. In the last presidential campaign, I believe the interest group endorsed Hilary Clinton.
ReplyDeleteJosie Henry
4th Period
The Newtown Action Alliance provides support, education, and other resources to individuals and their family that have been impacted or living in the aftermath gun violence. It is an all-volunteer organization that was created by the Newtown residents after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Their mission is to reverse the escalating gun violence in this nation by introducing safer gun laws by collaborating with the national, state, and local organizations on campaigns that share the same grounds as they do and educate fellow Americans on the impact of gun violence in this nation. This organization voted against President Trump’s party as they are strictly against gun violence and President trump on the other hand promised to put guns in school on day one of his presidency.
ReplyDeleteAshel Jaimon
Period 4
The interest group I chose was #VOTEPROCHOICE, they are committed to representatives that reflect their values. They make sure that the 70% of voters that want abortion to be safe, legal, accessible, affordable and respectful to have a voice in the government. They are partnered with the women's march and the united state of women. They are very much a democratic interest group. They were have a strong history with the women's march on abortion and sexism. Their website does not mention a budget.
ReplyDeleteSarah Sultan
Period 4
The interest group i chose was the national association of wheat growers. Their goals are to support the growing of wheat primarily by funding beneficial agricultural research and investing in USDA foreign market development programs. Farm policy represents just one quarter of one percent of the federal budget. They did not necessarily support trump in the election, but they supported his pushing trade enforcement at WTO greatly. They advocate, influence through partnerships, interact with the public, and build in order to get things done.
ReplyDeleteAnna Mayzenberg
5th Period
The interest group I chose was National Association of Manufacturers. The group's mission is to be the voice for all manufacturing in the United states. The history behind the interest group was to increase exports to other countries. They endorsed President Donald Trump in the last election. They are focused on expanding the manufacturing sector in the United States economy by informing the media, legislators, and the Administration.
ReplyDeleteJenina Bianty
The interest group that I chose was "United to End Genocide". They endorsed Hillary Clinton in the last election. United to End Genocide is dedicated to preventing and ending genocide and mass atrocities worldwide by building a powerful, lasting movement of community activists, faith leaders, students, artists, investors and genocide survivors, and all those who believe we must fulfill the promise the world made following the Holocaust: Never Again! The Save Darfur Coalition and the Genocide Intervention Network are now known as United to End Genocide.
ReplyDeleteNaomi Samuel
Period 5
The interest group that I chose was "National Nurses United". They endorsed Marie Newman, Arturo Carmona, and Jimmy Gomez over the span of 2017 and 2018. The group is made up of 185,000 registered nurses in the United States. Their goal is to call for action premised on the principles intended to counter the national assault by the healthcare industry on patient care conditions and standards for nurses. Their motto is "healthcare justice, accessible, quality healthcare for all, as a human right."
ReplyDeleteDominic Kochen
5th Period
"Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions" is an interest group promoting greater regulation of pollution by energy companies and promoting energy resources that are 'good for the environment' and the economy. According to their summary, their primary goal is promoting Environmental Protection while maintaining the economy and providing an abundant energy supply to the American Public. They associate as a conservative group and work with the Republican Party to establish policy favoring environmental regulation. The group was founded by Republican grassroots organizer James Dozier in 2013 as a Republican coalition to improve the environment. The group has grown mostly through other party members' joining in support of CRES's mission, and recently (July 17, 2017) former U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte was named as the organization’s senior advisor. There is not an official published budget. The group did not officially endorse Donald Trump in his Presidential Campaign, however they have recently endorsed many Republican Congressmen and Congresswomen in the past few years as well as several Governors and former representatives.
ReplyDeleteMatthew Whaley
Period 4
The interest group that I chose was the Friends of the Earth Action PAC which focuses on the issues dealing with the environment. "Friends of the Earth Action works on a set of issues, including energy policy, corporate pollution, environmental legislation, consumer-product toxins, tax and budget policies and international trade and financing. Their budget for the 2016 fiscal year was 1.6 million dollars. Friends of the Earth Action provides extra political muscle on legislative battles here in America to our sister organization, Friends of the Earth, which is part of a network of working in 76 nations around the world. In the 2016 Presidential election they endorsed Bernie Sanders. Friends of the Earth Action and its associated PAC make thoughtful political endorsements, provide support to candidates, and place environmentalists in the field on campaigns.
ReplyDeleteJubin Joseph
Period 5
The interest group that I picked was "Nuclear Age Peace Foundation". Their goal is to educate and advocate for peace and a world free of nuclear weapons, and to empower peace leaders. They spent around $1,200,000.00 last year. It was founded in 1982 and is non-partisan, non-profit organization with consultative status to the United States. It also now has 75,000 individuals and groups who see peace in the Nuclear age. This organization did not directly state who they supported in the previous presidential election, but there are articles on their website that criticize Trump for his constant threats of using nuclear weapons, which hints that this organization supports Hillary more.
ReplyDeleteCassie DeLeon
4th period
The special interest group that I chose was "English First". The group's mission is to pass legislation making English the official language of the United States. This group has been around for 25 years and has over 150,000 members. The budget and favored presidential candidate is not mentioned. Marco Rubio backs the group.
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
DeleteThe interest group I chose was America's Opportunity Fund. Their mission is to support federal and statewide candidates and elected officials who represent the interests of communities of color, and who inspire participation in government for the benefit of all Americans. They spent around $768,000 in the 2016 election cycle and have already spent $331,000 this year. The group was founded in 2007 by Gary Locke and Norman Y. Mineta. They currently have 1254 members and have hosted 147 rallies. They supported Hillary Clinton in the last presidential election.
ReplyDeleteJanice Wilson
5th period
The interest group which I chose to do was Democrats For Life Of America. Their mission is to support and advocate policies that promote life naturally. It was created in 1999 and some older candidates that were supported by them were Hubert Humphrey and Sargent Shriver. They contribute to Planned Parenthood, and have a shared budget of 1.2 billion dollars. They endorsed Joe Machin III, Caroline Fayard, and Jerry Cannon.
ReplyDeleteJono Joseph 5th
The Christian Coalition of America aspire to represent the pro-family point of view before Congress, speak out in the media, train leaders for effective action, inform pro-family voters about timely issues, and protest anti-Christian bigotry and defend the rights of people of faith. They aim to play an active role in government again like never before. They are committed to doing what Ronald Reagan called “the hard work of freedom”. Moreover, since they are driven by his words, and promote pro-life decisions, they most likely endorsed the Republican Party in the last presidential election.
ReplyDeleteAlexis Chan
5th Period
The ocean champion's goal is to develop a broad, bipartisan base of supporters from which to cultivate political champions for ocean conservation in the U.S. Congress and in key states. There are currently 71 champions serving in the 115th Congress with a budget of 800,000
ReplyDeleteDrew Donovan 5th period
The Republican Majority Campaign PAC is a conservative organization with a mission dedicated towards restoring the republican majority in congress and advancing an America First platform. They have an anual budget of about $162,600. They have been around since 1998 and are a political action committee focused on restoring congress to the hands of republican control. They endorsed Trump in the last presidential election.
ReplyDeleteMitchell Arwine period 4
The interest group I researched is a conservative organization whose mission is electing pro-family, pro-life and pro-free enterprise candidates to state and federal offices. The name of this interest group is "Campaign for Working Families". The group endorsed Ted Cruz and Mike Pence in this past presidential election. The company has mainly supported conservative individuals and the annual budget is unclear but the company has raised over $7 million dollars.
ReplyDeleteCameron Walker
Period 4
The interest group I selected was the Liberty for All (or LFA) that supports new legislation and government programs that promote and sustain social and economic freedoms, advance a free society, and promote the enactment of limited and local government. Liberty for All attempts to unite American's of all backgrounds, cultures, and ages. They endorsed Hillary in the last election because of Trump's division of culture and conservative policies.
ReplyDeleteNatalie Dye Period 5
The American Library Association seeks to improve libraries locally and nationally. They have a budget of $33.5 million. They were founded 1876. They seemed to support Hillary Clinton in the last election. They wish to promote intellectual freedom.
ReplyDeleteBryan Ta
4th Period
The Arab American institute is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the civic and political empowerment of Americans of Arab descent. The organization represents the policy and community interests of Arab Americans throughout the United States. They were established in 1985, and consider themselves to be nonpartisan. They have no listed endorsements.
ReplyDeleteMohammad Ejaz 4th period.
The interest group I researched is Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates. This interest group, which, which has ties to organizations beginning in 1974, but came under this title in 2010, is a non-profit interest group with stated goals to achieve a level of support in Pennsylvania legislature and among state elected officials which will ensure access – both the right and funding – to sexuality education, family planning, and abortion services for women, men and teens, and to elect those who see women as their own decision makers with respect to childbearing and sexual health. This group, which openly denounces President Trump's administration's opposition to birth control, was in support of presidential candidate Clinton in the last presidential election. With a budget of $1,928,300,000, this group continues its work, in association with other Pennsylvania groups that share its interest in freedom regarding reproductive and health rights, to pursue their goals and support those political candidates that will support their cause.
ReplyDeleteRadhika Daru
period 5
The interest group selected by Alan Cummins was the National Rifle Association - Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF). Said selected interest group ranks candidates based on voting records and an NRA-PVF questionnaire with a letter grade and/or an endorsement. The budget is $30 million. In the previous presidential election, the NRA-PVF endorsed Donald J. Trump for president. The NRA was formed in 1871 by two former Union soldiers in order to promote and encourage rifle shooting. Chris Cox is the current chairman of the NRA.
ReplyDeleteAlan Cummins
4th Period
The FRC Action is a legislative that is affiliated of Family Research Council. The FRC seeks to educate and influence elected officials in Capitol Hill and also in the states. They also activate there grassroots networks, and mobilize values voters on the behalf of faith, family, and freedom. The FRC is an 501 (c)(4) that exists so that the nations most fundamental values are represented as the impact public policy and influence elections. The FRC is a nonprofit organization that also supports candidates who share the same values for public office.
ReplyDeleteErin Randle
Period 5
The interest group i researched is women employed.The groups mission is to make life better for women by having a fair work place and educational success. They have a budget of $25 million.This organization was established in Chicago, 1973 to prevent discrimination against women. This organization stands for women who are treated unfairly in their workplace and to make women attain their skills and to be recognized and respected by their co-workers. For the last election, they supported Hilary because of her support towards women and greater opportunities for women.
ReplyDeleteAyana MAthew
4th period.
The interest group I selected was the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA) it was established in 1991 to distinguish Hispanic leaders from all over the nation. It’s a nonpartisan association who’s mission calls for unity among Latinos around the country. The budget is around 15 million. In the most recent election Hillary Clinton supportered this organization.
ReplyDeleteSydney Sandford
Period 4
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI chose the national education association established in 1991 with the mission to advocate for education professionals and to unite their members and the nation to fulfill the promise of public education to prepare every student to succeed in a diverse and interdependent world. They supported Hillary in the last election as she was a heavy advocate for them and they hold a budget in the low 30 million.
ReplyDeleteBryce Delhomme. 5th
NORML stands for ‘National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws’. NORML exists already since 1970 and is probably the most well-known marijuana legalization group. For the last decades NORML has been the main voice in the public policy debate in the US for people who oppose prohibition and want an end to the practice of arresting cannabis users. NORML is an American organization with local chapters spread all over the country, but in the last few years NORML has become more international and a lot of international chapters have popped up since, including countries as Canada, Spain, Norway and South Africa. NORML’s mission is to move public opinion sufficiently to achieve the repeal of marijuana prohibition so that the responsible use of cannabis by adults is no longer subject to penalty. They have endorsed many senators and representatives that could actively benefit them and their cause.
ReplyDeleteStephen Kelly
Period 4
The interest group I chose to research on is NARAL Pro-Choice America. The group's mission is to protect a woman’s right to choose regarding abortion. They also educated the public on topics such as birth control. In 1969, NARAL was founded by Betty Friedan and Bernard Nathanson. This group was established at the First National Conference on Abortion. NARAL is the only national lobbying as well as membership organization devoted solely to maintaining the availability of safe, legal abortion. They have a budget of $9.085 million as reported in 2013. In the 2016 Presidential Election, they endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton.
ReplyDeleteIsabel Zhou
Period 4
I researched the center for international policy. They are agroua dedicated to getting the best method to respond to and resolve global conflicts. They did not endorse a candidate officially but seemed to lean to Hillary Clinton's side. They are pretty down the middle but lean more liberal. Thier budget is not that big, but they have strong backing. They push for humanitarian relief work and other such projects
ReplyDeleteYash Parmar
The interest group that I chose was the "Save the Children Action Network". In 2016 they endorsed the following candidates: Jeb Bradley, Margaret Gilmour, Ruth Kagi, Christine Kilduff, Steve Litzow, Liz Mathis, Zach Nunn, and Colin Van Ostern. Their main goals are to support early childhood education both on U.S. soil and off as well as end preventable deaths among young children. Their mission statement is, "Save the Children Action Network is the political voice for kids. We believe that every child deserves the best start in life...". They promote programs that aide the developmental learning of children around the country. The annual budget fluctuates as the non profit interest group runs primarily on public donations.
ReplyDeleteLauryn Weller
4th Period
Elizabeth Stech
ReplyDeletePeriod 4
The interest group that I chose was the National Education Association. Their mission is the following: "Our mission is to advocate for education professionals and to unite our members and the nation to fulfill the promise of public education to prepare every student to succeed in a diverse and interdependent world." Their budget is roughly $22 million. Since 1857, NEA has crusaded for the rights of educators and children. They endorsed Hillary Clinton in the last political campaign.
Luke Matthews - Period 5
ReplyDeleteThe interest group I chose is Campaign for Working Families who’s is conservative. Their goal is electing pro-family, pro-life and pro-free enterprise candidates to state and federal offices. The organization mainly supports conservative candidates and the annual budget is unclear, but they have raised over $7 million dollars. In the past election, they endorsed Ted Cruz and Mike Pence.
The interest group I chose is the National Beer Wholesalers Association. This group focuses on the issues relating to the sale and consumption of alcohol, such as their opposed efforts to lower national blood alcohol level standards. The congressman that they supported the most is John Boehner, who is a Republican from Ohio. They gave him $15,000. A committee that could affect this organization is Avamere Health Services. A bill that they have been looking at is the Graham-Cassidy bill.
ReplyDeleteCassie De Leon
4th period
Kevine Jaimon 5th Period
ReplyDeleteThe interest group in which I chose from was the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) Advocacy Association. The ADAP has the mission to promote and enhance the AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs) and improve access to care for persons living with HIV/AIDS. In Texas the government spends about $93,925,800 on ADAP. The program provides medications for those who have aids and helps support those as well. They endorsed democrat Dennis Kucinich.
The interest group I chose is The American Federation of Teachers. It was founded in Chicago in 1916 and currently has 1.7 million members in over 3,000 local affiliates throughout the U.S. Their Mission is to provide fairness; democracy; economic opportunity; and high-quality public education, healthcare and public services for their students, their families and their communities. Their Assets are over $106 million. The AFT supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.
ReplyDeleteTom Joseph
Period 4
The group that I chose was the National Animal Interest Alliance Trust. This organization was created to " to promote responsible animal care and ownership and reasonable laws, policies and regulations to protect animals and the people who care for them." Their budget is around 4.6 million dollars. There is no information on who they supported for the past election, however, during President Bush's term, they supported him and worked closely with him to promote rights for animals across the country.
ReplyDeleteJoel Thomas
5th Period
ReplyDelete4th period
Mission of the Humane Society Legislative Fund was founded in 2004 and works to defend and establish animal protection act it also educates the public on animal protection issue and supports the candidates that support pro animal care. They have no reports and are based in Washington DC They have supported frequently democrats in the their previous endorsements
Gun Owners of America is an organization that is pro gun rights and supports the second amendment. Because of these simple facts, they generally support republicans and supported Ted Cruz during the 2016 election. The GOA believes that gun ownership and rights are a freedom issue.
ReplyDeleteRobert Slaybaugh
4th period