Click on the
link and read the article about the 6 persuasion techniques used in Political campaign ads. Find a political campaign ad for any race and explain the technique used in the ad. Include a link to the ad. Do not copy any of your classmates.
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ReplyDeleteName of Ad: Mandatory(Obama, 2012)
This link is a political advertisement for Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election. This ad uses the persuasion technique of "Association" because it talks about the other candidate, Mitt Romney, in a negative way. The ad shows that coal miners were forced to appear at Mitt Romney's rally and if they did not come, they could lose their jobs.
Abin Manuel
5th Period
what the
Delete“Hillary Clinton: Tomorrow” (aired on November 7, 2016)
This particular political campaign ad was for the presidential election in 2016. This ad uses the technique “transformation” effectively because the video plays a soft piano tune in the background and the setting in the video displays a comfortable living space with warm lighting which gives Hillary Clinton a friendly and trustworthy image. The visuals and audio in this ad enhance Hillary Clinton’s message by saying that she will work hard to make America safe and strong.
-Anne Dang, 4th period
In the political campaign advertisement by Donald Trump titled "Two Americas: Economy" Link:
ReplyDeleteThis ad was published on August 29th 2016 during the US presidential campaign. Trump uses the technique "association" by telling how the economy becomes messed up under Hillary Clinton's ideas and also how families are affected by it. The ad quotes, "In Hillary Clinton's America middle class families get crushed, taxes and spending go up..." Trump tries to appeal to the viewers by making his opposition have a negative impression.
Zoheb Khawaja
5th Period
ReplyDeleteGovernor Huckabee released an ad on the eve of Christmas that proclaimed that Christmas was not about politics but about "the birth of Christ". The technique used in this ad is association as the Governor links himself to a time or event that is usually associated with happiness and jolly. He appeals to such a broad audience from those who are heavily religious to those who simply celebrate Christmas.
Ambareen Virani
Period 4
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ReplyDeleteTitle:Bernie Sanders Campaign Political Ad - America
Sanders published this ad January 21, 2016 to promote his socialist policies. He displayed transformation through the people he met that changed their lives for the better. He also used repetition with the images of families and people gathering at his rallies to support him. He also omits the costly efforts of his reforms by only displaying the happiness it brings to the people.
Jenina Bianty
Period 5
ReplyDeleteThis advertisement for John F. Kennedy for the 1960 presidential election greatly used the technique of repetition. It had a little jingle/ song that had the repetition of his name and how he is a good match for president. It is appealing as the song is very catchy and is able to stick in peoples' minds so that they remember to vote for him.
Cassie De Leon
4th period
In President Trump's political campaign by NRA called "Kristi's Story," the technique of association is used as we are told Kristi's story and how she was nearly killed and many people have family members or friends that have had an experience somewhat close to that at some stage of their life. Kristi speaks of the right for a woman to bear arms and how Trump believe in that, but Hillary Clinton does not. The campaign portrays Hillary Clinton as a negative characters as she is shown to be against woman bearing arms, but gives Trump a positive image.
Kriti Bansal
ReplyDeleteIn Hillary Clinton's "Captain Khan" 2016 campaign ad, persuasion techniques of association and contrast are conveyed. The ad contrasts Donald Trump's ideas of banning Muslims in America with Hillary Clinton's acceptance of Muslims. The ad also uses association to emotionally connect with the audience so they can sympathize how the father of a Muslim soldier feels after sacrificing himself to save other soldiers from a suicide bomber. The father asks Trump if his son would have had a place in America, despite him being Muslim and serving his country.
Jun Hin Loi
Period 4
ReplyDeleteGreg Abbot Tackles Texas Traffic
The principle persuasive technique used in this advertisement is Association. Greg Abbott complains about the shared issue of traffic in Texas’s major urban centers. By advocating for more spending and expansion of Texas highways, Abbott established himself as the solution to an incredibly irritating problem, building positive emotions for his campaign. It also contrasts his intentions with the intentions of current politicians who have reallocated funding for roads for use in other projects.
Matthew Whaley
Period 4
ReplyDeleteThis 1952 Presidential campaign ad for Dwight Eisenhower uses the technique of repetition in his television ad. This short clip repeated the name "Ike", Eisenhower's nickname, over and over again and also rhymed different words with it.
ReplyDeleteThis link shows the top 10 presidential campaign commercials. On of them, for Lyndon B Johnson, is called "Daisy Girl" and is from 1964. The ad starts off with a girl who looks sad and then a voice starts to count down. Upon saying "zero" an explosion happens. This scenario is regarded as what would happen if voters do not go out and vote for Johnson, saying the "stakes are too high." They largely use the technique of association by not so subtlety saying Johnson's opponent is going to lead America (the girl) to death.
Julianna Hastreiter
Period 5
ReplyDeleteStop | Ted Cruz TV Ad
This link shows Ted Cruz's Presidential Campaign in 2016. The ad uses association and confusion. During the whole ad Ted Cruz talks about deals in Washington that is going to ruin your children and grandchildren's banks and he uses confusion during his speech about getting rid of Obamacare and repealing the IRS.
Michael Chan
Period 4
ReplyDeleteThis add uses association, the candidate is Katie McGinty, a women, and she's speaking on the platform of equal pay for women. Meanwhile the screen shows her opponent, Pat Toomey in black and white looking rather unfriendly while images of women of varying ages flash behind him and talking about how he's voted against equal pay for woman, this is contrast between the two candidates' stances.
Madison Panetti
period 5
Source: //,28804,1842516_1842514_1842535,00.html
ReplyDeleteHubert Humphrey's 1968 attack ad against Richard Nixon utilized the association and repetition to target Nixon's selected vice president, Spiro Agnew. The ad consisted of continuous laughter while Spiro Agnew's name slowly appeared on screen. The laughter in the ad associates Spiro Agnew as being mediocre and inexperienced. The repetition of the laughter makes the ad shocking and intimidating as it emphasizes the message of who would vote for such an inexperienced candidate that everyone laughs at.
Rithvik Bommareddy
Period 4
The Donald Trump "Make America Great Again" political ad uses the technique of contrast to make it attractive. Trump did not really like Obama's presidency, expressing that he was one of the worst presidents in our nation's history. By using this slogan, Trump implies that he will bring America back to its previous status , which is said to be supposedly a better society than that of Obama's run (according to Trump). This technique is used to persuade people to vote for him as President and emotionally appeals to the narionalism of the people.
Raoof Ali
Period 5
ReplyDeleteThis is a presidential advertisement for Donald Trump's called "Corruption" against Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. The main persuasive technique the ad uses is association. Trump uses the association technique to discredit Hillary's intentions and actions. Throughout the ad, there are negative statements brought up about Hillary Clinton such as she will corrupt America and is only seeking for power. He also accused her of having the same mindset as Russians and dictators. This makes her seem untrusting and someone that the Americans should not vote for as she can be linked to this negativity.
Isabel Zhou
Period 4
ReplyDeleteThis political campaign was for George W. Bush in 2004 called "Windsurfing" when he ran against John Kerry. This advertisement uses a lot of reputation, listing what he supported than later opposed it for multiple topics. The use of reputation shows how often Kerry would switch sides, that greatly affected reputation and chances as president. It also uses transformation because it actually shows Kerry windsurfing in a bathing suit, making it already look un-presidential like, but constantly changing direction, really emphasizing how often he changes his decisions with the slogan "John Kerry, Whichever way the wind blows"
Michelle Phan
Period 5
ReplyDeleteIn Ronald Reagan's "Morning in America" ad from the 1984 presidential election, association is used to help connect Reagan with every day American citizens. He relates to the public by discussing how the average American will go to work in the morning and claims that 6,500 people will be married in that single day. This ad also contrasts Reagan's message about inflation with the happy everyday life of an American to better drive his campaign.
Rendon Reinarz
Period 5
ReplyDeleteIn Hillary Clinton's "Mirrors" ad from her 2016 presidential campaign, association is used to connect Donald Trump with a negative image. This ad show young girls listening to Trump’s words about women. This ad portrays how theses girls could feel about themselves after hearing these words from a person that could become their president, even asking at the end if this was the president we want for our daughters.
Janice Wilson
ReplyDeleteThe 1960 political campaign ad by John F. Kennedy uses repetition with a song that catches people.The ad uses repetition so that audience can gain traction and become believable over time. The song explains what he has done and what his plans are for America.
Feba Abraham
Period 4
ReplyDeleteAd: "Whatever It Takes" George W. Bush
In his 2004 campaign advertisement Bush used the technique called association. He uses his decision to declare war as a positive thing as he will do "whatever it takes" to defend America.
Sophie Wedgeworth
Period 5
ReplyDeleteLyndon B. Johnson "War On Poverty" (1964) - Classic Political Campaign Ad
the 1964 campaign ad by Lyndon B Johnson used the technique association. Association links the candidate to something or someone you emotionally connect with from personal experience. he uses this ad to make the viewers emotionally bound to the thought of poverty and how it is bad and we need to change.
Jyotis Joy
ReplyDelete"You Make Me Feel" Anti-Trump Ad
This presidential campaign ad against Trump uses association and contrast. It is showing the people, especially everyday women, who are being hurt by Trump's words. By showing these ordinary women who are "just like you" in a way in an innocent light, you start to associate yourself with them and relate to them. Towards the end, the ad adds some of Trump's most disgusting and sexist words, contrasting them with the innocence of the women, who then are shown holding up "#vote" signs. By contrasting the evils of Trump and the innocence of everyday women and people, the ad promotes voting against Trump.
Anna Mayzenberg
5th period
Lauren Chamberlin
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
The campaign for William Henry Harrison is well known for his songs/ slogans of "Tippecanoe and Tyler too!" His campaign was signficantly modeled off of the Association technoque because he appealed to the common man. He did this through connecting him to log cabins, homespun clothing, and other aspects to the lower class and middle class life. Harrison was also a general for the War of 1812, which also gave this sense of pride from the people. His connection to them gave him the win in the election for president. His slogan and songs also added were incredibly catchy due to his use of Repetition, which also aided his win. It makes sense to use these techniques because it was a time where the common man was becoming a symbol for the presidency, especially after Jackson. All in all, his entire campaign significantly helped him to win the presidency due to his differing techniques.
ReplyDeleteGarrett Foresman Period 6
In 2016, Ben Carson ran in the presidential election with a political campaign ad promoting an end to abortion. He used the tool of transformation to create an emotional appeal to voters. He creates a feeling of and sadness with images of children and the music played in the background . Appealing to these emotions, he makes voters feel sadness towards the idea of abortion, and then says he will end it. With this emotional connection and offer to end their abortion, his campaign was strong for those who were not only against it but also unsure how they felt about it.
Luke Matthews - Period 5^
DeleteIn the 2012 Presidential Election between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, Obama's Presidential Campaign Ad video "Connect the Dots" uses the association technique. This association between Mitt Romney and Rick Scott, where Rick Scott ran a company that paid a recorded fine for commiting Medicare fraud then cutting millions from health care. Similarly, Romney was a director of a company that stole millions from Medicare. Shows a picture of Rick Scott and Mitt Romney shaking hands and says If Mitt Romney wins he would end Medicare making the middle class lose.
Raina Abraham
5th period
A political campaign ad by Hillary Clinton titled " Captain Khan " shows a muslim father whose son had died while serving the united states army. the ad questions if republicans nominees vision would include him. The Ad uses many persuasion techniques such as association. In this Ad it connects you personally and also shows the other candidate in a bad way. The ad also contacts by taking word and phrases out of context. This Ad effectively uses transformation as one of their persuasion techniques. The ad alters the situation to make the public attract.
ayana mathew
4th period
In the 2000 election, George W. Bush, who was running against Al Gore, had a political campaign ad that applied the association technique. He talks about personal responsibility, government responsibility, and trusting the people and their businesses. Bush directly addresses and creates a connection with the audience by directly asking the audience with words and phrases such as: “you”, “we”, “I trust you”, “personal”, “to the people”, “trust local people”. This ad emotionally and personally connects with whoever watches the ad, as he clearly states that he trusts and wants to work with “you”. It reveals a sense of teamwork, convincing the audience that without their contribution, he will not be successful.
Ashel Jaimon
Period 4
The campaign ad I chose is from the 2012 election with Mitt Romney running against President Barack Obama. The goal of the ad was to get people to not vote for Mitt Romney and the technique used was contrast. The ad itself uses opposing elements to say that "Romney is not the solution. He is the problem." The contrast was deceptive by taking the picture out of context and using non-existent facts. The negative elements in the ad make a voter not want Romney in office and make Obama the clear choice.
Josie Henry
4th period
This presidential campaign ad against Trump uses the technique of association in order to make the audience connect Trump with racism and sexism. The ad shows a young woman talking about controversial topics Trump is known for, such as demeaning women and stereotyping Muslims and Mexicans. The woman goes on to call him a bully and tells the audience that he's not fit to be president. By pointing out the negative topics he is associated with, the ad ends by urging people to vote against Trump.
Shweta Mathews
4th period
Erin Randle
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
Ad name: revolving door
In the ad George H. W. Bush use this ad to talk about how his opponent Michael Dukakis had a prison policy “revolving door” that gave first degree murderers who were not eligible for parole furloughs and while they were out. Many committed other crimes like kidnapping and rape. Bush later goes on to say “America can’t afford that risk”. This ad is using association because Bush is using the emotions of the victims affected by the crimes to persuade voters not to vote for Dukakis.
Natalie Dye, period 5
This ad is for Richard Nixon running for President in 1968. Nixon’s commercial utilizes America’s fears against them by showing images of a controversial Vietnam War, and saying he needed to be elected to stop this time period of unrest and war. Nixon made voters feel like they depended on, by saying “ this time, vote like your whole world depended on it” This slogan manipulates and brings more people to vote by using their emotions to lure them in. This ad Is association because it associates Nixon with the bettering of America in a time of uncertainty and war.
King Andrew(
ReplyDeleteThis ad was made in order to persuade people out of voting for Andrew Jackson through association with King George, and monarchies. With the American Revolution still fresh in their hearts, the idea the "Whig" party had was to dissuade voters from supporting Jackson due to his similarities to a king.
Kale Wicks
4th Period
The campaign that I choose to use is from Dwight Eisenhower when he was running against his opponent, Adlai Stevenson. Eisenhower implants his strategy of the "I like Ike" ad of 1952 employing the repetition technique. The ad was aired on TV as commercial that had the of a campaign song written by Irving Berlin and a cartoon elephant cartoon made by Walt Disney Studio. The commercial constantly repeats "Ike for President" and "I like Ike" with a very catchy tune that is easily stuck in the viewer’s head and comes with the thought of election.
Jono Joseph, 5th Period
ReplyDeleteIn the 2016 presidential election Donald Trump used the dissociation technique in his campaign to get voters on his side. Trump had said through out campaign that he is a successful real estate mogul who has been able to make billions of his properties around the world. Trump states with his background in business will make superior than Hilary Clinton in improving the economy and also reducing the nation's debt. This is a association technique because Trump is relating the US economy and how well he has done a businessman to show that he can improve the economy and puts in a positive association with voters.
Sainath Krishnamurthy
Period 4
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ReplyDeleteThe "It's Morning Again in America" ad for Ronald Reagan's 1984 political campaign uses contrast by reflecting the growth of the American population. The ad's haze of nostalgia and optimism helped obscure Reagan's lingering political problems with the deficit and unemployment. This ad helped Reagan sell "Good times to an uncertain nation."
Denise Doyle
Period 5
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ReplyDeleteVideo title: Determination--Obama for America
ReplyDeleteType of ad: television ad
In this television ad from the 2012 presidential election, President Obama highlights the successes of his first term and outlines his plans for the next term as he tries to sway voters in his favor over Governor Romney's. One tactic this ad employs is that of omission as President Obama states successful and positive statistics from his first term without truly delving into the details of the actions and the possible negative repercussions from them. The ad also makes use of association as it reinforces the link between the successes of President Obama and happy, smiling Americans, as well as families and hopeful young children. The ad also has a hint of contrast in it as President Obama asks his viewers to compare his new plan with that of his oponent's in order to see that his is superior and better for the nation's advancement.
Radhika Daru
period 5
ReplyDeleteTitle: New Bernie Sanders Ad - TOGETHER
This political add created by Bernie Sanders on February 11, 2016 titled "TOGETHER" was very powerful. The advertisement greatly utilized repetition to create a central idea. This repeated word used was "together" which was used to unite every American. Sanders spoke of how regardless of your age, ethnicity, or beliefs we should all still join together and vote for what is right.
Cameron Walker
Period 4
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ReplyDelete1988 George Bush "Willie Horton" television ad
This 1988 political advertisement targeted against Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis. This advertisement uses omission and transformation to attack Dukakis' standpoint on crime. Bush supported the death penalty while Dukakis allowed prisoners to have weekend passes. When a killer named Willie Horton was released for a weekend, he fled and committed a series of crimes. The Bush add omitted certain aspects of Dukakis' intentions and policies and transformed the situation so that voters would look at Dukakis in a negative way. Bush also used association so that supporters of capital punishment would agree with his message.
Alan Cummins
4th Period
ReplyDeleteThis political ad for Allen Loughry uses the association technique in order to pose lughry as a well moralled and judicious man. It is focused on his home to make him seem more of an average man than a judge and he emphasizes the fact that his son's name is Justus (pronounced justice). These things associate Looughry with good morals, family, and justice/freedom.
Wesley Cherry
Period 4
ReplyDeleteTitle: Marco Rubio: Fools
This political ad created for Marco Rubio provides a condescending message about another candidate running against him through the utilization of association. He shows Donald Trump in a negative connotation through the words and policies he has provided. The ad also presents Donald Trump as a self-centered human being who doesn't care for the people, only himself and shows that he isn't a leader by any means. Overall, this ad supports Marco Rubio's campaign by downing the other candidate in order to make his campaign better.
Jubin Joseph
Period 5
ReplyDeleteThis is Hillary Clinton’s “Role Models” ad. This add uses association. It is relating us to the youth of our country.
Swati Kundra
ReplyDeleteName of ad: Reagan and the bear
The ad for Ronald Reagan uses the confusion technique for this ad. He talks about a bear using it as a metaphor for potential threats to the us and says how you want someone as strong as the threats to America i.e. the bear to lead the country. This makes Reagan appeal to voters by showing his strength and not having to mention any legitimate issues.
Mitchell Arwine period 4
Gerald Fords 1976 campaign ad uses repetition of the word peace to convey its message. At the time of that the ad aired the United States had formerly been involved in many wars and other political turmoil but by adding the connotation between Fords election and the word peace the ad aims to promote a positive image. This ad can also be presented as association as the background music playing is incredibly positive and upbeat which most people who associate with happy times and joy.
Lauryn Weller
4th Period
ReplyDeleteThe "Obama Campaign Ad: Read My Plan" uses contrast to explain that Mitt Romney's economy plan is bad for the country. It also uses omission when Obama says the country has improved since he first took office, but he ignores the negative things that have happened.
Tom Joseph
Period 4
Bill Clinton's "Man from Hope" was a biographical film shown at the democratic national convention. The video attached is a revised version which is shorter in length. Clinton mostly used repetition in this video. Not repetition of words persay, but of an idea. The idea that any one can do anything, he did. There is also association as he relates part of his past to President Kennedy who was admired by many. He also uses association when he mentions wanting to make a difference where he was from. This video, as well as the rest of the biographical video, would be a very compelling and positive one which would win support. Clinton is known for being a very likable and charismatic person, that is part of why he was elected.
Robert Slaybaugh
4th Period
An ad for Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell went against the grain. Not only was it a full minute long,but it also skipped the hot-button issues to focus on a Kentucky woman who got help from McConnell in getting her daughter back from an ex-husband. The emotionally affecting ad was aimed at softening the image of the often-stiff pol, and it worked.
ReplyDeleteDrew Donovan 5th period
Title of Advertisement: The Choice
The following political advertisement is from the presidential election between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Obama uses contrast and repetition to strengthen the message of his political ad. Obama repeatedly discusses the broken economy and his plan to fix it to make sure that his viewers undersatnd his stance to better the financial strata. He also contrasts his policy versus Romney's policies to highlight how his policies will focus on developing the middle class to improve the economy. The ad did an excellent job to convey the message and present the material.
Tanmay Shah
Period 4
ReplyDeleteKay Bailey Hutchison’s campaign ad, titled “Cha-Ching” uses the repetition technique to bring awareness to her competitor’s stance on transportation costs. Her rival, Governor Rick Perry pushes for the issue of tolling roads for the benefit of foreign companies. By repeating the phrase “cha-ching” in her ad, it informs the people of how and where their money will be spent.
Alexis Chan
5th Period
In Jimmy Carter's "Washington" Ad, he uses association to connect himself with a strong country. However, Carter doesn't really talk about his plans to make a strong issue and the "confusion" technique is used to portray him as a strong leader but not saying how he'll lead.
Bryan Ta
4th Period
ReplyDeleteIn Lincoln's election, he uses repetition to reinforce his message of him being a credible and an ordinary American to appeal to rhe people.
Yash Parmar
ReplyDeleteIn his campaign, president Hoover promised "a final triumph over poverty." which was during the great depression which is Association, placing positive feelings such as hope on Hoover to end the United States' suffering.
Bryce Del'Homme
In the 2016 presidential election Donald Trump used the dissociation technique in his campaign to get voters on his side. Trump had said through out campaign that he is a successful real estate mogul who has been able to make billions of his properties around the world. Trump states with his background in business will make superior than Hilary Clinton in improving the economy and also reducing the nation's debt. This is a association technique because Trump is relating the US economy and how well he has done a businessman to show that he can improve the economy and puts in a positive association with voters.
Joel Thomas
Period 5
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ReplyDeleteIn the 2016 election, there was an ad made by presidential candidate Hillary Clinton which depicted the results of a poll done by the Washington Post and ABC News. The poll asked if people would vote for Clinton to be president. The results showed that 57% would which initiates the bandwagon effect. It advises the viewers of the ad to vote for Clinton since she has the majority of the people that say they will vote for her. This propaganda technique is used to gain more voters so that Clinton could win the election.
Naomi Samuel
Period 5
Alan John/Period 5
ReplyDeleteDuring JFK's 1960 presidential campaign, there was an ad made that stated that JFK would be "a new leader for the 1960's". The ad included a picture of JFK smiling and "KENNEDY FOR PRESIDENT" in large font. The ad employed association as JFK was made to look as 'one with the youth'.
During Eisenhower's 1964 campaign against Goldwater included a tv ad called daisy. In this ad, Eisenhower shows the consequences of nuclear weapons and turns voters against Goldwater by stating that Goldwater supports nuclear warfare, which helped turn the favor to Eisenhower's side during the election.
Mohammad Ejaz 4th period.
In this video, Eisenhower uses transformation to transform Goldwater from a regular politician to a menace who is willing to put the US in grave danger and willing to kill innocents through his endorsement of nuclear warfare.
DeleteElizabeth Stech
ReplyDeletePeriod 4
In this video created by the Democratic Party in 1956, the Republican Party is portrayed as a two-headed individual due to their supposed differing views of certain topics. The technique used is association because the Republicans are associated with unsure and "two-headed" individuals.
Kevine Jaimon 5th Period
ReplyDeleteIn this video of Ronal Reagan's reelection campaign commercial in 1984, it portrays that he utilizes the association technique. Throughout the whole video he constantly mentions the future generations and how "we" are responsible for setting up a good future for them, therefore using positive association to relate to his supporters. Reagan also relates his policies of expanding employment opportunities to the everyday lives of common people, which links the candidate's policies to connect with their supporter's personal experiences.
Stephen Kelly
ReplyDeletePeriod 4
-The Techniques of Association, Contrast, Repetition
The dishonor of dirtiest presidential campaign in history goes to the Andrew Jackson/John Quincy Adams contest of 1828. Jackson's campaign used the dealings of the corrupt bargain to illegitimatize adams presidency and tied him to elitism and corruption. Adams campaign hit home attacking his Marriage and military reputation.
Campaigns have their own jargon. Canvassing, direct voter contact, eday, GOTV, and visibility are just a few of the terms that you may have already encountered. Likewise, the printing industry uses its own terminology including some terms that apply to yard signs. elections printing