US Constitution

US Constitution
US Constitution

Thursday, March 22, 2018

The Redistricting Game

Now that we are studying Congress, time to learn about re-districting and gerrymandering. You will complete the basic level of simulations 1,2, and 3 of the redistricting game. Take a screen shot of the three checkmarks when your plan passes. Submit the 3 approvals in your post. Shrink them down before posting. Include in your post 3 difficulties you had when re-drawing the districts.


  1. 1. Stabilizing the population equality
    2. Adding a third republican district
    3. Controlling the borders for one party and it affecting the other party.

    Raoof Ali
    Period 5

  2. 1. Controlling population
    2. adding a third district
    3. making sure the court case is dismissed

    Robert Slaybaugh
    4th period

  3. Main difficulties that I found were that I struggled to maintain population balance, keeping the districts continuous, and ensuring that my party had three majorities.

    Alan Cummins
    4th Period

  4. Difficulties:
    1. Meeting population requirements
    2. Meeting the party 55% requirement
    3. Having all districts share borders without isolated areas

    Bryan Ta
    4th Period

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  6. 1. Making 3 Democratic Districts popular.
    2. Getting approval from the courts.
    3. Having an equal population of 640,000 - 650,000 in each district.

    Cameron Walker
    Period 4

  7. 1. Keeping a Clear Party Majority while redistributing the district voting populations
    2. Taking a relatively evenly distributed voting population and manipulating it to favor another is very hard
    3. Even when you can manipulate populations to be evenly balanced and favor one party, the courts effectively block the redistricting

    Matthew Whaley
    Period 4

  8. Elizabeth Stech
    Period 4

    1. Making each district equal
    2. Making sure that my party was dominant in majority of the districts
    3. Making sure that each representatives house was in their district

  9. Difficulties
    - Meeting population balance
    - keeping a specific party with the majority
    - getting it the approved

    Lauryn Weller
    4th period

  10. The biggest problem with number one was finding areas that were fairly even in republicans and democrats for population once I had the needed percentages. The biggest difficulty with number 2 was keeping the districts contiguous when looking for the right proportions of population.
    Mitchell Arwine period 4

  11. My difficulties included:
    1. Making a balance for each district's population.
    2. Getting the court to approve my plan.
    3. Making sure no district was more populous than the others.

    Josie Henry
    4th period

  12. Ambareen Virani
    Period 4

    1. Keeping the houses in the districts.
    2. Keeping the population in its limit.
    3. Getting the courts to approve.

  13. Michael Chan
    4th period

    1.population limit majority
    3.keeping the districts all connected

  14. Difficulties:
    1. Keeping the Republicans happy, especially Connor Servative
    2. Getting more Yeas for Democrats
    3. Getting my plan not challenged in court

    Jun Hin Loi
    Period 4

  15. I didn't experience any problems cause im genius. However, the other plebs would experience problems such as, too much land is distributed too a democrat/republican(depending on your party decision), adding a third district for the party of your choice and not pleasing the legislature by getting the correct nays/yeas.

    Rithvik Bommareddy, 4th Period

  16. 1. Keeping both parties happy
    2. Getting the court to approve
    3. Maintaining population balance

    Tom Joseph, 4th Period

  17. 1. contingency rules
    2. compactness rules
    3. maintaining population balance

    Radhika Daru
    period 5

  18. Lauren Chamberlin
    Period 5

    1. Making both parties happy was probably the single hardest aspect to the game.
    2. The population, especially in the densely populated, was hard to control via population size because it could jump 20,000 in two clicks.
    3. I didn't experience any court ruling or mayor problems, but many of my other friends did. I just tried to keep everyone mostly happy besides one occasion when I had to lower the Republican power. Though the Republicans were hard to work with.

  19. Swati Kundra - 5th

    1. Keeping the numbers even
    2. Keeping the Dem. majority while also keeping the pop. even
    3. Keeping the majority for all groups while also maintaining the even pop. number

  20. Dominic Kochen
    Period 5

    1.) Maintaining the population balance was the most difficult thing to do especially when dealing with balancing the parties.
    2.) I also found it difficult to achieve the correct party balance without creating districts that were blocked off from their home district and isolated like islands.
    3.) Population in the largely populated areas was hard to control because one click was a a large amount of people while in the country and rural areas it was much easier to gain land without killing your numbers.

  21. 1. The main difficulty was balancing the numbers based on the density of the population and how they were dispersed.
    2. Same problem as the first but now also trying to get rid of one district that was a majority of the other party.
    3. Trying to find a way to add little population while also adding or subtracting Republicans and Democrats.

    Julianna Hastreiter
    Period 5

  22. Luke Matthews - Period 5

    1.) Distributing the population, especially in the rural areas.
    2.) Getting the majority for republicans in the democratic district.
    3.) Court approval

  23. Anna Mayzenberg 5th Period
    1) Getting everyone to 55% at an equal population is very difficult because percentages and population don't line up.
    2) Getting the court to approve the shapes of the districts.
    3) Keeping houses in people's districts

  24. Rendon Reinarz Period 5

    1. I struggled trying to balance population equally in 4 main blocks with rural and urban areas.
    2. I struggled adding too many people to the population at once, and it was hard trying to get it back down to 650,000 while still maintaining a majority.
    3. I struggled passing the Courts because I made an island or areas too far from their region.

  25. Bryce Del' Homme- period 5
    1) Getting the demographics right to 55% while keeping the population cap in the districts was difficult
    2) The law stating that each district couldn't have tendrils made the districting much more difficult.
    3) shifting the entire map sometimes to get republicans into their respective zones and vis versa for democrats.

  26. Raina Abraham
    5th period

    1. struggled getting the population at the right amount
    2. struggled making the party prominent in three districts
    3. struggled passing the courts

  27. 1. Keeping the republicans happy
    2. Equal distribution of population
    3. Having a majority in 3 districts

    Jenina Bianty 5th

  28. 1.Making the democrats and the republicans happy
    2.Keeping the population of the district at around 640,000
    3.Getting the democrats to a 55% majority

    Janice Wilson

  29. 1) trying to balance the population equality for all districts
    2) making sure that the Democrats are happy/satisfied in their new districts
    3) making sure that each politician's home was within the boundary lines of his or her district
    -Anne Dang, 4th period

  30. 1. Keep the population of the district around the appropriate size
    2. Trying to get a majority in the three districts
    3. Trying to get all the politicians to a 55% majority for their party

    Michelle Phan, 5th Period

  31. 1. Managing a good percent of Dems/Reps in each district
    2. Keeping the districts equal in size
    3. Making sure each district had at least 640,000 people in it

    Kale Wicks
    4th Period

  32. 1. party majority
    2. keeping population around 650,000
    3. getting courts to approve

    Feba Abraham
    Period 4

  33. 1. Dividing up the populations
    2. Having the courts to approve.
    3. Balancing the percentages of each of the candidates.
    Zoheb Khawaja 5th

  34. 1. Getting court approval was hard.
    2. Getting democrats to a 55% majority.
    3. Trying to get all the populations equal amounts.

    pamela gheriafi
    period 4

  35. 1. Balancing the population for each person
    2. Getting everyones' approval
    3. Making sure the districts were still touching each other (couldn't just divide them each in smaller parts)

    Cassie De Leon
    4th period

  36. 1. Trying to meet the population requirements
    2. Trying to keep the districts as "boxy" as possible
    3. Trying to get the party majority to reach 55% for each district

    Naomi Samuel
    Period 5

  37. 1. Trying to have the adequate population.
    2. Having a proper Party Majority.
    3. Satisfying needs of politicians in the second level and getting approved by congress.

    Sainath Krishnamurthy
    Period 4

  38. 1. Trying to keep the districts together.
    2. Maintaining an equal population
    3. Maintaining a relatively 'equal' population of democrats and republicans.

    Epstein Jacob
    Period 4

  39. 1. Having a Majority party.
    2. Maintaining the population while maintain the majority party.
    3. Getting approved by congress in third level.

    Kriti Bansal
    Period 5

  40. 1.maintaining party majority was really hard
    2.took a while to attain equal populations
    3.court approval

    jyotis joy
    period 5

  41. Natalie Dye, Period 5
    My Three struggles in playing the redistricting game was:
    1. keeping the houses inside the districts
    2. finding a 55 percent majority for each candidate
    3. maintaining correct population margins

  42. 1. Keeping a balance between the exact population limit and making sure my party had the majority the whole time
    2. Making sure that there were no "island" districts cause even though it would simply the process, Congress wouldn't allow it
    3. Carefully examining the map so all the Republicans were in their senators district in order to ensure the completion of the mission.

    Jono Joseph

  43. 1. Keeping my party as the majority for the duration of the mission.
    2. Making sure both party members were happy with the decision.
    3. Trying to balance the population while maintaining the majority.

    Ashel Jaimon
    Period 4

  44. 1. Trying to give everyone the right population (640,000 - 650,000).
    2. In the second mission, fulfilling the compactness laws to pass the law.
    3. Giving each district representatives 55% majority.

    Abin Manuel
    Period 5

  45. 1. Maintaining the right population in each district (640,000-650,000)
    2. Making sure all districts were happy with the decision
    3. Giving each district representatives with the 55% majority of their respected parties

    Jubin Joseph
    Period 5

  46. 1. It was difficult to keep the party majority during the mission
    2. Making both parties happy
    3. Getting court approval

    Shweta Mathews
    Period 4

  47. 1- It was quite difficult to give everyone the right population while keeping their home district.
    2. The second mission was hard due to the compactness laws and making everyone pleased.
    3. Trying to get the democratic approval to 55 percent.

  48. 1. only difficulty was going around the small houses.
    2. Getting the 3 parties to meet population requirements and have at least 55% at the same time.
    3. managing the boundaries between one party and having an effect on the other.
    Steve Raju
    5th period

  49. 1. the difficult part was getting the same population and satisfying all the party members.
    2. getting the same population and giving them more democrats.
    3. getting 55% majority

    Ayana Mathew
    4th period

  50. 1. Satisfying all the representatives
    2. meeting the different requirements the different missions, while not messing up in any area
    3. getting the 3rd democratic district in the 2nd mission
    Mohammad Ejaz
    4th period

  51. 1.Getting all of them equally the same
    2. Getting at least 3 party’s to be democrats
    3. Keeping all representatives happy
    Erin Randle
    Period 5

  52. 1. satisfying the population quota
    2. turning 3 districts into a specific party
    3. keeping the houses in the respective representative's district


  53. 1. Getting them to the right population
    2. Trying to make sure they match up to their parties
    3. Making sure they keep their house

    Sarah Sultan
    period 4

  54. 1. Satisfying each Congressman or woman that held a district
    2. have appropriate population size in each district
    3. Getting the right percentage of Democrats and Republicans in a district

    Tanmay Shah
    Period 4

  55. Sophie Wedgeworth
    Period 5
    1. Getting the population to balance out
    2. Pleasing the courts
    3. Trying to get the right amount of Republicans and Democrats in their respective district

  56. Alwyn Joseph 5th period
    1) Getting Court Approval
    2) Mission #2, where we needed 3 democratic districts
    3) Population balancing

  57. 1. Compactness rules
    2. Meeting the population requirements
    3. Party majority

    Alexis Chan
    Period 5

  58. 1. Keeping both parties happy
    2. making populations even
    3. Waiting on congress to sign the bill with no set backs

    David Lowery
    Period 4

  59. Alan John/Period 5

    1. Maintaining equal population sizes
    2. Adjusting the correct percentage of Democrats/Republicans
    3. Maintaining contiguity

  60. Stephen Kelly
    Period 4

    -Trying to appeal to all the representatives
    -trying to make sure population was as even as can be
    -making sure your party your party comes out on top without it looking rigged

  61. 1. Trying to maintain the population equality.
    2. Making each district contiguous.
    3. Keeping each official's home in their district.

    Isabel Zhou
    Period 4

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