US Constitution

US Constitution
US Constitution

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Federal Bureaucracy

There are four types of organizations in the Federal bureaucracy:
  • Departments are the largest part of the executive branch. There are 15 executive departments, each with a specialized jurisdiction over the management of a different policy area. Each is headed by a Secretary (Justice = Attorney General) who is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Each department is organized somewhat differently, but generally is further subdivided into bureaus or offices. The heads of each executive department are part of the President's cabinet.
  • Independent regulatory commissions have the responsibility for making and enforcing rules to protect the public interest in a particular sector of society. They exercise all three types of power - legislative (rule making), executive (enforcement of rules) and judicial (adjudication of those who violate the rules). They are independent of the departments, but not independent of oversight.
  • Government corporations provide services to the public that could be delivered by the private sector, but usually at rates lower than what the private sector would charge. Government corporations are generally overseen by a commission appointed by Congress. Some of the largest of these government corporations are the U.S. Postal Service, TVA and Amtrak.
  • Independent executive agencies encompass everything else in the executive branch of the government. Administrators of these agencies are appointed by the President and usually serve at his "pleasure." Some examples of these independent agencies would include the General Services Administration which oversees buildings and supplies used by the U.S. government, and NASA, which supports space exploration and travel.
    • Your task is to go to the following website and browse through the tabs. Select one agency not already selected by a classsmate and post the following:
      • Agency name
      • Type of organization
      • Description including responsibilities
      • Number of employees
      • Current Head
      • One current or recent piece of legislation that affects this agency


  1. I chose the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which is a federal executive organization under the Department of Health & Human Services. The FDA is responsible for regulating food, dietary supplements, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices and radiation emitting devices, biologies, and blood products in the United States. The current head (commissioner) of the FDA is Scott Gottlieb and the current number of employees is 14,824. One current piece of legislation that affects the FDA is the FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017 (FDARA) which continues the five-year reauthorization cycle of the human medical product user fee programs.

    -Anne Dang, 4th period

  2. Agency name: National Aeronautics and Space Admin. (NASA)
    Type: Independent Agency
    Description w/ responsibilities: Conducts scientific research and aerospace exploration
    Number of Employees: 18,000+
    Current Head: Robert M. Lightfoot Jr.
    Legislation: NASA Transition Authorization Act of 2017 set a $19.5 billion budget for 2017

    Swati Kundra - 5

  3. Elizabeth Stech
    Period 4

    Agengy: Office of Personnel Management
    Type of Agency: Independent Agency
    Description: Ensures that the civil service remains free of political influence and that federal employees are selected and treated fairly and on the basis of merit
    Number of Employees: 5539
    Current Head: Kathleen McGettigan
    Legislation: Death gratuities should be paid to the families of Federal civilian employees killed in the line of duty, provides the family's with securit; bill proposal to Paul Ryan from Beth Cobert

  4. Agency Name- General Services Administration
    Type- Independent Agency
    Description- Facilitates the work of other federal agencies, providing them with office space and equipment
    Number of Employees- About 11502 employees
    Current head-Denise Turner Roth
    A Legislation that affects the agency is the Federal Acquisition Regulation.

  5. Agency Name: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
    Type of Agency: Government Corporation
    Description: Gathers information and conducts covert operations internationally to promote the national security interests of the United States.
    Number of Employees: 21,575 (estimation)
    Current Head: Mike Pompeo
    Legislation: there was new legislation about the guidelines for releasing information to the public, which is now governed by the director and Attorney General, only after consultation with the Director of National Intelligence.

    Julianna Hastreiter
    period 5

  6. Agency Name: Department of Education
    Type: Department
    Description: Promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access to education
    Number of Employees: 3,912
    Current Head: Betsy DeVos
    Legislation: The Every Student Succeeds Act, passed by President Obama at the end of his second term, reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and replaced the No Child Left Behind Act.

    Rendon Reinarz
    Period 5

  7. Agency: National Railroad Passenger Corporation
    Type: Government Corporations
    Description: It is a railroad service that provides intercity service in the United States and Canada. It receives state and federal subsidies and is managed as a for profit organization. It serves more than 500 destinations, operates more than 300 trains daily, and can even go as fast as 150 mph. It has served 31.3 million passengers and had $2.192 billion in revenue in 2016.
    Number of employees: 20,000
    Current Head: Richard H Anderson
    Legislation: there is currently a request that amtrak is making to the president of the senate and speaker of the house for $1.6 billion.

    Cassie De Leon
    4th period

  8. Agency: Federal Reserve System
    Type: independent regulatory commissions
    Description: FRS conducts the nation's monetary policy, promotes the stability of the financial system, promotes the safety and soundness of individual financial institutions, fosters payment and settlement system safety and efficiency, promotes consumer protection and community development.
    number of employees: 23,000
    current head: Jerome Powell
    legislation: John C. Williams, an economist and long time Federal Reserve official is a top candidate for president of the Federal Reserve System of New York. This position is one of the most influential within the Federal Reserve System.

    Feba Abraham
    Period 4

  9. Agency name: US Postal Service
    Type of organization: Government corporations:
    Description including responsibilities: The United States Postal Service (USPS) is an independent branch of the federal government responsible for providing Postal Service in the United States. They handle the mailing of letters and packages, sorting and delivering mail, and selling postal products like stamps and mailing supplies.
    Number of employees: 508,908
    Current Head: Megan Brennan
    One current or recent piece of legislation that affects this agency: It is one of the few government agencies explicitly authorized by the United States Constitution

    Pamela Gheriafi
    Period 4

  10. Agency name : Social Security Administration (SSA)
    Type: independent agency
    Description:The main function of the SSA is to manage the federal social security program. A social insurance program consisting of retirement, disability, and survivors' benefits.
    # of employees : 60,000
    Current Head: Nancy A. Berryhill
    One current or recent piece of legislation that affects this agency: The Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Legislation and Congressional Affairs (ODCLCA) serves as the focal point for legislative and regulatory activity in the Social Security Administration (SSA).

    Daniel Martin
    Period 5

  11. I picked the Occupational Safety and Health Admin (OSHA). OSHA is an agency of the United States Department of Labor. OSHA sets and authorizes all rules regarding working Americans. OSHA today has about 2,300 representatives. OSHA is led by Acting Assistant Secretary of Labor, Scot Mugno. The Needle-stick Prevention and Safety Act of 2001 that is as of now being used to give OSHA more power in medicine as they work to guarantee the use of secure needle devices.

    Raoof Ali
    Period 5

  12. Agency name: Federal Trade Commission
    Type of organization:Independent regulatory commissions
    Description:The FTC helps with consumer protection and the elimination of monopolies.
    Number of employees:1,131
    Current Head: Joseph Simons
    Current piece of legislation that affects this agency: FTC proposed a Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule that would regulate content children can see online.
    Jenina Bianty

  13. Agency name: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
    Type of organization: Independent Agency
    Description including responsibilities: It enforces federal environmental protection laws and conducts research relating to the health of the environment.
    Number of employees: 15,376
    Current Head: Scott Pruitt
    One current or recent piece of legislation that affects this agency: In October the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reviewed how laws like the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act affect energy industry job losses, one of several measures U.S. agencies have taken to "reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens" on business.
    Josie Henry
    4th period

  14. Agency Name: Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    Type of Organization: Independent Regulatory Commission
    Description including responsibilities: Regulate(s) civilian use of nuclear materials. The NRC regulates commercial nuclear power plants and other uses of nuclear materials, such as in nuclear medicine, through licensing, inspection, and enforcement of its requirements.
    Number of Employees: Approximately 3,815 employees work for the NRC as of 2014.
    Current Head: Kristine Svinicki
    One current or recent piece of legislation that affects this agency: The Atomic Energy Act of 1946 was established to operate the nation's military and civilian atomic energy programs. This new law, eased the government monopoly on information relating to atomic energy and for the first time allowed the use of the technology for commercial purposes.

    Ashel Jaimon
    Period 4

  15. Agency Name: Government Accountability Office
    Type of Organization: Independent Agency
    Description including responsibilities: Investigates government spending of taxpayer dollar to ensure they are being spent wisely and effectively.
    Number of Employees: Around 3,350 employees work for GAO (2010)
    Current head: Gene L. Dodaro
    One current or recent piece of legislation that affects this agency: The establishment of a permanent technology assessment withing the GAO. This establishment augments the GAO's performance.

    Ambareen Virani
    Period 4

  16. Agency: national archives and records administration (NARA)
    Type: independent agency
    Description: stores and records important documentions pertaining to or created by the federal government. They store about 1-3% of all federal-government produced documentation permanently. They are also in charge of maintaining military records and storing the bill of rights and constitution.
    Employees: 3,112 employees
    Head: Lawrence Brewer
    Legislation : the presidential and federal records act amendment of 2014

    Radhika Daru
    Period 5

  17. Agency: Federal Communications Commission
    Type: Independent Agency
    Description: exists to regulate interstate communications on the radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable (a majority of media), responsible for implementing and enforcing America's communication laws and regulations, reviews broadcast material deemed as offensive, vulgar, or otherwise inappropriate for public consumption,
    Employees: 1,688
    Head: Chairperson and Director Ajit Pai
    Current Legislation: The Repeal of Net Neutrality by The FCC has enraged many tech-savvy Americans recently and gone over the heads of many others. The Repeal is part of a motion to deregulate the internet's free-market system and allow it to flourish, however, the common fear is that deregulating broadband suppliers will hurt the consumer (either with lower quality internet access or with higher prices to maintain it).

    Matthew Whaley
    Period 4

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Agency: Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)
    Type: Under Dept. of Justice
    Description: Enforces federal laws against criminal violators of those laws. Operating under the jurisdiction of the US Department of Justice, the FBI is also a member of the U.S. Intelligence Community and reports to/ both the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence. The FBI has jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crimes.
    Employees: 35,104
    Head: Christopher A. Wray
    Legislation: The Terror Intelligence Improvement Act requires each federal department to provide the FBI information about a person who is under a federal terrorism investigation

    Tom Joseph
    Period 4

  20. Agency: Securities and Exchange Commissions (SEC)
    Type of Organization: Independent Regulatory Commission
    Description: Makes sure the stock market, investors, maintain fair, orderly and efficient markets. Punishes securities fraud and requires transparent corporate finances.
    Number of Employees: 4,301
    Current Head: Jay Clayton
    Legislation: Adoption of Updated EDGAR filer manual this is electronic data gathering analysis and retrieval system

    Michael Chan
    4th period

  21. Agency: National Security Agency
    Type of Organization: Under Defense Department
    Description: Monitors communication to gather intelligence and protect national security
    Number Of Employees: Estimated of 30,000-40,000
    Current Head: George C. Barnes
    Legislation: A law extend for six years and with minimal changes the NSA program, which gathers information from foreigners overseas but incidentally collects an unknown amount of communications belonging to Americans.

    Michelle Phan
    5th period

  22. Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
    Type of Organization: Independent executive agencies
    Description: EPA is an agency of the federal government that protects human health and the environment by making and enforcing regulations to help achieve that goal. They usually go off of Congress bills that are passed.
    Number of Employees: 15,376 (as of 2017)
    Current Head: Scott Pruitt
    Legislation: The Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (which updates a Toxic Substance Act from the 70's) requires the EPA to evaluate existing chemicals with clear and enforceable deadlines, there to be new risk-based safety standard, and an increased public transparency for chemical information.

    Lauren Chamberlin
    Period 5

  23. Agency: Department of State
    Type of Organization: Department
    Description: The United States Department of State is known to assist the President in his foreign policy relations. The responsibilities that are part of this are usually representation abroad, foreign assistance, foreign military training programs, countering international crime, and a wide assortment of services to U.S. citizens and foreign nationals seeking entrance to the U.S.
    Number of Employees: 30,000
    Current Head: Current Acting is John J. Sullivan
    Legislation: The DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, legislation that is trying to get through Congress involves foreign policy because it deals with the immigration level of our government and how many people we let in from different countries and whether or not they can become citizens.

    Anna Mayzenberg
    5th period

  24. The agency I chose is the Federal Election Commission. It is an independent regulatory commission, and its purpose is to enforce campaign finance laws in federal elections, such as enforcing limits on contributions and to oversee public funding of Presidential elections. The agency has 339 employees and the chairman is Steven Walther. The McCain-Feingold Act is a piece of legislation that affected the agency because it prohibited campaigns and political parties from soliciting soft money.

    Raina Abraham
    5th period

  25. Natalie Dye, Period 5
    The agency I chose was the Federal Emergency Management Agency and it is a formarly independent agency and is now under thedepartment of homeland security. The purpose of this agency is to respond to emergencies within the United States that overwhelms the resources of local and municipal authorities, disbursement of govvernment funds for rebuilding efforts, and individual citizen relief funds. The agency comprises of about 2,600 employee and lead by William Long. The Stafford Act requires state, tribal, and local governments to develop and adopt FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plans as a condition for receiving certain types of non-emergency disaster assistance. This allows FEMA to regulate and prevent disasters.

  26. Agency:Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
    Type of Organization: government corporation
    Description: Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), U.S. government agency established in 1933 to control floods, improve navigation, improve the living standards of farmers, and produce electrical power along the Tennessee River and its tributaries.Its responsibilities are to look out for energy, communication and economic needs for the Tennessee Valley.
    Number of Employees: At its peak in 1981 when TVA was building nuclear units across its seven-state region, TVA had 51,709 employees.TVA asked 3,500 employees to quit or retire in cost-cutting move
    Current Head:William D. Johnson
    Legislation:The Tennessee Valley Authority Act heavily affects the TVA.An Act to improve the navigability and to provide for the flood control of the Tennessee River; to provide for reforestation and the proper use of marginal lands in the Tennessee Valley; to provide for the agricultural and industrial development of said valley.

    Jyotis Joy
    5th Period

  27. Agency: Department of Homeland Security
    Description: Homeland Security
    Type: It is a department
    Description: Created in 2002 (influenced by 9/11) homeland security main tasks is supervising agencies such as the FBI and CIA and also to protect the United States from anything that could possibly threaten national security and safety. It's main priority is to protect civilians not only from international threats but also domestic.
    Number of employees: As of 2017 Homeland Security currently employs 229,000 people
    Current Leader/Head: Appointed by trump the current secretary is Kirstjen Nielsen.
    Legislation: Border jobs for veterans act passed in 2015, this affected homeland security due to the fact that DHS oversees border security, due to this new legislation DHS had to hire more veterans to oversee the border.

  28. Agency Name- Farm credit Administration
    Type- Independent Agency
    Description- The Farm Credit Administration (FCA) is an independent Federal agency that regulates and examines the banks, associations, and related entities of the Farm Credit System (FCS), including the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (Farmer Mac). providing them with office space and equipment
    Number of Employees- About 11000 employees
    Current head-Dallas Tonsager
    A Legislation that affects the agency is the Farm Credit Act


  29. Agency Name: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
    Type of Organization: Independent Agency
    Description including responsibilities: The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is an independent agency of the United States government charged with preserving and documenting government and historical records and with increasing public access to those documents, which comprise the National Archives.
    Number of Employees: The company has about 3,112 employees
    Current Head: David Ferriero
    One current or recent piece of legislation that affects this agency: A law affecting NARA is the Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014, which states that accept for deposit with the National Archives of the United States the records of a Federal agency, the Congress, the Architect of the Capitol, or the Supreme Court determined by the Archivist of the United States to have sufficient historical or other value to warrant their continued preservation by the United States Government.

    Abin Manuel
    5th Period

  30. Naomi Samuel
    Period 5

    Agency: Small Business Association
    Type of Organization: Independent Agency
    Description: It was created through the Small Business Act of 1958 to help small businesses start and grow once they have began. They have done it through millions of loans, loan guarantees, contracts, counseling sessions and other forms of assistance to small businesses.
    Number of Employees: As of 2015 there are 3,293 employees.
    Current Leader/Head: Linda McMahon
    Legislation: The Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA) was signed by President Clinton on March 29, 1996. The law provides new avenues for small businesses to participate in and have access to the federal regulatory arena. The SBREFA gives small businesses:more influence over the development of regulations; additional compliance assistance for Federal rules; and new mechanisms for addressing enforcement actions by agencies.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Agency: Federal Labor Relations Authority
    Type of Agency: Independent executive agency
    Description: The Federal Labor Relations Authority is an independent agency of the United States government that governs labor relations between the federal government and its employees
    Number of Employees: As of 2016, there are 3100 employees for the FLRA
    Current Head: President Donald Trump nominated Colleen Kiko as head of FLRA
    One current or recent piece of legislation that affects this agency: The Federal Labor Relations Act is a federal law which establishes collective bargaining rights for most employees of the federal government in the United States. It allows employees today to work under special privileges and services to the workforce.

    Jun Hin Loi
    Period 4

  33. Agency: Consumer Product Safety Commission
    CPSC is a government corporation with the responsibility of investigating product use accidents to determine whether or not products sold in the us are safe, properly follows their established restrictions and determine if the manufacturer is at fault of any injuries or damage caused with products. The corporation has roughly 500 employees. Their current chairman is Ann Marie Buerkle. A recent piece of legislation they have is the Refrigerator Safety Act (RSA).
    Mitchell Arwine period 4

  34. Agency: National Mediation Board
    Type of Agency: Independent Agency
    Description: An independent agency of the US government that coordinates labor-management relations
    national mediation board coordinates labor-management relations within the U.S. railroads and airlines industries.
    Number of Employees: There are 49 employees as of 2013
    Current Head: Harry R. Hoglander is the chairman.
    Legislation: Works under the Railway Labor Act, as an airline or railroad union contract does not expire. Rather it tends to remain in force until a new contract is ratified by the union members or a strike by employees or a lockout by management. Before this can happen, the NMB-appointed mediator must declare an impasse in negotiations, which starts a 30-day cooling off period, during which negotiations continue. After this, either side is free to exercise self-help, unless the President authorizes a Presidential Emergency Board.

    Jono Joseph

  35. Agency name:Federal Mine Safe and Health Review Commission
    Type of organization:Government Organization
    Description: The Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission is an independent commission that provides administrative trials and reviews of legal disputes that are under the Federal Mine and Safety and Health Act of 1977(Mine Act).
    Number of Employees:About 50 as of 2017.
    Current Head: William I. Althen is the current chairman.
    Legislation: One piece of legislation that affects this agency is the a Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977.

    Erin Randle
    Period 5

  36. Agency Name: Merit Systems Protection Board
    Type of Agency: Independent Agency
    Description: Perform new merit system studies and review actions of OPM. To protect the merit system and promote effective federal workforce.
    Number of Employees: 1,512 (estimation)
    Current Head: Mark A Robbins
    Legislation: Civil service reform act replaced the Civil Service Commission with two new independent agencies: Office of Personnel Management (OPM),Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA).The CSRA added the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) which investigates prohibited personnel practices, and prosecutes violators of civil service rules and regulations, and enforces the Hatch Act.

    Ayana Mathew
    period 4

  37. Agency Name: Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
    Type of Organization: Government Corporation
    Description: Looks out for the energy, communication, and economic needs of the Tennessee Valley area. It is also the nation’s largest public power company.
    Number of Employees: 13,000
    Current Head: William D. Johnson
    Legislation: CERCLA which stands for Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act. In 2008, an ash dike ruptured at the TVA’s Kingston Fossil Plant, covering up to 300 acres of surrounding land, making it the largest fly ash release in U.S History.

    Shweta Mathews
    4th Period


  38. Agency name: Inter-American Foundation
    Type of organization: Independent Agency
    Description including responsibilities:The Inter-American Foundation provides grant support to Latin American and Caribbean grass-roots groups and non-governmental organizations with creative self-help ideas.
    Number of employees:43 (FY 2013 Estimate)
    Current Head:Kaplan, Robert President-CEO
    One current or recent piece of legislation that affects this agency:DACA plays a role in immigrant affairs to latin americans

    Epstein Jacob
    Period 4

  39. Luke Matthews - Period 5

    Agency Name: Department of Housing and Urban Development.
    Type of Organization: Federal Agency
    Description/Responibilities: takes care of US housing development, makes sure housing deals are fair, and gives grants to help lower income neighborhoods
    Number of Employees: 8,416
    Current Head: Julian Castro
    Legislation: Regulation (49 CFR part 24)
    Housing and property may be seized in order to build highways and roads for economical reasons

  40. Agency name - Postal Rate/Regulatory Commission

    Type of organization - Independent Regulatory Agency

    Description including responsibilities - To set the rates for different classes of mail by holding hearings on rates proposed by the USPS

    Number of employees - 70

    Current Head - Robert G. Taub

    One current or recent piece of legislation that affects this agency - Postal Regulatory Commission Congressional Budget Justification(Performance Budget Plan)

    Kale Wicks
    Period 4

  41. Agency Name: National Credit Union Administration
    Type of Organization: Federal Agency
    Description/Responsibilities: The National Credit Union Administration is the independent federal agency created by the United States Congress to regulate, charter, and supervise federal credit unions.
    Number of Employees: 1,224
    Current Head: J. Mark McWatters
    Legislation: During the year, NCUA finalized or proposed 15 modernized regulations to reduce compliance burdens or authorize new powers. Touching key stakeholder concerns, these initiatives removed outdated procedures and non-statutory requirements. They also gave credit unions greater flexibility to make decisions and serve their members’ needs.

    Cameron Walker
    Period 4

  42. Agency: Trade and Development Agency
    Type of Organization: Independent Executive Agency
    Description/Responsibilities: The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) is an independent agency of the United States government, established in 1961 to advance economic development and U.S. commercial interests in developing and middle income countries.
    Number of Employees: 80
    Current Employees: Thomas R. Hardy
    Legislation: On May 15, 2002, Congress enacted the "Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002, " which is now known as the No FEAR Act. One purpose of the Act is to "require that Federal agencies be accountable for violations of anti-discrimination and whistleblower protection laws."

    Janice Wilson
    Period 5

  43. Agency Name: Office of personnel management
    Type of organization: Independent agency
    Description/Responsibilities: Federal human resources agency, ensures that evil service remains free of political influence and that federal employees are selected and treated fairly
    Number of employees:581 employees
    current head: Jeff Pon
    Legislation: The OPM is also responsible for a large part of the management of security clearances (National Background Investigations Bureau a/k/a NBIB conducts these investigations) for the United States Government. With the exception of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which maintains its own system, separate programs for each executive department have gradually been merged into a single, Government-wide clearance system. The OPM is responsible for investigating individuals to give them Secret and Top Secret clearances. SCI compartments, however, are still managed by the particular agency that uses that compartment.
    Drew Donovan
    Period 5

  44. Agency Name: Peace Corps
    Type of Organization: Independent executive agency
    Description/Responsibilities: The stated mission of the Peace Corps includes providing technical assistance, helping people outside the United States to understand American culture, and helping Americans to understand the cultures of other countries.
    Number of Employees: 7000
    Current Head: Josephine K. Olsen
    Current Legislation: H.R.2259 - Sam Farr Peace Corps Enhancement Act (increases pay and benefits)

    Alan Cummins
    4th Period

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. The agency I chose was the Federal Labor Relations Authority. The FLRA is a independent agency that manages relations between federal agencies and employees. There is no specific information about how many current employees there are in the organization. Patrick Pizzella is the current head of the organization, and was elected by Donald Trump. Title 5 of the code of federal regulations is a piece of legislation that affects this because it is about the relations about employees in all agencies.

    Joel Thomas
    Period 5

  47. Agency Name: Federal Maritime Commission
    Type: Independent federal agency
    Description: The Federal Maritime Commission is responsible for regulating oversea transportation
    Number of Employees: 121
    Current Head: Michael Khouri
    Current Legislation: May 5, 2017, updates to act regarding carriage under service contracts

    Bryan Ta
    4th Period

  48. Agency: Veterans Affairs
    Type of Organization: Departments
    Description including responsibilities: Provides the healthcare benefits and memorial service needs of veterans.
    Number of employees: 377,805
    Current Head: David Shulkin
    One current piece of legislation: A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide for an operation on a live donor for purposes of conducting a transplant procedure for a veteran, and for other purposes.

    Sophie Wedgeworth
    Period 5


  49. Agency name: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
    Type of Organization: Independent Regulatory Comissions
    Description: CIA's primary mission is to collect, analyze, evaluate, and disseminate foreign intelligence to assist the President and senior US government policymakers in making decisions relating to national security.
    Number of Employees: 21,575 employees
    Current Head: Mike Pompeo was sworn in as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency on January 23, 2017.
    Legislation: President Harry S. Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947 on July 26, 1947. This landmark legislation reorganized and modernized the US armed forces, foreign policy, and the Intelligence Community apparatus. It directed a major reorganization of the foreign policy and military establishments of the US government. And it created many of the institutions that US presidents would find useful when formulating and implementing foreign policy.

    Lauryn Weller
    period 4

  50. Agency Name: The National Archives and Records Administration
    Type of Organization: Independent Organization
    Decription: This organization stores documents and records that are produced by or relevant to the national government.
    Number of Employees: 3,112
    Current Head: Jeff James (Since 2014)
    Legislation: 1714. Publications for use of National Archives and Records Administration
    The Public Printer shall print and deliver to the National Archives and Records Administration for use by the Archivist of the United States, including use by the Presidential Library established for the President during whose term the documents were issued, which shall be chargeable to Congress three copies each of the following publications: House documents and public reports, bound; Senate documents and public reports, bound; Senate and House journals, bound;
    United States Code and Supplements, bound; United States Statutes at Large, bound; the United States Reports, bound; all other documents bearing a congressional number, or printed upon order of a committee in either House of Congress, or of a department, independent agency or establishment, commission, or officer of the Government, except confidential matter, blank forms, and circular letters not of a public character; and public bills and resolutions in Congress in each parliamentary stage. The Superintendent of Documents shall furnish, without cost, copies of publications available for free distribution.

    Dominic Kochen
    Period 5

  51. 5th period
    The agency I chose was the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). NASA is an independent agency. NASA's main responsibilities are to conduct scientific research and space exploration. NASA has 17,381 employees currently. The current head of NASA is Jim Bridenstine who was recently appointed by President Trump in September of this year. The NASA Transition Authorization Act of 2017 was signed off by President Trump in March and ensures that NASA remains at the forefront of space exploration and discovery.

  52. Agency Name: Department of Health and Human Services
    Type of Organization: Executive Department
    Description/ Responsibilities: Conducts health research, manages efforts to prevent disease, manages medicare and medicaid, and pursues efforts to remedy social ills such as drug abuse and child abuse.
    Number of Employees: 79,540 in 2015
    Current Head: HHS Secretary. Alex M. Azar II
    Legislation: The Affordable Care Act was signed into law in 2010 by President Barack Obama, putting in place comprehensive U.S. health insurance reforms.

    Tanmay Shah
    Period 4

  53. Agency name: Department of justice
    Type of organization: Independent regulatory commission
    Description: Enforce the law and defend the interest of the United States according to the law
    Number of Employees: 21,540 in 2014
    Current head: Jeff Sessions
    Legislation: Administrators several federal law agencies including the FBI and the DEA (investigate financial fraud)

    Sarah Sultan

  54. Agency name: Export-Import Bank of the United States
    Type of organization: Independent Regulatory commission
    Description: This is the official export credit agency (ECA) of the United States federal government. Operating as a wholly owned federal government corporation, the Bank "assists in financing and facilitating U.S. exports of goods and services". Under its charter, the Bank does not compete with private sector lenders, but rather provides financing for transactions that would otherwise not occur because commercial lenders are either unable or unwilling to accept the political or commercial risks inherent in the deal.
    Number of employees: 402
    Current head: Charles J. Hall
    Legislation: President Donald Trump, who had been dismissive of the ExIm, made an about-face in April and nominated a new head of ExIm breaking a deadlock that had prevented the Bank from operating since 2014. Trump was one of ExIm's harshest critics. Conservatives call it the 'Bank of Boeing' and an 'epicenter of crony capitalism'. Its supporters such as Boeing and General Electric Co, claim that it facilitates trade worth billions of dollars.
    zoheb khawaja 5th

  55. Agency: U.S. Agency for International Development
    Type of Organization: Independent Executive Agency
    Description: USAID leads international development and humanitarian efforts to save lives, reduce poverty, strengthen democratic governance and help people progress beyond assistance.
    Number of Employees: 3,893 career U.S. employees
    Current Head: Mark Andrew Green, Administrator
    Legislation: In 2003, Congress passed a law providing U.S. government funds to private groups to help fight AIDS and other diseases all over the world through USAID grants. However, one of the conditions imposed by the law on grant recipients was a requirement to have "a policy explicitly opposing prostitution and sex trafficking"

    Kriti Bansal
    5th Period

  56. Nuclear Regulatory commission

    Independent Executive Agency

    The agency helps regulates radioactive material in a safe way for beneficial use for civilians without harming the environment.

    3815 career employees

    Allison MacFarlane

    National Environment Policy Act
    Calls for bettee regulation and tighter restrictions on hazardous waste being put into the environment.

  57. Agency Name- National Mediation Board
    Type of Organization- Independent Agency
    Description including responsibilities- They facilitate labor-management relations within railroads and airlines of the Nation’s key transportation sectors.
    Number of Employees: 43 employees as of 2016
    Current Head: The NMB’s current head is Harry Hoglander
    Legislation: The Federal Railroad Administration passed the Railway Labor Act of 1926. Through this, there became nationwide standardization of wages and hours of work, and a uniform classification of work throughout the country.
    Alexis Chan
    Period 5

  58. The agency I chose was The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) it is a civilian foreign intelligence service of the United States federal government, tasked with gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information from around the world, primarily through the use of human intelligence (HUMINT) The CIA has 21,575 people currently working. Mike Pompeo is the head of the CIA. H.R.47 is a recent legislation that provides a civil penalty of up to $10,000 against a member of the intelligence community who, as part of a communication to a U.S. Senator or Representative that involves classified material.

    Sainath Krishnamurthy
    Period 4

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Agency: Department of Treasury
    Type: Department
    Description: Duty is to manage government revenue with its responsibilities including producing currency and coinage, collecting taxes and paying bills of the US government, managing the federal finances, supervising banks and thrifts, and advising on fiscal policy.
    Employee Number: 86,049 (2014)
    Current Head: Steven Mnuchin
    Current Legislation: 2017 Tax Reform

    Robert Slaybaugh
    4th Period

  61. Agency: General Services Administration
    Type: Independent agency
    Description: Facilitates the work of other federal agencies, providing them with office space and equipment.
    Employee Number: 11,502 members
    Current Head: Emily W. Murphy
    Current Legislation: Unfunded Mandates reform
    Mohammad Ejaz

  62. Agency-railroad retirement board
    type- independent agency
    description - benefits for retired railroad workers and their families.
    Employee number- 25,000 as of 2016
    current head- Thomas G. Kotarac
    current legislation Railroad Retirement Act
    bill bradley
    period 4

  63. Stephen Kelly
    Period 4
    Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)
    -An Independent Agency

    -Description: the CSCE's job is to monitor European compliance with the Helsinki Final Act, which, at the time it was enacted in 1976, served to dilute Cold War tensions, establishing civil and border rights.

    -Employee Numbers:8 Senators, 9 representatives, And 14 members on the commission staff

    -Current Head: Chris Smith and Roger Wicker

    -Current Legislation: Russian Doping in the Olympics Feb 2018

  64. National Science Board
    Independent Executive Body
    The National Science Board (Board, NSB) of the United States establishes the policies of the National Science Foundation (NSF) within the framework of applicable national policies set forth by the President and the Congress.
    The President appoints the 24 Board members. NSF's director serves as an ex officio 25th member and is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.
    Maria T. Zuber, Chair
    House Committee on Higher Education
    Charge: Research funding

    Isabel Zhou
    Period 4

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.
